Rubbish and Junk Everywhere!!!!
Posted: Thursday, 05 April 2007 |

SNH are celebrating 50 years of owning and caring for the natural heritage of Rum by attempting to create the largest pile of rubbish and junk in the Hebrides. As you can see from the photos taken up behind the grand walled garden of the 'famous' Kinloch Castle they are doing really quite well. They are also doing quite well at filling most of the available shed space with large amounts of junk.
Spring is definately in the air on Rum, the birds are singing and the sun is shining. Tourist numbers are building up with many day trippers venturing across to the island to view the amazing piles of rubbish and get a grand tour of the Edwardian eddifice of Kinloch Castle. Or perhaps the publicity generated by the amazing exploits of the AutumnWatch stars the Rum Red Deer are attracting trippers to the island and the west coast in general.
Hopefully you have all bought your tickets for the Sound of Rum music festival starting on 11 May for the weekend. Tickets have all but sold out so hurry if you still want to make it.
More from the Isle of Rubbish (sorry Rum) at a later date.
Posted on Rumblog at 13:31
Bless 'em for trying with the rubbish and junk but they've completely missed out the traditional abandoned rusty vehicles, so might have just missed out on a grant from the Highland Year of Culture.
Annie B from Lewis
There's a nice big rusty old bull dozer abandoned and used as a wood store.
Rumblog from Rum
Rubbish!? In Edinburgh shops sell that stuff and call it architectural salvage!
chris mcgregor from Edinburgh
That's not rubbish; it's potentially useful junk! At least it's not out of site out of mind in a landfill site.
Su Coyne from Arisaig
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