
How to convert between standard units of measurementConverting units

Solving calculations of length, mass and capacity might involve converting between standard units. Understanding what kilo-, centi- and milli- mean will help you decide which number to multiply or divide by.

Part of MathsMeasurement

Converting units


The sunflower is \(214\, \text{cm}\) tall. Calculate the height of the sunflower in:

(a) metres

(b) millimetres

Sunflower of height = 214cm

(a) \(1\, \text{metre} = 100\, \text{centimetres}\)

So, \(214~\text{cm} = (214 \div 100)~\text{m} = 2.14~\text{m}\)

(b) \(1\, \text{centimetre} = 10\, \text{millimetres}\)

So, \(214~\text{cm} = (214 \times 10)~\text{mm} = 2,140~\text{mm}\)

1 metre is longer than 1 centimetre, so to convert from metres to centimetres, multiply by 100. 1 millimetre is shorter than 1 centimetre so to convert from millimetres to centimetres, divide by 10.


Convert the following to the units given in brackets:

a) \(5,120~g~(kg)\)

b) \(15~cl~(ml)\)

c) \(245~mm~(m)\)