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16 October 2014

Island Wanderer

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But, To Return To Sccotland.

We often dream of riches but it is few who go beyond what is considered average persons salary.

If you asked me, "who is the present richest person in the world," I wouldn't be abe able to give an answer. I know, though, that quite a number exist. The excessively rich have left their mark on the world down through the ages.

I belive that it was in school that I came to get to know about the scotsman who made an enormous fortune over a hundred years ago or less, to the extent that his name is still synonymous with wealth. This remarkable son of a little manufacturing town called Dunfermiline was the extraordinary Andrew Carneige. A man of immense foresight.

Scotland was not the ideal place in 1848 for anyone who had any ambitions to succeed. The Carneige family left home for America an idustrial developing country with a future. The young lad progressed in this domain of financial promise.Of course, he laboured with a will and made his endevours exceedingly profitiable.

Carneigie posessed the very quality that placed him above his contempoaries. In a short period of time he amassed riches beyond the dreams of countless entrepreneurs. This gentleman had another side to this remarkable charachter, he had a belief that to amass riches, for purely this reason, was improper, compared to providing relief and requirements, as a deprived world population required them. To name some beneficries of numerous gifts and grants euducation was to the forefront, and public libaries all over the world were a special subject for contribution, revered even till this day.

Skibo castle is at the very north of Scotland, a stupendously entralling structure ideal for a multi millionaire to reside untroubled by the worlds affairs,while providing the special friendship this man had for all who admired him. Yes, Andrew Carneige will always be cosidered a friend to a large section of huminaty.

Posted on Island Wanderer at 02:48


It all depends on what you mean as rich. Financially there are many who are rich, and spoilt at the same time, avarice coming in many guises. I am rich, in being in the enviable position of living on a beautiful island surrounded by raw nature, the islands contain a huge wealth in history as well as wildlife, and flora. And when it comes to famous scots making millions in foreign parts, well who on Tiree can afford not recognise their very own?

Ac from Coll

The way many rich philanthropists make their squillions usually involves screwing the lives of the workers...THEN they use their ill-gotten gains to buy brownie-points on the stairway to heaven.

Flying Cat from not easily Led

Flying Cat from not easily Led- I know one of them!

Ac from Collandnotfooledeither

I agree FC, Carnegie employed bully boy tactics to break strikes. The Pinkerton Detective Agency grew fat on his payroll working against the unions. He was the epitome of the small man syndrome, not a man I would imagine I would have liked.

Hyper-Borean from The picket line

Hyper-Borean from The picket line-not a man you would have liked? he left a legacy, it lives on Coll.

Ac from Coll

Is it a human legacy?

Flying Cat from neverquitegetting AC

Andrew Carnegie is not a favorite of mine or of many (justifiably so). Thanks heavens I am not either easily led or full of lead. Pinkerton, Blackwater ...

mjc from NM, USA

He left a legacy alright: a few libraries and public halls and a generation of blighted famiies of exploited workers. I know where I stand. Somewhere near mjc i suppose.

Hyper-Borean from Still picketing

the richest person in the world ,in my eyes,is someone who feels happy and content with what he has,be it a little or a lot(if you know what i mean--i do!)

carol from feeling tired and very philosophical

Flying Cat from neverquitegetting AC- as far as I know, yes.

Ac from Coll

Oh. Thanks AC. I think. Yayyy...way to go Carol...ohmigosh I'm being americanised, is there a cure?

Flying Cat from none the wiser

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