Why farmer's daughter Louise Duck has set up a chilli farm Read more
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Hot Headed Farming
Why farmer's daughter Louise Duck has set up a chilli farm
Farm Homeless Hostel
Marie Lennon visits a homeless hostel based on a Somerset farm.
Off-Grid Crofters
Richard Baynes visits a unique off-grid community in the north-west Highlands.
Sounds of a Somerset Vineyard
Sybil Ruscoe visits a vineyard with a difference.
For the Love of Plants
Steffan Messenger visits a family run plant nursery in West Wales
The Bakers in the Rye
Caz Graham meets farmers and bakers producing bread from locally grown heritage rye.
Pumpkins and Play Barns
Caz Graham is at a Staffordshire farm where the public are picking pumpkins for Halloween.
Mississippi Farming
Leroy Conish on the precarious future for small farmers on the banks of the Mississippi.
Buzzing About Bugs
Mariclare Carey-Jones meets Dr Sarah Beynon whose farm in Pembrokeshire is focused on bugs
大象传媒 Food & Farming Awards finalist: Farmer Time
Farmer Time is a finalist in the 大象传媒 Food and Farming Awards.
大象传媒 Food & Farming Awards finalist: Trout Aquaponics at the Burnt Hill Herb Co
The Burnt Hill Herb Co is a finalist in the 大象传媒 Food and Farming Awards.
大象传媒 Food & Farming Awards finalist: Andrew Howard's On Farm Trials
Kent arable farmer, Andrew Howard, is a finalist in the 大象传媒 Food and Farming Awards.
Regenerating Ben
Charlotte Smith meets Ben Taylor-Davies, aka Regen Ben, on his farm near Ross-on-Wye.
Watercress Farm BS2
An urban farm with a rural feel.
Nuts about nuts
Caz Graham visits a farm in Warwickshire which specialises in growing nuts.
Dairy Goats
A love affair with raising goats has become a big business producing kefir.
Learning About Pigs
Caz Graham visits a pig behaviour research unit run by Scotland's Rural College.
The Bake Off Farmer - Mike Wilkins
Charlotte Smith meets the arable farmer who starred in The Great British Bake Off.
Mick's Wood
How a Welsh woodland brought peace and comfort to a grieving father.
The Romance of Apples
Sarah Swadling visits a nursery producing around 1,000 varieties of fruit tree in Kent.
A Natural Capital Deal
Caz Graham visits a 57,000 acre estate in the Scottish Highlands being managed for nature
Healthy Soil, Healthy People
Sarah Swadling meets GP turned farmer Dr Johnny Wake.
Defying Gravity - a story of growth in dairy
Caz Graham meets the Graham family, whose dairy products are sold across the UK.
Climber, Contractor, Farmer: The Man Who Does Everything
Welsh mountaineer Ioan Doyle balances two conflicting passions: climbing and farming
Seeing Opportunity
The organic beef farmer in Worcestershire who built a successful ready meals business.
A Eureka Moment on Eigg
Sarah Boden left Fleet Street for life on a hill farm in the Hebrides.