
Interview design

There are three types of interview.

  • unstructured interview
  • semi-structured interview
  • structured interview
A young woman with a clipboard asking a young man survey questions in the street

Unstructured interview

This is where the may have a list of topics they might want to cover, but they will not have a list of precise questions. This is because this type of interview is like a conversation where the interviewer lets the talk freely. There is no particular structure to the interview.

In an unstructured interview, the interview schedule may have some key words or topics listed that the interviewer can look at during the interview to make sure that they cover them over the duration of the conversation. The interviewer can be flexible by asking whatever questions they think are relevant, in other words the questions can be adapted or changed based on the responses given.

In an unstructured interview about going to the dentist, an interviewer may jot down some key topics or reminders to ask.

Close up image of a notepad with three lines of writing. They are: Frequency of visiting the dentist; Good/bad experiences?; Fillings or dental work?

Semi-structured interview

This is where similar questions are asked to each interviewee. A semi-structured interview will generally consist of a list of open questions. This means that the interviewees can respond to each question in their own way. This type of interview is flexible, as the questions can be adapted and changed in light of the responses given, so the interview is partially structured.

Close up of two questionnaire. 5 questions are visible relating to dentist appointments. Answers have been handrwittten on the pieces of paper.

Structured interview

A structured interview will have a list of closed questions. This means that the interviewer asks a set of specific questions where the interviewee has to select from a set of pre-selected responses. Structured interviews will ask the same questions in the same order to all participants and won鈥檛 veer from the schedule. No extra questions are asked and the interviewee is not able to answer a question freely. There is a very clear structure to the interview.

Close up of a questionnaire. 5 questions are visible relating to frequency of visits, treatment received, was it painful, worrying about the visit, and if you have friends who are dentists.