
Critical thinking and problem solvingStep one - information

Participating in a research project involves successfully collecting information. Questionnaires and interviews are popular ways of gathering quantitative and qualitative information.

Part of National: Foundation KS4Individual project

Step one - information

Think about the purpose of the research and try to identify what information is needed, eg do you need information or information?

Real-life example

If you are researching opinions about what makes a good film, this will mean more qualitative information is required, because qualitative research finds out about opinions.

Movie reel on a wooden background

Step two - who to target

Decide exactly who the researcher wants to question. Usually a researcher will not be able to ask every person in a given , so they will select a sample.

This will involve thinking about the types of people who should be asked. This is very important, because without knowing this it will be hard to progress to steps three and four.