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J. Pollock, Pensacola, Florida |
Not so much a question as a comment that the above spheres/ufos
bear a remarkable resemblance to those in Mexico City some years
back. As you know, we had about a five year flap of UFOs, sometimes
sightings almost nightly here in the Pensacola/Gulf Breeze area
from 1987 to 1992. Smattering since then, but nothing to compare.
Guess it your turn now. AS an aside, had my first sighting and
apparent abduction in fall of 1940 on a farm in Southeast Missouri.
Mother and father and younger brother were present on the occasion.
Answer: It is true that the spheres are similar to those
witnessed in Mexico and else ware; however, they are being scene
throughout the UK. Have you ever explored your experiences?
If so I hope they have been enlightening. - Steve Rider, Southampton
UFO Group |
Burberry, Oxford |
The photo of the commander leader looks very like the micro
helicopter observation drones that 'were' being developed
in the 70's but 'apparently' lost favour and were replaced
at least in civilian mode by mobile CCTV and crewed helicopters
which now peer down at us.
This is a good point. It is plausible that these drones are
being operated on a more covert level. It is just the question
of why that is left unanswered. - Steve Rider, Southampton
UFO Group
Sansovini, Sydney |
What is your perspective on alleged invasion of earth by Reptilian
ETs based here on earth in underground bases?
I will not rule out any one theory. However, I would like
to see more evidence of an invasion before I would commit
to that theory. I need much less convincing on the theory
of earth bases, see Tim Goods excellent book Alien Base. -
Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
Beimers, Port Aransas, Texas |
Do you think UFOs are intergalactic or intradimensional? Why
would you think that way?
I think that there is a possibility that these two could be
linked? Perhaps these objects come from an extraterrestrial
civilisation that use parallel dimensions to travel in? But,
I would like a lot more evidence before I make a decision
set in stone. - Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
Deurance, Brighton |
I saw a UFO when I was 5 years old on holiday in a Yorkshire
seaside town the whole campsite witnessed it.
Have you ever spoken to anyone regarding your experience?
If not we will be glad to help in any way we can, just follow
the link on this page to our website where you will find our
contact details. - Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
Do you think UFO's have anything to do with the recent exacerbation
of crop circles, i.e. this month at Avebury? Also what are
your comments on the Chilbolton crop circle which allegedly
was a "reply" to a DNA profile of humans?
To be honest I think that around 99% of Crop Circles have
no connection to UFO's at all. Give me some better evidence
and I will gladly change my mind. With regards to Chilbolton,
if it can be proved that this was not a faked formation then
it may be very important. - Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
Sydney |
Where in Australia is a good place to see a UFO?
Have a look at ufoinfo.com. (The website link is to the right
of this page.) They should have details about where best you
can contact a local group to tell you about UFOs in your area.
- Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
New Milton |
Is there a group not far from where I live? Barton-on-Sea,
New Milton?
There are a couple of groups near to you. You might try David
Kingston who was on Southern ways last week; his link is on
this page. There is also a group called SIRIUS who can be
contacted via vger32@talk21.com and who are based in Christchurch.
- Steve Rider, Southampton UFO Group
Duffy, Edmonton, Alberta, USA |
Why do the scientists and British and American gov-say there
isn't any proof of UFOs?
Canadian Gov. doesn't say this and most other countries agree
that there is indeed something going on...when I hear the
governments and sceintists explain away UFOs-I laugh my self
can easily prove them wrong on all there wild explanations
for ufos..i my self saw 3 UFOs in my life time..so why the
crazy wacko explanations from the sciences an governments?
Anyone with a brain knows they are real but still-the same
old story from the goverments..why is this?
Answer: I totally agree with you. The Canadian Government
has done what few others would contemplate.
feel that the UK and US establishments have kept this subject
under wraps for so long that were they to come clean we might
be over come with the shear amount of information they have
and not just with it's content. The replies and explanations
used by the establishments are almost certainly standardised
comments that they are required to give and may not be that
particular persons own opinion. Well, at least that is my
is a good question though and one we continue to debate for
a long time if we had the space.
the way Donnie, you have a superb city. I have relations in
Edmonton and visited some years ago.
you want more info please ask another question here or use
the link to get the SUFOG group contact details. - Steve Rider,
Southampton UFO Group
St Charles |
you guys for real?
Answer: Absolutely Joe! Are you?
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