Carpe Diem!
Posted: Thursday, 23 August 2007 |
Wasn`t yesterday fantastic! Sun, heat, mair yours truly got her work finished in record time, then Mrs Sanday Housewife and her hubby came up to visit....Mr Sanday Housewife was sorting me laptop, it is `ill` and will hae tae go back tae be repaired, meself and Mrs Sanday Housewife forewent the beach and put the target oot in the garden and spent the entire afternoon at archery, woohoo!
There are some pics attached, nane o` Mrs SH who is shy (though she has nae need tae be for I`m sure we`re a` friendly enough wee community on here!) but one o` me and my himself, and one o` the target just tae prove I CAN hit it on occasion (we were naewhar near the car, that`d be why though)
and one o` a peedie hedgehog which we found in the field, a` curled up in a ball, so himself lifted it and put it safely in aside oor auld drying green whar it could get oot and gaun wharever it wanted tae withoot getting in the way o` the shooting. (Besides, there wasnae enough on it tae mak a decent meal......*winks* )
So by the time we finished shooting for the day, we traipsed back indoors tae get drinks and cool doon....and noo yours truly is beetroot red again, sunburned pretty badly but cheery (sorry tws, can I borrow cheery for a peedie while please?) because a day spent on archery is a happy day indeed, and twice as nice when the sun shone.
Well, in typical Orkney fashion, since we had thon nice day yesterday, we`ll pay for it least there`s nae wind, but it`s foggy and damp.
Back tae the grindstone it is then....*eyes up the pile o` sheepskins...groans...see ye later guys....*

Posted on Hermit Life at 08:19
So that's what the leather palm is for... Sailors use something similar, but let's not enquire too closely...
Flying Cat from Avast Behind!
Mmmmm ... I would imagine the arrow on the top left hand corner of the target board was a fluke? I am certain I couldn't even hit the board! If there had been two [or more] hedgehogs with plenty of meat on them, would you cook 'em gypsy wise ... wrapped in mud? One thing there would be little need for a toothpick after.
Plaid from off target
Usually the arrows are sticking intae cars, doors, walls etc...*blush* but aye, that one was a fluke. I have tried hedgehog many years ago noo, tastes a bit like chicken. Really!
Hermit from Sanday
Yesterday (Wed) was gorgeous. Unfortunately I had to fly over to Kirkwall and, not trusting the weather, wore a sweater and took my trusty weatherproof anorak. I must have lost a good few pounds traipsing around the town.
Bruce Fletcher from Stronsay, Orkney
How many missed the SQUARE?! Oh aye, let the whole truth be told!! # No, I ain't jealous. I could pop off my sawed- off shotgun at that thing faster than you can say "alleluiah". True, I may have to get my iron from the Happy Pawnshop in Gallup (or was it Flagstaff? or perhaps El Paso?) first ...
mjc from NM,USA
It was truly a bonnie day and alas the gloom has descended back on us in Shapinsay, I did manage to lay a whole row of bricks and get a tan as well. Every day is good so they say its just sometimes it rains :)
Barebraes from Shapinsay
If the arrow at top left is a Fluke I'm a Dutchcat!
Flying Cat from Craiglang dreaming
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