It's a dog's life!
Posted: Sunday, 18 February 2007 |
Hello from the island of Luing. My name is Coco and I am one of the canine residents on Luing. I have obviously had to get help to write the blog - my laptop is offline at the moment, so I hope she does a good job and represents me fairly.
I was rescued a couple of years ago by a couple who seem to be OK. My previous life was a bit hit and miss; I lived with travellers and had a bit of a hard time of it. However, things took a turn for the better once I was brought here - there is just so much to do! I have a water-filled quarry right at the back of my house - very good for a quick dip in the summer to cool off, I have the sea to play in, rocks to climb, ditches to fall in. And I have loads of friends. There is a little Jack Russel called Tilly who likes to run circles round me and my pals Paddy and Fingal who live just down the village. They are both labradors and we have a great scheme going - they can come in and eat any leftover breakfast, as long as I can get out and have some fun running around with them - great fun.
I hope to tell you about all the scrapes (that the humans find out about) that I get into. Like yesterday, the male human (he seems to like it better if I call him Dad - very embarrassing, my real father was a fine figure of a dog, but if it makes him happy....!). Well, anyway, he has a boat which is great fun - I stand on the top of the wheelhouse and let the wind blow through my fur. We were going into Loch Don on Mull and he had to slow the boat down, scared of hitting rocks I think. Anyway, I just thought I would jump into the dinghy trailing at the back of the boat when, well I don't really know what happened, but I was suddenly in the sea and the boat was leaving without me. Luckily I am an excellent swimmer and Dad managed to see me and get me out of the water - I think he maybe got a bit of a fright but tried not to show it. I will have to watch out giving him a fright as he is getting on a bit now! Anyway, I was saved and live to enjoy another day.
Hopefully the news about this will have filtered down to my author who is away at the moment. Looking forward to letting you know what I get up to on a regular basis! Hope you like the photo of me (she bought me the hula hoop which I demolished in about 30 seconds!)
I was rescued a couple of years ago by a couple who seem to be OK. My previous life was a bit hit and miss; I lived with travellers and had a bit of a hard time of it. However, things took a turn for the better once I was brought here - there is just so much to do! I have a water-filled quarry right at the back of my house - very good for a quick dip in the summer to cool off, I have the sea to play in, rocks to climb, ditches to fall in. And I have loads of friends. There is a little Jack Russel called Tilly who likes to run circles round me and my pals Paddy and Fingal who live just down the village. They are both labradors and we have a great scheme going - they can come in and eat any leftover breakfast, as long as I can get out and have some fun running around with them - great fun.
I hope to tell you about all the scrapes (that the humans find out about) that I get into. Like yesterday, the male human (he seems to like it better if I call him Dad - very embarrassing, my real father was a fine figure of a dog, but if it makes him happy....!). Well, anyway, he has a boat which is great fun - I stand on the top of the wheelhouse and let the wind blow through my fur. We were going into Loch Don on Mull and he had to slow the boat down, scared of hitting rocks I think. Anyway, I just thought I would jump into the dinghy trailing at the back of the boat when, well I don't really know what happened, but I was suddenly in the sea and the boat was leaving without me. Luckily I am an excellent swimmer and Dad managed to see me and get me out of the water - I think he maybe got a bit of a fright but tried not to show it. I will have to watch out giving him a fright as he is getting on a bit now! Anyway, I was saved and live to enjoy another day.
Hopefully the news about this will have filtered down to my author who is away at the moment. Looking forward to letting you know what I get up to on a regular basis! Hope you like the photo of me (she bought me the hula hoop which I demolished in about 30 seconds!)

Posted on Coco's view at 07:15
Gosh - I'm overwhelmed
Posted: Friday, 23 February 2007 |
Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you for all your kind messages. I didn't realise what an impression I make on people. Of course I know I am handsome, clever, adorable etc, but to realise I have such a public out there - well its kinda touching.
Started the week quite well. She was away again (I am not sure where she goes but Dad and I enjoy having the house to ourselves!). When she is away that means that I can go to work with Dad. I am an apprentice boatbuilder at the moment. I know I am kind of young but I can make really nice pawprint motif's in almost set fibreglass which I think both Dad and the owners appreciate. You never know when I am really famous they could be worth a fortune. Just don't know how they would manage to cut holes in a boat without damaging it (the paw print imprint I mean!).
I have been trying to con Dad that I am really good and listen to what he says. Both days this week I took notice of him and did what I was told whilst we were over at Balvicar. Little does he know that the next time I go over I will be off like a shot - its good to keep him on his toes. I also find an important part of training humans is to make them think they are in charge - poor souls, they really are deluded!
On Tuesday night I got to go and stay with my Uncle Brian (yes, he thinks I should call him that too!) down in Toberonochy. I have my own chair in his house that I use during the evening then, when he goes to bed, its straight to the sofa to stretch out. I spent most of Wednesday just lazing about in Brian's garden - a very nice garden it is too. If only he would give me the odd bone or two I could help him dig it up - I am very good at burying my bones.
Thursday I was confined to barracks - she is back so I have to stay at home with her. I suppose it gives her a bit of company. Anyway, she only leaves me for a few hours whilst she disappears to Oban with a "I can't take you with me as I am going to the hairdressers". Now I am no expert but as far as I can see the only thing she has done is to dye her coat - funny fur they have, these humans. They seem to be predominantly bald with just a patch on the top of their head. Even that patch can be less in some than others! Anyway when she returned I was really pleased to see her which meant she took me for a walk straight away. There was a collie dog visiting the village that was playing in the sea so I went down and showed off a bit then I saw Tilly in the distance so I raced off to see her.
Today I met Paddy and Fingal on my walk. Fingal came along with us to the shop where she ties me up whilst she shops. Then she wouldn't let me off the lead in case I went off running with Paddy, Fingal and their cousin Kerry - she is really nice. When we got to her house I just leapt over the fence - showing off to Fingal actually. There isn't a fence or wall on Luing that can stop me - I really am Coco the Wonder Dog!
Started the week quite well. She was away again (I am not sure where she goes but Dad and I enjoy having the house to ourselves!). When she is away that means that I can go to work with Dad. I am an apprentice boatbuilder at the moment. I know I am kind of young but I can make really nice pawprint motif's in almost set fibreglass which I think both Dad and the owners appreciate. You never know when I am really famous they could be worth a fortune. Just don't know how they would manage to cut holes in a boat without damaging it (the paw print imprint I mean!).
I have been trying to con Dad that I am really good and listen to what he says. Both days this week I took notice of him and did what I was told whilst we were over at Balvicar. Little does he know that the next time I go over I will be off like a shot - its good to keep him on his toes. I also find an important part of training humans is to make them think they are in charge - poor souls, they really are deluded!
On Tuesday night I got to go and stay with my Uncle Brian (yes, he thinks I should call him that too!) down in Toberonochy. I have my own chair in his house that I use during the evening then, when he goes to bed, its straight to the sofa to stretch out. I spent most of Wednesday just lazing about in Brian's garden - a very nice garden it is too. If only he would give me the odd bone or two I could help him dig it up - I am very good at burying my bones.
Thursday I was confined to barracks - she is back so I have to stay at home with her. I suppose it gives her a bit of company. Anyway, she only leaves me for a few hours whilst she disappears to Oban with a "I can't take you with me as I am going to the hairdressers". Now I am no expert but as far as I can see the only thing she has done is to dye her coat - funny fur they have, these humans. They seem to be predominantly bald with just a patch on the top of their head. Even that patch can be less in some than others! Anyway when she returned I was really pleased to see her which meant she took me for a walk straight away. There was a collie dog visiting the village that was playing in the sea so I went down and showed off a bit then I saw Tilly in the distance so I raced off to see her.
Today I met Paddy and Fingal on my walk. Fingal came along with us to the shop where she ties me up whilst she shops. Then she wouldn't let me off the lead in case I went off running with Paddy, Fingal and their cousin Kerry - she is really nice. When we got to her house I just leapt over the fence - showing off to Fingal actually. There isn't a fence or wall on Luing that can stop me - I really am Coco the Wonder Dog!
Posted on Coco's view at 17:32
Something is going on
Posted: Saturday, 24 February 2007 |
Just had to let you know that we have had an exciting morning. It is Dad's birthday. I can't say how old he is as he seems a bit sensitive about it, but I think he will be getting his free ferry pass in the post soon!
I helped him unwrap his presents - I am great at pulling off all the paper and then ripping it up and distributing it all over the living room. They seem to think it is great fun, so I ripped up all the envelopes his cards came in. He wouldn't let me help into the Thorntons box of goodies though - meanie.
I've a feeling that there is something else going on today that he doesn't know about - Mum has been making lots of arrangements and keeping secrets. I think it may involve a visit to the hall later on today - I am going to put in an appearance hopefully!
Watch this space!
I helped him unwrap his presents - I am great at pulling off all the paper and then ripping it up and distributing it all over the living room. They seem to think it is great fun, so I ripped up all the envelopes his cards came in. He wouldn't let me help into the Thorntons box of goodies though - meanie.
I've a feeling that there is something else going on today that he doesn't know about - Mum has been making lots of arrangements and keeping secrets. I think it may involve a visit to the hall later on today - I am going to put in an appearance hopefully!
Watch this space!
Posted on Coco's view at 10:20
We're going on a jaunt
Posted: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 |
Just heard the humans on the phone booking accommodation for tomorrow night and, guess what, they said they had a dog and would it be alright to bring him. Of course they did tell the unsuspecting hotel owner that I am well behaved. Well, they don't have to stay there another time do they! I will try my best but can't guarantee being a very good boy as I will have to do lots of exploring, sniffing, running, chasing - gosh I can't wait. We are going to a place called Mallaig - I've never been there but the humans seem to think it is worth a visit.
Will be nice to get away - I've been very depressed this week. The weather has been very wet and windy and so my walking/running/chasing time is severely curtailed. Did get a walk to the shop today but she put me on a lead as there were a load of sheep on the pier that then headed in the direction of the shop themselves. Don't know what they were after but I have heard that a limited number of Daily Mails are delivered to the shop each day and its every man, woman or sheep for themselves if they want a copy.
They tried to cheer me up last night by bringing down Dad's balloon from his party on Saturday night. It was filled with something that made it float to the ceiling and I kept jumping up and bringing it down again. Was good for a while then I burst it and then both me and the balloon were left a little deflated.
Will try to get them to take some photos of me on my holiday to post on my blog - wonder if I can persuade them to buy me a bucket and spade......
Will be nice to get away - I've been very depressed this week. The weather has been very wet and windy and so my walking/running/chasing time is severely curtailed. Did get a walk to the shop today but she put me on a lead as there were a load of sheep on the pier that then headed in the direction of the shop themselves. Don't know what they were after but I have heard that a limited number of Daily Mails are delivered to the shop each day and its every man, woman or sheep for themselves if they want a copy.
They tried to cheer me up last night by bringing down Dad's balloon from his party on Saturday night. It was filled with something that made it float to the ceiling and I kept jumping up and bringing it down again. Was good for a while then I burst it and then both me and the balloon were left a little deflated.
Will try to get them to take some photos of me on my holiday to post on my blog - wonder if I can persuade them to buy me a bucket and spade......
Posted on Coco's view at 20:20