Posted: Friday, 06 March 2009 |

The Standing Stone
The standing stone on moor alone
For many a thousand years
Its importance once to whom
Still it is not clear.
Yes stone alone I talk to you
Your weather beaten column
Tell me your secrets of centuries past
Your purpose here on mother earth
Why were you selected form far away?
And erected where you stand today
Were you always on your own?
Or in the past stood other stones.
What did they chant when you stood erect?
What did they kill with knive to neck?
A sacrifice from them to you
Or merely an offering each Solstice new
You have outlasted forests great
Kings of men and heads of state
Many a bird has perched on you
The Hawk and Owl, Nightjar too.
Moor land and woodland they have changed
As man of the land has reclaimed
But worked around and left you tall
When superstitions on ears would fall
For with-in your stone once compounds clashed
And captured the birth of mother earth.
With powers form the cosmos of atoms old
Men have harvested and broke the mould
And unleash the power of nuclear war
To destruct this earth where we all fall
At the end of our days in this place
A headstone of the human race
And still on moor alone you stand
Outlasting more than mortal man
Who lie beneath stone and earth?
What is our purpose here on earth?
Posted on THE MIDGE at 20:39