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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Lucky...or Not?

Me other half was oot in the byre this morning. There are all kinds o` nesting wild birds in there, blackbirds and sparrows and starlings and pigeons...
and some o` them hae young in the nests and are awfy wary.
So when himself walked by one o` the nests in a hole in the byre wall, the mam flew oot and pooped right on his head!
He wasnae too pleased and is just oot the shower.....(me, I thought it was hilarious though)
Noo, when I was wee (or, at five foot nothing mebbe I should just say, younger) me ain mam used tae tell me if a bird pooped on ye that meant ye would hae guid luck that day.
I did tell this tae himself but it didnae cheer him up ony, as having the shower has made him a peedie bit late for work.
I also mind other bird related things...omens and sayings...
There`s the well known magpie one..."one for sorrow, two for joy"...
Owls screeching whilst perched nearby meant someone in the nearest hoose would die soon.
Crows and all birds o` the corvus family are messengers o` bad tidings (in Norse mythology ravens are the god Odins birds, representing memory and thought, Huginn and Muninn)
Gulls carry the souls o` drowned sailors in their throats...
Curlews will lure lone travellers tae their deaths ower hillsides in fog...

I seem tae mind there is a whole heap o` bird lore but am forgetting half o` it, nae doubt I will remember it later and can add tae the list. Be glad tae hear onybody elses bird related lore. Let`s face it, in Orkney, we`ve nae shortage o` the creatures!

Talking o` which, just a wee while ago this morning, I watched a jackdaw steal something (couldnae see what it was) from a tern, and watched both birds get intae an ariel fight that would hae graced a film like Battle of Britain or the like, sae furious they were gaun at it.
I also gave a crow the fright o` his life when I went oot tae get the cats in...those cats hae me weel trained, see, they go oot tae mark territory and chase birds and dae their business, then come and sit at the window and STARE at me til I gaun oot and lift them up and carry them in...*blushes with shame*...
onyway, there I was, walking roond the corner tae get the cats, and nearly tripped ower a big crow wi` a garden snail in his beak. He didnae drop it mind you, so couldnae hae been that feared...though, I wouldnae hae thought a bird could "Caw" and keep a snail in place at the same time....
I nearly got a face fu` o scruffy black feathers....
Posted on Hermit Life at 08:12


Here in the city we can't do the magpie 'one for sorrow ...' thing as there are so many you'd be going 'a hundred for ?' My cat brought a dead magpie home once and everyone thought that something dreadful would happen to us - I'm still here though.

alix from in the city

I heard that one about the bird droppings. If I see any owls screeching I'll get the gun oot and shoot the b*gger, I'll go when I'm good and ready to go, and I don't want any bird ( the feathered kind ) thinking it's time for me to " kick it " ( no matter how wise they are) . Getoffthe chases the birds aff her patch, because she'll have a load o' bones buried somewhere. You can always tell when she's either buried, or dug up a bone, her nose is covered in earth. There's something about a cuckoo, I can't remember what it is, but I'm sure that there is a saying about a cuckoo ( the real type and not the clocks that come from the land of Switzer, or Taiwan, if you've only got one shoe lace tied, does that make you a Taiwan person ) Sorry getting carried away again, cheers HL.

Tws & Getoffthe ( Got ) from A bit breezy Lewis

I enjoy reading your posts and sometimes have to read it more than once to fully understand everything

Carol from Stornoway

"If I see any owls screeching I'll get the gun oot and shoot the b*gger, I'll go when I'm good and ready to go, and I don't want any bird ( the feathered kind ) thinking it's time for me to " kick it " ( no matter how wise they are) ." That's the spirit, TWS. Between your gun and my missile launcher, we'll make mince meat of any owl that dares screech. Come to think of it, Navajos don't like them (alive or their representations) either. # I dunno whether having only one shoe lace makes you a Taiwanese: I am fairly sure though that you would be excommunicated if you were to show up at table with only one chopstick (rather than the usual two). Unless of course the assembly would rather see you starve. # Hope you all had a good weekend.

mjc from NM,USA

yesterday i got the fright of my life--a magpie dropped a baby grass snake out its mouth(it was in flight i may add)just in front of me!! ever seen me screaming,jumping in the air,and talking on my mobile to nz?? was not a nice sight nor a nice sound to hear

carol from basking in the sun

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