
Before reading this guide, you may find it helpful to read the guide on graphs from Module 7 (M7) and the guide on indices from Module 8 (M8).

A recap on graphs

In Module 7 (M7) Graphs, you learned that simultaneous equations, where one of the graphs is quadratic and the other is a straight line, can be solved by reading the points of intersection.

For Module 8 (M8), you need to

  • know more about using a quadratic graph to solve further equations by drawing an appropriate straight line

  • be able to recognise a further type of function and its graph – known as the exponential function

  • be able to interpret the gradient at any point on a curve

Using a quadratic graph to solve further equations

To use a quadratic graph to solve further equations:

  1. Start with the equation you have been asked to solve
  2. Find what needs to be added to the LHS of the new equation to give the equation of the graph already drawn.
  3. Draw this straight line
  4. Read off the \(x\) values of the points of intersection


The graph of \(y = 2x^{2} + x – 6\) is shown below.

An image of a quadratic graph  which illustrates the equation 2x squared + x - 6.

By drawing a suitable straight line on the same grid, find solutions for the equation \(2x^{2} + 2x – 8 = 0\)


  • Start with the equation you have been asked to solve.

\(2x^{2} + 2x – 8 = 0\)

  • Find what needs to be added to the left-hand side (LHS) of the new equation to give the equation of the graph already drawn.

\(2x^{2} + 2x – 8 = 0\) \(–x +2 \longrightarrow\) \(2x^{2} + x – 6\)

  • Draw this straight line.

Draw the line \(y = –x + 2\) on the grid.

An image of a quadratic graph illustrating the equation y = 2x squared + x - 6. A line is drawn on the graph illustrating  y = -x + 2. The line intersects at x-values -2.7 and 1.6 approximately.


Assume that the graph of \(y = x^{2} + x + 1\) has been drawn.

Find the equation of the line that needs to be drawn to solve the equation \(x^{2} – x – 3 = 0\).

There is no need to draw either of these graphs.

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Exponential graphs

Exponential graphs are graphs in the form \(y = k^{x}\). These graphs increase rapidly in the \(y\) direction and will never fall below the \(x\)-axis.

An exponential graph will look like this:

An image of an exponential graph, where the line is labelled y = k to the power of x.


Let's look at \(y = 2^{x}\).

  • \(x = –2, y = 2^{–2} = 0.25\)

  • \(x = –1, y = 2^{–1} = 0.5\), etc.

\(y = 2^{x}\)0.250.512481632
An image of an exponential graph, where the graph demonstrates y = 2 to the power of x. The line dramatically steepens to the right, never crossing under the y-axis.


Complete the table for \(y = 2^{–x} (-3 \le x \le 3)\) and draw its graph.


You will need a grid like this:

An image of a blank grid, with the x-axis going from –7 to 7 and the y axis going from –1 to 8.


Use the graph of \(y = 2^{-x}\) to estimate the value of \(x\) for which \(2^{-x} = 6\).

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Gradient of a curve

The gradient of a curve at any point is a value which reflects the steepness of the curve at that point.

In the graph below, the curve is much steeper at point B than at point A.

An image of an exponential graph, illustrating the gradient of a curve. Two points are plotted on a line, where the curve is steeper at point B (3, 8) than at point A (0, 0.5).

The gradient of a curve at any point can be found by drawing a tangent to the curve and finding the gradient of the tangent.


Part of the graph of \(y = 2x^{2}\) is shown below.

 The line dramatically steepens to the right, never crossing under the y-axis.

Find the gradient of the curve at the point where \(x = 2\).


Draw a tangent to the curve at the point where \(x = 2\).

An image of an exponential graph, which illustrates the equation y = 2x squared. A tangent is drawn to the curve at the point where x = 2.

Complete a right-angled triangle with the tangent as its hypotenuse.

An image of an exponential graph, where the graph demonstrates y = 2x squared. A tangent is drawn to the curve at the point where x = 2. A right-angled triangle is completed on the grid, with the tangent as its hypotenuse.

\(\text{gradient of tangent} = \frac{\text{rise}}{\text{run}} = \frac{8}{1}\)

Gradient of curve when \(x = 2\) is \(8\)

Exponential growth and decay

Exponential graphs can be used to represent many real-life situations including growth of bacteria, compound interest, radioactive decay, and population increase.


The graph shows how bacteria (\(y\)) grows over time (\(t\)). The equation of the graph is \(y = 20g^{t}\).

Determine the value of \(g\).


An image of an exponential graph of the exponential growth of bacteria, where the graph demonstrates y = 20g to the power of t, where y represents amount of bacteria present and t represents time.

From the graph, when \(t = 2, y = 2000\).

Substituting these values into \(y = 20g^{t}\):

\(2000 = 20g^{2}\)

Dividing by 20 gives:

\(100 = g^2\)

Square rooting gives:

\(10 = g\)


The half-life of a decaying radioactive substance is the time taken for the mass to be reduced by half.

The mass (\(M\)) of a particular radioactive substance \(x\) years after its production is shown on the graph below.

An image of an exponential graph, illustrating the half-life of a decaying radioactive substance, where the mass (M) is drawn against how many x years it takes to decay.

Use the graph to estimate the half-life of this substance.

Gradient as a rate of change

The gradient of a curve at any point is interpreted as the rate of change - a measure of how quickly one variable is changing as the other increases steadily.


Using the graph from the previous question, find the rate of decay when \(x = 2\).


Draw a tangent to the curve at the point \(x = 2\).

An image of an exponential graph, illustrating the half-life of a decaying radioactive substance, where the mass (M) is drawn against how many x years it takes to decay. A tangent is drawn from the curve at the point x = 2.

\(\text{gradient of tangent} = \frac{0.72}{3.8} = 0.19\) (to two decimal places)

Rate of decay when \(x = 2\) is \(0.19\text{kg/year}\)

Decay is a negative change, therefore there should be a negative on the answer.

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