Posted: Monday, 01 December 2008 |
Oh Squidgy, what a sad blog, please don't stop blogging right away. We must show support! Also, it's true what you say about other blog sites - there are some real nutters out there - but surely if we (I use the term loosely, I am a mere hanger-on) set up our own Blogger or Wordpress account, the only *&!*% we will get will be in Comment form, and whoever is in charge could strangle them at birth? I am hoping so much for a positive outcome. Super photos, Squidgy, very well chosen from your magnificent oeuvre.
Jill from EK
As a neo conservative acquaintance of mind said when he heard Island Blogging is on its last legs: "that's what happens when you vote for Obama." When I heard that, I nearly threw him into the nearest spam fritter. Anyway, I may see you some time, if not in this life, then the next. [oh, and nice post, Squidgy].
mjc from IN, USA
IB, started off as an experiment (I understand) and no one in the 大象传媒, ever thought that those on the islands would take blogging up, let alone the numbers that did and it's popularity on a world wide scale somewhat flummoxed the 大象传媒, friendships have been made and forged from far flung places and on a more local basis IB will be sorely missed by many and not just the bloggers themselves. IB, has without doubt brought people together, be they in their own small communities or further afield, they allow insight for those, who for whatever, reason have not yet visited the islands, they allow insight into the everyday lives of those who do live on the islands, and they provide insight and sometimes sadness, to those, whose hearts belong to the islands, more often than not though, laughter from those, who like myself, no longer live on the island. IB closing, will be a sad loss to all. (wishing IB, would think again.
Belle from ofColl
I had an email from one of IB's readers last night who informs me that he has set up a community blogging site on Word Press, which is free. It is proving very popular. I have looked at Myspace and YouTube, but neither seem to suit our requirements. Word Press does look promising, but my main fear is that without backing and support from the 大象传媒, ie will we still be able to call ourselves 大象传媒 Island Bloggers, would we be allowed to use the Abbrev. 大象传媒? Would the 大象传媒 put a link on their site redirecting to our new site? Will the new site be moderated, both posts and comments? Is it fit for purpose, allowing photos, videos and music? Questions, questions, questions.
Squidgy the Otter from Pressed for words
If anyone would like to have a peek at Wordpress, I have added a link to the right of my blog, which you can copy and paste into your browser. It may not be the answer we are looking for, but it is a start (maybe?)
Squidgy the Otter from forgot to add the link
I visit a couple of Wordpress blogs, and it seems to be OK from a commenter's point of view. I don't suppose we could use the 大象传媒 abbreviation, but maybe Scottish Island Blogging or something like that? otherwise we would be besieged by Fijians, Vanuatans, Tasmanians and other island dwellers :-)
Jill from EK
Squidgey, what a super blog, but for once you're barking up the wrong tree, my dear. Wordpress looks good and Doad is looking further into it. Everybody out there, don't stop blogging and do stop crying! IB WILL CONTINUE as a single community, provided that YOU want it too. In other words, the fate of IB remains in your hands!!! Keep blogging, lassies and lads, not to mention the odd Otter and Flying Officer EffCee.
Barney from Swithiod squeezing Squidgy smoothly
Squidgy, is that "Beatrice" lying off the pier? If my memory serves me right it cannot be, wind direction and sun don't fit, but it looks quite like her.
Barney from Swithiod down memory lane
barney from swithiod, why is squidgy barking up the wrong tree. is it realistic to think that bbc blogging can ever be quite the same again? unfort. I think it will sink into oblivion now. great shame but lets be realistic
roddy from skye
Left a comment yesterday...can't remember what exactly what I said, but surely it was something to the effect that you have another excellent blog Squidgy and I will follow IB!!!
thelovelyOutlander from IB fan
sorry to sound harsh barney but surely the fate of the island bloggers should stay in the hands of scottish island bloggers and not someone who comments from time to time
EX blogger from Lewis
Ex blogger, Barney is cheering from the sidelines for the team, making comments as per usual. Of course (unfortunately) the fate of island blogging seems, to this outsider, to be in the hands of the 大象传媒 rather than in the hands of island bloggers. Barney knows better than to act beyond his station in life (don't you now, Barney old boy?). Barney is just like yours truly: modest to a fault. So, Ex blogger from Lewis, have a good day. The fate of island bloggers/blogging is in YOUR hands.
mjc from IN, USA
Barney who are you calling Odd? anyway thanks for all your help and advice, it is much appreciated. A quick google of Island Blogging and Word press reveals many familiar names are already there and blogging away quite merrily.
Squidgy the Otter from Odd? Me???
I will miss the jovial banter especially at christmas, cant anything be done?
Rudolph from Mull
Hi, I'm so sad that there will be no more IB. I loved the pictures and the wee stories of life on the islands related in them from the island residents that obviously loved their way of life . I felt I was there with them without the midgies. I want someday to visit the islands and see the beauty the Photos show and meet the fine people who wrote the great stories. Thanks a million and all the best to everyone who blogged.
Harry from Canada from Ontario
So Sad, I feel as if we are seperating from friends. I have loved the stories and the pictures. I wish all the best to everyone and wish to thank them all for the insight to life on the islands and all the fantastic pictures. Lang may yer lum reek.
Harry Canuck from Ontario
Squidgy, I have written to 大象传媒 Scotland to protest decision, If all who enjoy reading IB do likewise maybe common sense will prevai?. Great blog hope it's not the last. What will an old fart like me do with his time.
Harry Canuck from Canada
i've already commented on this squidgy but the spam is working again: will mail later sob,sob(as in cry not the other one)
carol from now in whitanga
A number of Island Bloggers have my email address and it is readily available on my websites, but if anyone else would like to keep in touch, you are very welcome to email me at alp2311@aol.com or stargazer2311@aol.com. Thank you for your comments and I wish you all well in your endeavours to keep up the blogging momentum in the fantastic spirit created by 大象传媒 island blogging.
Annette aka Squidgy from Have I missed the last post??
Oh teh SF is going out in a blaze of glory, Les the enw IB is set up by a genuine islander, dinnae fash yersel', all the best everyone, a special hug to Squidgy for her superlative blogs and humour, see you all on the new site! Be patient it is primitive at this time but people are working on it in between lambing and Christmas shopping and changing flat tires and all the million other things that need doing in the Festive Season. Happy Christmas, all!
Barney from Swithiod tird time lucky?
Oh Squidgy are you not moving into the all-new-singing&dancing ib? It'll be so lonely without A Otter! Please flit...
Flying Cat from a heartfelt plea
Hello Carol, I am so glad to hear from you. You have been on my mind so much and thank you again to Barney for helping out with the "move". Hello Flying Cat, I have had a peek at the new site and when all the madness of Christmas is over, and hopefully Santa has brought me a big lens for my camera, I will start up again. Harry C from Canada, I just love your comments, it's lovely people like you who have made Island Blogging one of the nicest, friendliest places on the internet. Let's hope we can transfer all this en masse to our new site. Oh and Barney, by missing out an "H" in one of your words, you have brought a whole new meaning to toilet humour. !! haha
Squidgy the Otter from Hard Pressed
Look forward to seeing you there, Squidgy, it wouldn't be the same without you!
Jill from EK
I agree with Jill. Awful glad you're going to give it a go Squidgy. It's not the same without you *sniffle*.
Flying Cat from Richard the Tird
Ah, Squidgy, what you can do with the English language, the tool of Will Shakespeare, the foil of your goodself, we long for your entry to the NIB in a blaze of photographic glory.
Barney from Swithiod slow on the uptake
I am still dropping rather large hints on what appears to be deaf ears with regard to my Christmas Stockings. However, I am indeed eager to start once again on the trail of the Coll Otters, camera in hand. Isn't it sad though that all the bloggers are having to vacate this lovely site. Just had a look at Arnish's page and it does look good. Can't wait to join !!
Squidgy the Otter from very imPRESSed
Come on over Squidgy, and imPRESS us. This last post has whetted the appetite for more, more more!
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
Squidgy, Please consider joining Arnish, and keep blogging. I've enjoyed your posts so much.
CVBruce from CA, USA
Yes, I think I will be joining the other island bloggers soon, I just need to learn a bit more about how to do it, but aren't the ones who have moved over doing well? I'm a bit pressed for time just now, what with Christmas and 'all. It's taking me ages to hang up all the mistletoe. tee hee.
Squidgy the Otter from Hot off the PRESS
William Shakespeare's tool? WHERE? Fpu is getting all hot under the collar...at least I think its her collar...
Flying Cat from WordCupboard
I did try to make a very special Goodbye, farewell video, but alas it did not work. I have loaded it up to YouTube and added the lovely Skye Boat Song. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eRDGyzOjTGU. Other sites which are good for making videos out of photos are myelephantbites and of course, Animoto. Nearly finished putting the mistletoe up, but I am mystified to find that no-one has given me a peck let alone a snog as yet, Ah well, the night is still young. !!!
Squidgy the Otter from Going down the Tube...so Pucker up
Hi Squidgy - just caught up with your blog - beautiful as ever and the photos stunning - I have just set up on Island Blogging - not sure what I'm doing yet but a lot of familiar names over there - hope you decide to join - I'm sure we are all learning together! take care
Wild Freckle from chilly Mull
Still thinking about you and wondering why your silence on the new format. Regards. Roy
roysofalaoz from roy.fellowes@bigpond,com