Rebel rebel...

Bryan Burnett | 20:01 UK time, Wednesday, 22 June 2011
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Comment number 1.
At 22nd Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:naebodies ever tried to stop me hearin' anything 'cept the ´óÏó´«Ã½............spoilsports
'je t'aime'.........................gainsbourg/birkin
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 2.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:THURSDAY
'Billion Dollar Babies' is one of those albums that has to be cranked up to 11.
My dear departed dad went nuts when I played it in what I fondly imagined was the privacy of my bedroom. The fact is, everyone in the building could hear it. Still, it could have been worse. Had he listened to the lyrics of 'I Love the Dead' he would probably have chained me to the bed and called an exorcist.
'Mary Ann' - Alice Cooper ~ Short, sweet and not even a tiny bit offensive...
'She Bop' - Cyndi Lauper
for those of us going to GRCH on Thursday evening. This song upset some folk in the Bible Belt. Can't imagine why.
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Comment number 3.
At 22nd Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:mi non plus
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Comment number 4.
At 22nd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:My Mother and Father still complain that I listen to this musician. I started buying his records in 19772/73 at the height of the personas, make up, outlansdish clothes and all the wonderful rest of it. By the time he settled down he was appearing in videos dressed as women and futuristic clowns. The most innovative artist of my time:
David Bowie - Golden Years or anything by him
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Comment number 5.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:That's easy for you to say...
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Comment number 6.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Drat!
#5 refers to #3
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Comment number 7.
At 22nd Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:#1 @ ya dale_kelvin
that's not true................yer lily allen always gets punched aff in the car so it does.
join me in glorious rebellion then BB and B and i'll turn the trannie up if yiz'll play
'him'.................lily allen
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 8.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#6 Re: "Drat"
'Won't Get Foiled Again' - Who?
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Comment number 9.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Kene Gelly wrote:'Will Ye Be Proud'. ~~ The Real McKenzies
Shunned to date by the GIO jury ;>)
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Comment number 10.
At 22nd Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:I'm sure that bloke in the photograph appeared in Zombie Flesh Eaters - wonder if he was in Leicester at the weekend...
How times have changed.... my love of music got me into trouble a few times... even at Primary School....youngerst of four and addicted to the Beatles from an young age courtesy of my elder sibblings.
One day, in a daydream, in the middle of a lesson, I began to sing the rising vocal middle bit of Twist & Shout which rises to a (primal) screaming end at the top of John voice.
Was Miss Johnstone impressed by my impersonation of my hero?
Nope. Ordered out to the front and ruthlessly belted six times.
Undeterred,I carried on like this: my 95 year old selectively deaf mother insists to anyone having difficulty making themselves understood that's it's all the fault of her wayward son and his endless playing of Led Zepplin 2 at terrific volume. My dad got so fed up with it, he gave up complaining and just switched off the electricty meter anytime he couldn't hear himself think.
Twist and Shout - the Beatles
Heartbreaker - Led Zepplin ( or anything from led Zepplin 2 except Whole Lotta Love which has been done to death).
regardez youse
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Comment number 11.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Others hang ups were never mine despite a word in passing...
T. Smiths ~ There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (3rd verse)
However, 7 years prior it wasn't music but a pair of scarlet drainpipes that caused ructions at the kitchen table... but hey they looked great with the black monkey boots.
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Comment number 12.
At 22nd Jun 2011, gaie wrote:So which is it?
a) songs you were told you wouldn't like (which you were presumed to be too narrow-minded to give an airing to)
b) songs you played that other people didn't like (which you selfishly forced on them because of living in the same house)
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Comment number 13.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Previously on the blog...
"The theme is whatever you want - you choose the music"
Someone masquerading as Glen Miller
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Comment number 14.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:I have more of a problem with people making me listen to music I don't want to - like Get It On and neighbours having barbecues.
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Comment number 15.
At 22nd Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:Both, I think.
re a) when I was teenager there was a boy a couple of years above me at school who walked about with a copy of Jack Bruce's "Songs For A Tailor" under the arm of his great coat. He was cool hip and trendy and I took it into my head that, what with him being that cool hip and trendy, there was something about this record that was so rarified and sacred that it was beyond the likes of me.
Nevertheless I was fascinated and although I didn't know anything about the record (I was aware of Cream) presumed it was some kind of collector's item.
One day, visiting his young brother, the album was playing in the lounge while his folks were out.
I'd never heard anything like it - that weekend I bought the first of several copies of "Songs For a Tailor" begining a lifelong love of Jack Bruce.
Although it's exteremely unlikely we're going to hear this, it is the whole world in two and a half minutes.It still thrills.
tickets to waterfalls - jack bruce
regardez youse
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Comment number 16.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#14?!?
You live in Australia?
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Comment number 17.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:...everybody needs good neighbours...
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Comment number 18.
At 22nd Jun 2011, DC wrote:My dad once shouted up the stairs, telling me to "put that racket off".....
I am, I said by Neil Diamond duly got ejected and (true story Scotch), on went No more Mr Nice Guy from Alice Cooper's "Billion Dollar Babies" cassette.
There was never another objection to Mr Diamond thereafter.
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Comment number 19.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#1
Just play You might need a couple of weeks.
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Comment number 20.
At 22nd Jun 2011, Kene Gelly wrote:Thank G remote controls had yet to see the light of day when TOTP was on during the 70's. "Get that rubbish off" was an all too often cry emanating from a frequently bemused Granny Gelly (bless!)
The source of one of her outbursts (I remember well) was also one of the most chaotic performances to grace the show. In memorium ...
'Beware of the flowers ('cause I'm sure they're going to get you yeah)
~~ John Otway & Wild Willy Barratt (heroes ever since!)
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Comment number 21.
At 23rd Jun 2011, paulhandley wrote:#19 good theme suggestion
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Comment number 22.
At 23rd Jun 2011, paulhandley wrote:#4 My mum described "Space Oddity" as "b****y awful".....I suppose it would have had a kind of WTF effect coming at the end of the happy clappy 60s.
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Comment number 23.
At 23rd Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:The Daughter plays me Hippety-Hop tracks, apologising beforehand for the swearie-words that should never be bleeped-out cos that ruins the flow of the rap. Little does she know that I used to listen to 'New Boots and Panties' in my bedroom, having to sprint over to the record player to mute the intro to 'Plaistow Patricia' to stop my Dad hearing it and grounding me till I was 35!
Better not play it though or you'll be immediately flung from your studio and we'd have to put up with Vic + Alison while you hang your head in shame in the Jobcentre!
This'd be OK...
"No wonder you're always angry if you listen to that tripe"...
'Let There Be Rock' - AC/DC ... The 'If You Want Blood' live version if you want to be authentic.
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Comment number 24.
At 23rd Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:When the Spice Girls were at the peak of their limited talents, I had to interrupt an important phone call to my dad to yell at my two wee girls to turn that racket down. My dad starting haveing convulsions on the other end of the phone. It was then I realised.
Yup we all turn into our parents.
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Comment number 25.
At 23rd Jun 2011, RoxyJohn wrote:My late parents were born in '26 and '33 so there about a million years old when I first got into music. My dad was a classical music buff and played in a brass band for over 40 years. He reckoned, and I quote 'any instrument that needs a plug is not a proper instrument'
I had 4 elder siblings so by the time I was getting into Bowie and Roxy they had stopped battling with their offspring. By the time I had bought Roxy Music's Greatest Hits the record shelve at home had about 2 feet in width already take up by my brother's Led Zepplin, Rush, Free, Rory Galagher etc and my elder sister's David Cassidy, Rod Stewart etc.
My father looked at the cover of my 'Aladdin Sane' album and shook his head and said 'bl**dy nitwit' to this day I am not sure he was referring to Bowie on the cover or me for buying it.
I remember recording some Ferry stuff of the telly and my mother came in when I was playing the video and she said 'not that man's face on the telly again'
I would love to hear something off Ferry's latest album on Get It On like Shameless, You Can Dance or Song To The Siren.
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Comment number 26.
At 23rd Jun 2011, jinkk wrote:#24 Hysterical and so true
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Comment number 27.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Senga wrote:There was only one song that was barred in our house but it didn't stop Daddy singing it. But only when he was full of Dutch courage. Mammy didn't really hate the song, just the idea of a married man singing about the annual matchmaking festival at Lisdoonvarna. More so her married man! What really breaks my heart is that now she would give anything to hear him sing it again.
Catch Me If You Can - Brendan Shine
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Comment number 28.
At 23rd Jun 2011, DC wrote:#24 yup, been there, done that too...
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Comment number 29.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#24 Its worse at my age. I'm shouting at myself to turm the bloody rubbish down
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Comment number 30.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:My father (he would have been 105 last month if he'd taken better care of himself) once surprised me by expressing his approval of the energy and enthusiasm shown by The Motors in their performance of
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Comment number 31.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#30
Great stuff, GM. I`d forgotten that one. Are they doing a TOTP 2 job on the OGWT these days?
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Comment number 32.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:They've done occasional compilation shows and there are plenty of DVDs and CDs - it's a great archive with the added attraction of Whispering Bob and Richard Williams.
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Comment number 33.
At 23rd Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Not me, but my big sister.
I remember being dragged round Christmas shopping by my mum in 1978. Having tried and failed in Woolies, we went into our town's single record shop.
This not being her natural habitat, she approached the counter with trepidation and asked if they had a copy of Blondie's Parallel Lines. When they did, my very proper mother (she could be related to Miss B) very nervously checked: "It's not Punk, is it?"
Fortunately, they didn't mention Debbie Harry's full list of past professional activities, so my sis had a happy Christmas that year.
To commemorate this, can we please have
* Blondie - Picture This
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Comment number 34.
At 23rd Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:(and Woo! Yay! for the ´óÏó´«Ã½ techie dept for fixing the interminable-pause-on-submit error on the blog)
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Comment number 35.
At 23rd Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:#23
There's a theme in that (for the late night edition): tracks you had to turn down for sensitive ears - whether your parents or your kids.
* Spinal Tap - Big Bottom
* Blues Brothers - I Don't Know
* Oasis - ****ing in the Bushes
* Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag (the version we normally hear has the bad bits pre-censored)
* Cee Lo Green - The original version of [Forget] You where the words actually fit the melody
* Prince - Darling Nikki
Mind you, ...
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Comment number 36.
At 23rd Jun 2011, CaptRamius wrote:#35
* King Floyd - Groove Me
* Lily Allen - It's Not Fair
both of which have been played on GiO and somehow snuck under the teatime radar of the rude polis.
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Comment number 37.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Hey Capn! You been away? Anyway I am not sure if you know but Turning Japanese is not really about changing your nationality....
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Comment number 38.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#32
I bought an OGWT boxed set when I was over last year and I think I've said it before - every GIO Blogger should have it.
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Comment number 39.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:#38 I think I do. It will be here somwhere, under O. Or T.
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Comment number 40.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Is DC away buying sim cards for tomorrow?
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Comment number 41.
At 23rd Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:No Norrie it's here under O or T. I was kinda hoping you'd forgotten about it
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Comment number 42.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#40
He'll definitely been trying to sneak in there.
But they shall know by him his long list of Pink FLoyd and Fleetwood Mac requests.
Listen out for names like Argonaut or Sea Wolf or May Island Ranger.....
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Comment number 43.
At 23rd Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:#34 unfortunately they haven't fixed the comment box that makes you think you've signed in when you haven't
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Comment number 44.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Right, what now... wait 'til Monday?
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