
Understanding numerical and statistical skills - processing data

The accurate use of is important as it allows for sensible conclusions to be reached.

How do I process data?

Processing data is manipulating it to make it more useful. There are many ways to process data, using:

  • to show a relationship between two sets of data and are shown as two numbers with a colon symbol in-between. Ratios would work well to illustrate, eg number of people per doctor.
  • which are similar to ratio, but are written slightly differently, eg 1 in 10. Proportions would be useful to illustrate, eg the number of tourists within an area.
  • or measures of central tendency, are commonly taken in three different ways:
    • Mean - add the total of all values that have been collected and then divide by the number of values.
    • Median - write out all of the numbers that have been collected in numerical order and find the middle number.
    • Mode - the most commonly appearing value within the data.
  • which can either show proportions or change over time. Percentages would be useful to illustrate, eg land use within an area.

It is important to think about how to justify why the data has been processed in a particular way.