An abridgement of Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. The story is a classic tale of secrecy and adventure set during World War Two. David Carey and his friend Tucky, two boys from London, are evacuated to a peaceful location in the Devon countryside. But the War is closer than they think.
There is a new with guidance, worksheets for each episode and suggestions for a range of follow-up activities.
1: Leaving London. audio
David, Tucky and their school friends travel to Paddington Station to be evacuated to Devon.
2: A long journey. audio
The two boys arrive in Exeter and find out who will look after them.
3: The townies in the countryside. audio
David and Tucky settle into life on the farm with Ann and Mr Reynolds.
4: Home alone. audio
The two boys have been searching for the German plane when David has an accident.
5: One good turn deserves another. audio
David finds out the mysterious person who saved his life is a German airman.
6: A narrow escape. audio
The boys are seen by an RAF spotter plane while delivering food to the German airmen.
7: Local heroes. audio
How will the army and villagers react when they see the boys bringing in a German airman?
8: The secret's out. audio
The boys are congratulated for their bravery...but Mr Reynolds knows all that has happened.
Guidance, worksheets and follow-up activities - suitable for use in school and at home (pdf)
Use this activity worksheet to sequence events in the story in the correct order.
Friend or Foe - slideshow of episode images
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