
Irrational / Rational Numbers and Recurring Decimals

Every number is either rational or irrational, whether large or small, negative or positive.

Rational Numbers and recurring decimals

A rational number can be written exactly in the form \(\frac{a}{b}\), where 饾憥 and 饾憦 are integers, while an irrational number cannot.

Examples of rational numbers

鈥冣赌冣赌冣赌冣赌冣赌Can be written as \(\frac{87}{1}\)Can be written as \(\frac{21}{100}\)鈥冣赌冣赌冣赌冣赌冣赌Can be written as \(\frac{2}{3}\)

All can be written as fractions and are therefore rational.
A can be easily written as a fraction (as in the examples above), but a recurring decimal is not so easily converted to a fraction.

Changing a recurring decimal to a fraction


Write \(0.\dot{6}\) as a recurring decimal. (We know that the answer should be \(\frac{2}{3}\)).

Let r = the recurring decimal.

r = 0.666666鈥

Multiply r by 10

10r = 6.666666666鈥

r = 0.666666666鈥


9r = 6


\(r = \frac{6}{9} = \frac{2}{3} \)

In general, for any recurring decimal

  1. Let r = the recurring decimal
  2. Multiply r by a suitable power of ten - multiply by 10 if one digit repeats, 100 for 2 digits, 1000 for 3 digits etc.
  3. Subtract to get a multiple of r
  4. Divide to give the required fraction


Write the recurring decimal 0.1818181818鈥 as a fraction


  1. Let r = the recurring decimal

    r = 0.18181818181鈥
  2. Multiply r by 100 as two digits are repeating

    100r = 18.181818181鈥
  3. Subtract to get a multiple of r

    100r = 18.181818181鈥
    r = 0.18181818181鈥
    99r = 18
  4. Divide to give the required fraction

    \(r= \frac{18}{99} = \frac{2}{11}\)




Write the recurring decimal 0.3888888888888888鈥 as a fraction

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Irrational numbers

Irrational numbers cannot be written as a fraction.

The types of irrational numbers that should be known are:

  • Square roots (of numbers that are not square) e. g. 鈭2, 鈭5, 鈭3.65, etc.
  • Multiples and powers of 蟺 e. g. \(\frac {\pi}{2}, 5\pi, 2\pi^2\) etc.


Which of these numbers are irrational?

0.635 鈥 18蟺 鈥 鈭400 鈥 \(\mathbf{0.\dot{1}\dot{2}}\) 鈥 鈭28


18蟺, 鈭28 are irrational. The others can be written in the form \(\frac{a}{b}\)

\(0.635 = \frac{635}{1000}\) 鈥 \(\sqrt{400} = 20 = \frac{20}{1}\) 鈥 \(0.\dot{12}鈥 = \frac{4}{33}\)


Which of these are irrational?

A: \((5\sqrt{3})^2\) 鈥B: \(\frac{2}{\pi}(3.6\pi^2)\)鈥C: \(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{12}\)鈥D: \(2\sqrt{3} \times 3\sqrt{2} \times \sqrt{24}\)

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