
Vehicles Used in Sports Coverage

A guide to the safe use and provision of vehicles used in sports coverage, including quad bikes and golf buggies.

Updated: 27 August 2024

This includes filming from vehicles (e.g. from motor bikes; use of mini-cams on/in vehicles) and the use of golf buggies or similar as a mode of transport around the event.

What Can Go Wrong?

  • Driver/rider error or distraction leading to crash/accident
  • Vehicle collision with sports competitor, event staff or spectators
  • Broadcast or filming equipment falling from vehicle causing danger to other road users
  • Mechanical failure of vehicle e.g. due to poor maintenance
  • Out of control vehicle e.g. due to operator error
  • Vehicle unlicensed for use in question or incorrect permissions obtained.

Legal/大象传媒 Requirements

  • Local/event licensing requirements/permissions for vehicle and/or operator
  • Local bylaws for equipment protruding from vehicles
  • Buggies MUST never be operated on a public road unless specifically licensed to do so (NOTE: buggies are not normally licensed for road use)
  • Road traffic legislation.

Control Measures

General Controls

  • Select a competent contractor for vehicle filming.
  • Obtain a risk assessment from the contractor and check that it covers expected hazards.
  • Ensure driver/rider is experienced and competent for the specific activity, vehicle and intended conditions.
  • Obtain necessary permissions from authorities/governing bodies and ensure any equipment protruding from the vehicle complies with local road bylaws.
  • During production planning consider road type, traffic conditions, speed, weather, route, spectators, other road users (eg rubber necking).
  • Driver/rider should not look at camera or camera monitor other than occasional glances equivalent to checking mirror or other instrument.
  • Broadcast equipment should be firmly secured in place (by a competent person), whether external or internal to the vehicle, using secure fixings and anchors. Attach a lanyard to hand held cameras to restrict its travel.
  • Ensure camera does not obstruct air bag and is not located where it could injure driver or passenger in the event of an accident.
  • Wear personal protective equipment as advised by risk assessment and/or legal requirement, eg helmets, seat restraints. Seatbelts should normally be worn if present.
  • If attaching a go-pro to a helmet, do not mount at the front of the helmet looking back towards the wearer, due to the risk of facial injury on frontal impact.  

Golf Buggies or Similar Vehicles

  • Provide and maintain a register of authorised drivers to operate golf or similar buggies.
  • Only authorise buggy operators who are 23 or over; hold a valid DVLA or equivalent and are experienced (or have been instructed by a nominated person on site) on how to safely operate the buggy for the terrain concerned, including how to avoid overturns.
  • Inform buggy operators of site rules for speed, safe routes, refuelling, buggy capacity etc. Authorised operators should sign to confirm receipt and understanding.
  • Prevent unauthorised use of buggies, eg require keys to be removed and returned to authorised holder.
  • All buggy passengers should be seated with arms and legs within the cart.

Division Specific Issues

  • No division specific issues.

FAQs/Did You Know?

  • Golf buggies are usually silent, so pedestrians are often unaware of their presence.
  • There is a history of serious accidents associated with golf type buggies, which is why the 大象传媒 insists on making sure they are only used by authorised operators who are properly instructed/experienced in their use.

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This site describes what the 大象传媒 does in relation to managing its health, safety and security risks and is intended for those who work directly for the 大象传媒.

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