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16 October 2014

Wild Freckle

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Wanted! For Murder!

Wanted for the murder of two chaffinches! If you see this creature do not approach - she has claws that are sharpened nightly on a tree trunk and there are human scars to prove it too - her teeth are like Dracula's - ready to sink into anything that looks tasty! Has she damaged the vole population so much that she has now turned to birds?? Did they not find the remains of a cat in the nest of a sea eagle???

It's also been the Mull Mod this week and Hannah's school won the "Action Song" class which was fantastic! Weather has been damp to say the least - not ventured too far - the ususal walk with the dog along Glenforsa beach produced an otter and lots of wading birds but couldnt identify as too far away and too wet for binoculars!
Posted on Wild Freckle at 12:14


What a gorgeous cat, WF. I'm sure she has been wrongly accused, just like her catleagues in Orkney. "An otter and lots of wading birds..." you said that just to make me jealous, didn't you? My Sunday walk isn't quite so exciting.

Jill from EK

weesht woman,don't let on that your kitty killed the birds,tws,will be having her charged with murder as well us others..ssshhhhttt

4 cat gang from snoozing on the bed

It wisnae murrdur surr! Thae wee burrdies jist hopped intae Pepper's mooth when she wis yawnin'.

FC&Marmers from Inn Durance Vile

As this is a first offence, I think an ASBO should be sufficient, but don't do it again, and watch out for any flying cats...

Tws from The Jailhouse Rock

Beautiful looking cat. Better than anything to be found in ancient Egypt (or the contemporary one). The coat is extremely rich and glossy. What kind of a cat is it, Wild Freckle? Is it just a mix? 2 or 3 years old?

mjc from NM,USA

Surely not more feliny...

Annie B from the usual

Himjc - she is just an ordinary tabby cum tortoiseshell type cat - I've never been a cat person - more dogs - but inherited her when my mother died 3 years ago - have to say I have really taken to her and she likes nothing better than being curled up on the keyboardlfjljdflj; or my lap - or is my mother haunting me???

Wild Freckle from Mull - justcleanedthecarintherain!

I'm sure there is a law that if the cats owner/mistress/feeder dies the cat goes with her.

Tws from Searching the lawbrary

now that's a scary thought Wild Freckle, its bad enough the prospect of my mother (may she have many more years) haunting me but if i've got to contend with all her cats and others bending my ear as well!!! I only need one feline mistress, i'm no glutton for punishment! <ducking from a tail swipe>

jas from under mia's paw

Better your mother haunting you Wild Freckle than TWS, for sure. I am all for friendly ghosts ...

mjc from NM,USA

i've just made my will tws---i'm leaving you (with a great deal of love)4 cat gang as you are ever so kind to cats!

carol from with my soliciter

Funny thing is hubby does not really like her - he and my mother didnt either - could be something in it! No bodies today but she has been curled up for most of it on the duvet - much too wet and windy for her!!

Wild Freckle from Mull in gales and rain!

He doesn't like cats??!

Flying Cat from shock&awe

The law that you are looking for TWS applies only along the Nile,or is it the Yangtze? and certainly not north of Hadrian's wall.

mjc from NM, USA

well if she did go up to the big vole field in the sky when my mother went who is this imposter who, if I am asleep on my side, sleeps on my hip precariously(?) balanced??

Wild Freckle from just retrieved the washing from next door's garden

Carol, I love cats, and as you may well know, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Fried, boiled, grilled it doesn't matter to me. Why does everybody have a cat on IB? I know that I like to be different from the run-of-the-mill, but I've never seen the need for cats. What exactly do cats do in life? I mean constructively, what do they do?

Tws from A Catless place

Nice to have such a slender hip that it IS precarious.

Flying Cat from patting a plump rump

Queen Victoria, Wild Freckle? Royalty returned to haunt you?! (washing that flies away: don't skimp on pins, WF!!).

mjc from NM, USA

Oh believe me - that hip is not slender - plenty of blubber to see me thru winter! pins? is that a peg to us on this side of the water? believe me there are plenty but the wind fair whistles thru here - washing dry in no time! Pepper has appeared - daughter doing her ritual of body searching - no squeals yet!

Wild Freckle from Mull in the warm sunshine at last and off for a wa

dear tws, do ou really want me to answer your last question??? when your down and feeling etc etc they ome and coorie up tae ye,purr away,give you sloppy licks,look into your eyes and ley you know they love you! need i say more ?

carol from after a cat-astrophic day

I could say sounds like someone I know but think that could be grounds for divorce - however Pepper, can purr away and then does a serious bat with claws out that draws blood - don't understand cats at all!!

Wild Freckle from Mull - doesnt it get dark early now!

We've just got the work/liff balance right is all...you're not meant to UNDERSTAND us WF, just LOVE us to bits...we don't ask much...honestly...

Flying Cat from a furry hug please

Is this cat really called wild freckle? Am I just out of it? If it is - I can reciprocate with a cousin story. Note my name is spelt Scottish way.

dr H Allan from london

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