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16 October 2014

Island Wanderer

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Short Holiday

I suppose it would only be right that I should let all whom it may concern in Island blogging know that I'll be having a week, at least, off. On Saturday, I'll be leaving Tiree to commence the journey to the south of England to be with friends. My blogs on wind farms will therefore stop. Infact, I might give this suject a rest for a spell, at least,on returning. I am sure there are many other topics to interest the blogging fraternity.
On my travels, I look forward to seeing wind farms, and to have the opportunity, without doubt to decide on their impact on the countryside; as imigining this aspect is bound to be frought with error compared with reality.
Till we meet again, good luck to all you bloggers.
Posted on Island Wanderer at 06:41


Island Wanderer.
I wish you a happy holiday in the South of England and sorry you are cutting this debate.
Unfortunately, unless you are going to Cornwall, you will see no windfarms. Can you imagine a windfarm of the South Downs and the uproar that would create? Probably not... but I can.
But sadly, Island Wanderer, you are not playing cricket, again. You have twice initialised debate over windfarms and now for the second time it appears you are cutting the debate off without comment on so many of the counter claims made.
Your first ‘ending’ was in your blogg entitled ‘Acknowledgements’ where you left so many unknowns. But only a few days later you started again and on exactly the same vein and now you intend to repeat your ending.
Do you still believe windfarms will bring jobs to our needing communities?
Do you still believe nuclear scientists to be inept?
Do you still believe the UK is reducing total tonnage of gaseous pollutants?
Do you still believe AnTalla’s windmill will supply all their electrical power?
Do you still believe windmills give free and efficient energy when considering the electricity supply system as a whole?
And how will you feel when 20 or so 30m high towers are planted outside your front door droning endlessly in the breeze, disturbing YOUR piece and quiet?
PS. The south of England does have the internet but I agree there are so many better things to do…
PPS. I suggest you travel to S of England via mid Wales where you can view the rape of the countryside by windfarms, talk first hand to the thousands of invisible employees and chat to those who live next door. The debate has been rampant there for 20 years.

Tony from Uig

Whoa there Tony,
As far as I can tell there's no law saying that bloggers have to respond to your comments (is there moderators!?)

Then you say: "And how will you feel when 20 or so 30m high towers are planted outside your front door droning endlessly in the breeze, disturbing YOUR piece and quiet?"

Have plans for a Tiree wind-farm been announced?

Sam from Aberdeen

Hi Sam,
Of course there's no law, that’s why I mentioned cricket and said it's 'sad' and 'I am sorry' that Island Wanderer has chosen to stop his debate.
Island wanderer made several claims and when queried about them has chosen to ‘not reply’. Of course that's his prerogative, I just don’t think it’s cricket.

As for a Tiree windfarm? Do you think the present dash for wind will stop on Mull?

Tony from Uig

Have a nice break Island Wanderer:)

Seven from mull

Sorry if I seem unmannerly - I'm busy.It ain't fun being a bachelor when the pressure is on with getting ready etc.In the event of still being alive,I'll be in touch with you and whoever.
Parting shot Tony,Wind Farms are with us for keeps so we had better start getting used to them.
Are you any good at lying in front of lorries and trucks - one form of protest!
Keep in form till we meet again,

Tony from From Uig

Island Wanderer - you did it again. You keep signing yourself off as Tony from Uig - When you sign the "name", "location" why not put your name?

not Island Wanderer from not from Tiree

Well Tony,
Maybe I've got it right this time - name and location.It's a hard game when one was educated in the 50's - difficult times!!!
Your last blog,before I went on holiday, quite a screed !
Hardly saw a wind farm in cornwall...I have made mention in my latest blog.
I have at no time tried to opt out of the debate as my blogs have made clear.I have a little consideration for other bloggers who could'nt care less as regards wind turbines etc.Anyway I just didn't have the hang of comments and still wonder if I have.
I still do belive jobs are to be had through renewable energy (wind farms ). To what extent I'm not sure.
I never believed nuclear scientists to be (inept) But taking human nature into consideration, some may
be. Could be dangerous?
As far as pollutants are concerned, this country and world have a long way to go yet. let all take heed.
As regards An Talla's windmill I have no knowledge as regards its potential;just took it forgranted.
Yes I still believe wind turbines give effective and efficient energy, I'd hope. Free,no, but maybe cheaper, I'd hope also; at least in some situations. I can hardly imagine "20 or so 30m high towers out side my door " possible. What has happened to the wide open spaces?
You talk about the rape of the country side in Wales. Why was Wales chosen for this specil kind of treatment. I believe the Welsh used to be good at protesting.
Tony from Uig,I trust this comment gets to you or I shall have to give up.

island wanderer from from Tiree

Island Wanderer,
Welcome home and I'm glad you enjoyed your trip away. I've received all your comments OK and I've no idea who, or over what, the complaints about your signing in came. I think all of us taking part in your debate understood.
Thanks for your replies.
I did wave to you as Clansman sailed out of Coll as you left for the mainland the other Saturday, so I can, contrary to common belief, be positive.

best regards tony

Tony from Uig

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