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Chris Evans | 15:29 UK time, Wednesday, 2 May 2007

They said it would be two or three weeks but after only six days....

The half a doz., new chick chicks have laid the first two eggies in a sink !

They must have been bursting poor little blighters. The two eggs were both much heavier and smaller than usual. We have been assured that after a few weeks once the hens are a little more relaxed the eggs will actually get bigger, fascinating. We ate the eggs immediately of course but not before taking this snapshot to show the schloggers....

We cooked them on the AGA using a special piece of material that you place over the hot plate which means you can crack the egg directly on to it, not a drop of oil or butter required, all you get to taste is 100% pure egg. The top of the egg is also perfectly cooked as you are told to lower the lid or plate cover during the cooking porcess, the egg is thus more baked than fried. The two little works of art went down a treat, can't wait for tomorrow.

Got the train in today. I love it for a sandwich a read and a quick kip, the trouble is that at the other end it's THE RAT RACE. Today the two mile cab journey from WATERLOO to RADIO 2, took forty minutes and sixteen pounds and I still had to get out and walk most of the way. London is a joke sometimes.

Safely installed inside the bunker now, the show's looking fun already and there's still a while to go.

Happy hump day, the pubs here are already overflowing with naughty numpties sciving off for the afternoon, not me though oh no, there's next years awards to think about.

CLP 2007



  1. At 03:44 PM on 02 May 2007, phil l wrote:

    just read the bit about the ratrace on the tubes and in the cabs,just experienced it myself when i ran the marathon so although I dont do it every day I can sympathise. You should check out the fabulous 'a bike' by Sir Clive Sinclair, it looks perfect for your 2 mile trip and folds up small enough to put under your desk! just google it , you won't be dissapointed.

    as always loving the blogs but until now I only read them ,thought it was time to break my duck.

    "Impossible is nothing"
    live long and prosper

  2. At 04:04 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    AAAAAAAH Chris, the eggs sound DIVINE! I do like a nice bit of egg! Fave is very lightly scrambled with a dollop of president (other unsalted butters available, but wheelbarrow is probably the only other real contender/contenter) in the pan...and eaten on their own...but you're gonna have LOADS of eggs and LOADS of time to eggsperiment. Sometimes I just have to.

    I've been doing some work about Waterloo this afternoon. Quelle coinkydink. I will not take the train on Friday though, because I'd have to change at Victoria, it takes just under 3 hours, and it costs a massive £48. I have to go from my home to Maidstone for a 3/4hour (or thereabouts) interview. I REALLY want to go, and am, indeed, going, and would have got the train for the sake of my stress level. As it is, I'm driving.


    Now. The cable guy is supposed to be coming to my house between 4-6. Shall we see if he does, children?

    Yes lets.


    Chris, you realise, that should you go down the route of breeding chickettes, you'll have to call at least one of them 'Son(n)y'...and the rest'll have to share.

  3. At 04:08 PM on 02 May 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    It must be great to have your own little farm going on! I would love to have one myself one day!

    I just spent the weekend in London, Im not much of a city girl, but my best friend is! I can see the attraction of London though, soo much to do all the time, gorgeous places to eat and little places people seem determined to make in to a little community, like they are in a city but everyone craves some familiarity!

    I think I may pay some regular vists! I do think it will be a place for exciting weekends for me rather than a home!

    Hope the eggs keep coming!


  4. At 04:13 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon CLP & Shloggers... where was the photy of the eggs CLP?

    Happy Hump day one and all, I've got mates round for dinner and we're going to have chick"n"beef fajitas and maybe a glass of chilled rose vino.

    I've just organised my birthday party venue for the 1st Saturday in December (yes you heard right) and all I need now is an ABBA tribute band who will do a small gig in Warwickshire and are free and I'm all set... all suggestions welcome!

    Have to do the trip into London next week and I always enjoy the train journey but you're right, once off the other end it's crazy!


  5. At 04:17 PM on 02 May 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good Morning from Vancouver,

    After a long absence from this forum, I am glad to be back, albeit with the saddest of news. Sadly, my wife passed away unexpectedly a month ago and with arrangements, paperwork and the tremendously difficult practicalities attendant upon such a sadness, time has become strangely irrelivant.

    I shall not go into details but merely state that she truly was a special woman with whom I spent six of the finest years of my life. Her life should be measured not by the lenghth of it but by the depth and how she touched so many people deeply. Day by day, we learn to live with such tragedy as, for those left behind, life must go on unabaited. For my own part, life will now be grabbed by the horns even more vigorously than normal.

    To all my fellow bloggers, take care of yourselves, treasure your time with loved ones and remember, life should be lived, no regrets, no hesitation.

    Thank you and a good day to one and all from Vancouver.

    Dr T.

  6. At 04:19 PM on 02 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Good to hear that the good life is so good.

    Well, you know what I mean.

    Can't beat a good egg. OK you can, again, you know what I mean.

    As confirmed veggies we always get our weekly fix. We're so lucky as we have a local farmer deliver fresh eggs to us every Friday. We always have a long chat about life, the universe and everything and yet I still don't know his name. He has always been simply 'The Eggman'.

    One Friday evening the doorbell rang and I opened the door and thrust 70p and an empty carton at the person standing there. He looked at me blankly and I apologised saying 'Oops. I thought you were The Eggman'.

    Sharp as you like, he said, straight-faced,

    'No. I am the walrus'.

    Off to play squash (not salsa) this evening. Maybe one day I shall remember how to win.

    Peace & love


    PS Goo goo goo joob.

  7. At 04:20 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:


    Thank you J

  8. At 04:21 PM on 02 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Sunny greetings to all,
    Mr E reading the current #1 phil l's suggestion about the Sinclair bike. Ask Jonny if he's got another one and you could perhaps use it as a swap for the shed. Good result for you all on Monday night, well done. Hope Sally's feeling back in the land of the living today. Where's the pic of the eggs ..... or is it just me that can't see them?
    PS Can you not use a Power Plate on public highways?
    Have a lovely humpday evening folks.

  9. At 04:23 PM on 02 May 2007, Jay wrote:


    A little late but, WELL DONE, to you and all at ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 2 that make your show truly one to look forward to every weekday. You deserved many more of the awards. Wicked show!

    Eggs? I love em. What I like to do is fry them so there is a nice yellow sun. Then, carefully cut away the white until only the yellowy bit is left. Next, scoop up the unbroken (must be unbroken) yoke, put it in my mouth and feel it pop. Totally yummy! When eating out, I spend ages making sure no-one is looking or I'll look like a complete pig. But, do I care, really? No, not really! :)

    Best wishes, Sir Evans!


  10. At 04:25 PM on 02 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    and ........ HL just seen your missive. If "he" does turn up - remember what happened to Matthew Broderick.
    PS I'm not frightened of Bruce Willis !!!!

  11. At 04:25 PM on 02 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    I agree with Em 26 (#3). I couldn't live in London but love visiting for the odd action-packed weekend. Just today I booked tickets to go see Phantom in July (a Saturday). We're seeing Scissor Sisters on the FRiday and have booked a hotel for 2 nights near Hyde Park. Having said all that, I always enjoy getting home to sleepy Suffolk and bathing away the grime of the big bad (but exciting) City.

    The trouble with the UK is the cost of transport, the cost of accommodation and the public transport network. London is pretty much 24/7 - even if you do have to pay thru the nose for it. Where I live in Suffolk public transport stops at about 8.30 pm at the very latest, and some villages don't have any at all.

    If the transport/accommodation issues were sorted out, I'd holiday in the UK a lot more. I have a friend who spends 2 weeks a year in a hotel in Cornwall. English hotel rates means that she pays more than a family package holiday to a European destination!


    CtD x x

  12. At 04:34 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh, Dr T, I was thinking of you just yesterday, wondering where you may have gone.

    So sorry to hear your news. Glad to have you back.

    See you again I'm sure

  13. At 04:36 PM on 02 May 2007, Ali wrote:

    40 minutes in a cab for 2 miles - you could've walked the whole way quicker - better for you and the environment (never mind your wallet)! If more people did that, traffic problems in big cities would be reduced so much.

    When I live within about 4 or 5 miles of work I try to use my bike as much as possible (assuming changing facilities are available). if only 2 or 3 miles, I'll just walk - get there quicker than public transport during rush hour anyway! Unfortunately, I've moved out of town, so now rely on buses, but it's nice to sit and switch off with my book for 45mins instead!

  14. At 04:38 PM on 02 May 2007, mjg wrote:

    hi ya Chris and bloggers,

    sitting in my church office with the fan heater on watching people walk past my window in shorts and t-shirts, whilst i sit with a cardie on, is quite surreal!

    i don't miss the rat race - having left the employ of HM Govt, now doing what i love, working with children and young people as a youth minister means that i get to either walk to my office, or use the bike or even cheekily use the car and am there in 2mins -just lazy i suppose but totally cool!

    anyhoo - love the news about the chickens, look forward to more about them

    just for those of you who read my entry last friday, spoke to virgin, and got my bill reduced by £29, hee hee!

    anyway have a great day all

  15. At 04:55 PM on 02 May 2007, mwk wrote:

    Dr. T, so sorry to hear your sad news! Your wife sounds a wonderful Lady.......

    Take care
    Mary xx

  16. At 05:01 PM on 02 May 2007, J wrote:

    Dr T - so sorry to hear your news. Best wishes to you and yours.


  17. At 05:07 PM on 02 May 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I remeber the first time one of my stunning hens did the egg thing, I was crazy excited.

    My ladies were all Buff Orpingtons (Sounds posh eh) but they are the nicest most cuddly hens (yes, cuddly..so) you ever wish to meet. They each got a cuddle after performing the egg thing, and soon came to eggspect (sorry, couldn't help it)

    I never had any chicklettes as they were garden hens and I thought the doodle doos would annoy the neighbours.

    I have to say this and I know you'll think me barmy, but my chicks always reminded me of Jerry Hall for some reason, must have been the flowing strawberry blond feathers ???

    Oh well, nearly home time,
    Well done Chris & Team re awards and even weller (it's a word) Chris for having rescue hens

    Take care

  18. At 05:08 PM on 02 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Dr T #5

    So sorry to hear your news. I have been wondering about you, I always enjoyed your comments. I should have asked about you, but of course, I didn't.

    You are so right, life should be lived to the full as much as possible and I am only too well aware that when we lose someone we love, it makes us see what's really important in life.

    I'm so glad you had six wonderful years with your wife - nothing and no-one can take that away from you.

    Love, C xx

  19. At 05:10 PM on 02 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Dr T

    Thanks for posting at such a time in your life. I can't imagine how you must be feeling just now.

    How refreshing that instead of moping, you're getting on with life, with the memory of your wife ever present.

    I feel ashamed that I am so unmotivated, while you are keen to make sure you enjoy life to the full.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    S xx.

    P.S. Eggs - how lovely, I love fresh fresh fresh eggs!!!

  20. At 05:17 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon all!
    how are you all today! the sun has been shining today and have been knitting my plastic bag, bag its getting there people. for those who don't have a clue about what i'm talking about, go on my blog to see pics and read all about it!

    must say hi to my norfolk buddies! your fab!

  21. At 05:18 PM on 02 May 2007, mjg wrote:

    Mr T. Littlest Hobo,

    My thoughts are with you and your family too at this time...

    makes adding extra stuff this avo a little superfluous now

  22. At 05:20 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh Gingembre that is such a brilliant idea about mambo's! Yes come on chris and co, come to norwich to meet your little bloggers and blogettes!
    Yum Surf and Turf burger!

  23. At 06:04 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Dr T-
    A moving and heart felt blog.

    It's so nice to have you back, I'm just so sorry for the circumstances for your absence. I wish you a wonderful life from here onwards with the lovely memories that you will keep forever of a truly great marriage.

    Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

    & the Bears

  24. At 06:05 PM on 02 May 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Dr T - so sorry for your loss. Thought you had "left" with others when the "trouble" started. You and your wife are now in my prayer list.

  25. At 06:19 PM on 02 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Evening one and all

    Now you can't beat a good egg.
    It amazes me how some people can't tell the difference it's almost as bad as ......it's tastes like butter ads... no it don't cause it's margarine.
    You might just as well spread your sandwich or toast with engine oil

    Why invent something to taste like butter when we have butter anyway.Blow the calories.

    LH sorry to hear of your loss.

  26. At 06:28 PM on 02 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Dr T - My very best wishes go out to you. For you to be so positive gives me (and all the other bloggers I'm sure) such a lift and puts a lot into perspective.
    May all your memories shine brightly.

    missy - you organise it, mines a texas teaser followed by philly steak enchilada.


  27. At 06:35 PM on 02 May 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Dr T

    I am so sorry to read of your very sad loss.

    So sorry.


  28. At 07:35 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Come on christophe you must come to mambo jambo for a meal. you never know i might have an allergic reaction again and we could all go to a and e it would be a great laugh!

  29. At 08:11 PM on 02 May 2007, Em M wrote:


    I second missy's idea that you should come to Norwich (a fine city) and you could broadcast your lovely programme from the Forum, a truly impressive building, then we could all meet up to witness missy's allergic reaction, then on to the Norfolk and Norwich University hospital for a bit of A & E - what more could anyone want of an evening? I bet you've never even been to Norfolk have you? You're missing out, believe me.

    Dr T - so sorry to read your news, thinking of you.

    Em xx

  30. At 09:42 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Dr T - so very sorry to read your sad news.

    Thinking of you.


  31. At 09:43 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Chris - now you want to parachute out of a plane holding Sally B's hand! Is there something you're not telling us.

    On the eggs - well done. I mean congratulations rather than how I like them cooked. When I did eat them it was well done - now I can't even look at them.

    Lyndyloo - I'm tucking in to a rather nice rose at the moment. Cheers.


  32. At 11:52 PM on 02 May 2007, wrote:

    Just got in from leading some young people earlier this evening and catching up with the entries.

    Again, Dr T, my thoughts and if I may be so bold my prayers are with you and your family. May you know peace and have good memories.

    Listening to Ben Folds, what a great way to unwind.

    Good night's sleep to you all and a peaceful undisturbed one at that.


  33. At 12:18 AM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    My earlier post seems to have gone missing ....

    Dr T - very sorry to read of your sad loss.


  34. At 12:31 AM on 03 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Life is strange, I have just been to a Birthday party .. the owners of the golf club I am staying in right now. The live act was a keyboard player and singer doing everything from Elvis to Matt Monroe not very well and no ZZtop.

    Lady I have never met before is threating to turn up with golf clubs and take me on the course... They will wonder where the turf went after the smurf gets out there,

  35. At 07:04 AM on 03 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    good morning one and all...

    Shame about Man Utd last night, would've been nice for an all English final.

    I agree with most of you that dipping in and out of London is great, I think the thought of living there appears very exciting and exotic but in reality would probably drive you crazy? The hustle and bustle and the expensive cab ride for 2 miles!!!!

    Give me sleepy Norfolk anyday, sorry to bang on about our fine county but it is just so nice (missy, how was Holt?)

    Em M - your idea about CLP broadcasting from the beeb at The Forum is an excellent one.... Moyles did it recently after slating our city as a creepy way of trying to look funny. What do you think Chris? Your mate Danny Baker loves Norfolk, I recall his radio show back in the day and he often waxed lyrical about it.

    My question today is:
    "When do really good close mates go back to just being friends?" - you know when it all fades a bit and you're not as close as you once were.
    - it's happened to me recently and it's a weird one....

    Have a great day all of you, I'm glad I found this website during my enforced lay-off, it's been nice to meet you all.

    Petit Filous


  36. At 07:46 AM on 03 May 2007, John Cox wrote:

    Chris is condasending often during womens minute.
    Several times people have given correct answers only to be criticised for that answer if Mr Evans thinks different.
    Last night during the "things with wings" the lady said Helicopter and was chastised.
    In official Aerospace termanology there are two types of Aircraft,Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing the latter being Helicopters.It is a reference used by the trade and pilots alike.
    Chris was unfair and put the lady off her stride.
    Please correct this issue

  37. At 07:48 AM on 03 May 2007, Anna wrote:

    Dr T Littlest Hobo - I admire your strength and positive thinking. Your wife would no doubt have been very proud of you (and probably still is.)

    with thoughts and sympathy

  38. At 08:37 AM on 03 May 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Dr T,
    My best wishes, and thank you for the timely reminder of what is important!

    I was ready to come on here this morning and rant about waking up with a mouth like Gandhi's flip flop, and how United failed to turn up last night! but somehow it just ain't important!

    I caught the Crocodile Hunter on TV this morning and it, and Dr T's news, reminded me of the point of life. Steve Irwin didn't just live his life, he left his footprint on the world for all time! Live your dreams, live your life, make your mark!

    For today that is DD out!

  39. At 08:48 AM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Dr T - words just somehow don't seem enough but suffice to say you and yours are in my thoughts

    Be careful about grabbing those horns too hard, they sometimes have sharp bits on the end.

    Jo xx

  40. At 09:03 AM on 03 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Dr T

    So sorry to hear your news.

    Our thoughts are with you.


  41. At 09:38 AM on 03 May 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Dr T

    I was browsing the blog and of course your entry stopped me in my tracks. I have no comprehension of how you must be feeling right now.

    You are so very brave and strong, it must have been hard to even attempt to put your sad news into words.

    You have served again to remind us all of what is important in life and not to waste time on the arbitary.

    love em26x

  42. At 10:01 AM on 03 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Dr T - big hugs.

    We're all here for you whenever you want to share your thoughts.

    CtD x x

  43. At 10:26 AM on 03 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all....

    Thirsty Thursday already and the weekend is beckoning... Not just your usual weekend, oh no - an EXTRA long one!!! Yippee!!! (mine does have an 'i' in it...)

    I'm studiously working hard this morning, (oh yes I am!!) and have just decided to take a few mins to catch up with you all on here - such lovely people!

    Funny how I'm quite happy to delve 100% into work, when it's cloudy outside!

    Em - How's the childminding going? Any takers yet?

    Mattfromrudgewickwhodoessqashnotsalsa - how the devil are you? Don't seem to have heard much from you of late - possible because of the poxy server/firewall type issue... Hope you and yours are well and that the roadtrip is now well and truly planned. (I can't get to the other side when I'm at work either.)

    OK - more work beckons (does it ever end?). I'll stop by later to see how you all are.

    Hugs all,

    S xx.

  44. At 10:44 AM on 03 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    (((Dr T))) hoping that the pain of your loss lessens soon. Thank you for your words of wisdom - I think it would do us all good to try and remember them.

    Chris - there's nothing more eggciting than eating an egg laid by one's own chicken. Unless it's hatching it. Are you going to get a boy chicken too so you can maybe make little chicks???


  45. At 10:56 AM on 03 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello all,

    Sammie - got a waiting list as long as your arm, just got registration certificate yesterday but feeling quite scared! I know I've got to bite the bullet but think I will wait until after half term to start cos then I will have done the business part of the course and I will (hopefully) know what I'm doing! Thanks for asking.

    Gingembre - How weird that you asked your question about really good friends just going back to being friends, I think that is happening to me at the moment, how are dealing with your situation? Are you upset about it? Do you feel like us East Anglians are taking over the blog?!

    Em xx

  46. At 11:23 AM on 03 May 2007, J wrote:

    Dear John of #36,

    I think you may need to lighten up a tad.

    Woman's minute is a bit of fun and as it's run by Chris I guess he gets to adjudicate. Decisions need to be made there and then, there is only a minute after all to the game. And a large part of the charm of that section is the controversy that rages afterwards.

    Also, I don't think Chris is condescending - but I suppose that's a matter of opinion.


    PS - they're definitely blades not wings to the majority.

  47. At 12:06 PM on 03 May 2007, Ritchie wrote:

    Chris and the team, and other people who read the blogs.

    Take a look at


    Please mention it on your station again and together we must do something to help these beautiful helpless animals.

    Keep up the good work.

  48. At 12:08 PM on 03 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Dr T #5 - what sad news - I am so sorry. Your positivity is a lesson to us all.

    Thinking of you.

    jillygoat xxxx

  49. At 01:01 PM on 03 May 2007, sarah wrote:

    Today is a sad day as mama malard has gone missing and left her 16 beautiful duckeggs to their own device. She had covered them in her soft down and her little camoflage nest was barely visable.We presume she left for a little munching but has been taken by a fox or hit by a car. That was 3 days ago and now the eggs are down to 2, rats or crows have found the others. What was to be 16 little ducklings ........
    are no more .sniff.
    saz :-(

  50. At 01:05 PM on 03 May 2007, Kathryn wrote:


    Following on from your chat last night, in Derby we'll shortly be having an auction of the rides from the local American Adventure theme park which closed down in the winter, see here for more details:

    Happy thirsty Thursday
    Kathryn x

  51. At 01:10 PM on 03 May 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Dear Dr T

    I am so sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you - I would just like to say Thank you for your positive thoughts - some days it must be hard for you to be upbeat, just to let you know that your blog was an inspiration and its good to see you back.


  52. At 01:11 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    As it's polling day today, and I have the right to vote, I would like to vote to have East Anglia moved to East Sussex so that I wouldn't have so far to travel to Norwich...and while I was out in my car just now, I saw a Greene King lorry. Talk about rubbing it in.

    Anyhoo, wings and skirts? If they add anything else to 'ladies' unmentionable items, they'll look like angels.

    lateral are us

  53. At 01:13 PM on 03 May 2007, John wrote:

    Isn't it amazing how trends change. Only a few years ago eggs were being held up as a shining example of food that will cause strokes and heart attacks and now all of a sudden they are fine and we can eat them with impunity. I think we need to start distinguishing between science and siyunce, the latter being researched by people in sandals from the University of east Anglia lol.

    Well done Chris your fresh food enthusiasm even has me shying away from ready meals.

  54. At 01:52 PM on 03 May 2007, Curly, whirley, shirley wrote:

    Hi Chris........the chucky eggs sound delish.

    We have a place in France, (but not moving there for a couple of years) and we want to have some chickens too when we move there. Are they easy to look after? Do they bite? Do they mind much when you take their eggs away? You'll have to send us some tips on "chicken husbandry.

    Know just what you mean about the big L. The rail journey is fine, unless there are any delays and then it can be a nightmare, but once you get off at the other end that's when the fun starts - lemmings spring to mind!!!

    Have a good weekend Chris - can't wait to hear all about the foraging!!

    Have to get back to work now - I can't go skiving off to the pub either (my boss is my hubby!!)

    Lots of love

  55. At 02:21 PM on 03 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - it sort of crept up on me last year, we've been the best of mates since we were introduced at school in 1981. Best man at both my weddings! Pretty much any great memory I have includes him, as we've laughed and cried together over the years.

    Other friends also noticed and now the whole thing is weird in that we used to do loads as 4 couples and now we don't do anything at all.

    Looking back I don't think I could've handled it any differently, but if it is happening to you, try to sort it asap, as I really miss my best friend and I hope you don't end up the same.

    ...and no I don't think we're taking over, I think we're just really friendly chatty people. See you in Mambo's one day, good luck with the childminding although I'm sure you'll be fine.


  56. At 02:51 PM on 03 May 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hazel - LOL ref Greene King.

    Mr Diva and I had one of our weekend breaks in London last summer (Foo Fighters were playing Hyde Park and it was VERY hot!), staying in a hotel in Kensington. Anyhoo, after the gig finished we went to a pub in Kensington High Street and they were as proud as proud could be that their "special guest ale" for that week was none other than Greene King IPA. I've nothing against GKIPA, but I live about 15 miles from Bury St Edmunds, where it's brewed! The barmaid coudln't see the irony, but the Guinness was divine!

    x x x

    PS: There's also an amazing posh kebab shop in Kensington High Street - I think it's called Ranoush or something like that and its lebanese cuisine. Fantastic - and open til the wee small hours! Highly recommend.

  57. At 03:17 PM on 03 May 2007, J wrote:

    Curly, whirley Shirley - Hi

    I don't know everything, but this is what I do know - Chickens are dead easy to keep. They need somewhere safe (fox proof) to sleep and lay and somewhere to run around in. You may get squirrels and crows pinching the eggs if you're not careful.

    They get feed (corn is it!) in the morning when you let them out and they will eat a lot of the veggie food scraps from the kitchen. They sometimes need an additive to help strengthen their shells but I found the food scraps gave them enough to have v hard, healthy shells. They eat their own shells again after we've had the egg inside. They'll eat the eggs too - not baby chicks as the eggs are not fertilized unless you have a cockrel.

    I wouldn't bother with a cockrel either as they are really noisey, bossy and can be too amorous. My friend had to get rid of hers after he killed several of the chickens by hump-daying them to death!

    One of the chickens will take on the role of the cockrel if you don't have one - ie they will be at the top of the pecking order and organise things.

    They don't mind at all if you take the eggs, except occaionally they get broody and will sit on the eggs (either their own or others). This will go on for about a week or fortnight and most times the urge then passes and the hen gets back to "normal".

    Like any animal they are a tie but so rewarding and, as mentioned earlier, the taste of your own, organic eggs is just amazing.

    Also in France, everywhere in the countryside seems to have their own hens who all just roam lose and there are very few hedges or fences in France (no castles there then!) but the hens never seem to roam far.

    I think that's it - except, can I come with you!


  58. At 03:27 PM on 03 May 2007, wrote:

    Em M, gingembre...I had a friend who was like my closest ever sister. There is nothing (I don't think) that we don't know about each other (apart from stuff before we met, and some stuff now) and then she went to work in Canada. (Whistler, mainly as a truck driver for the hunky lumberjacks.)

    When she arrived back, I don't think I have ever had such a stilted conversation with anyone before or since, as I had with her, the first time I saw her after her return.

    We both have similar interests, and she has gone a lot further down some routes, but we had always had that 'private joke, closeness' kinda thing going on...and this had completely disappeared while she was away.

    This was about a year ago, and it seems that only just now, we appear to be getting back on to some sort of even keel.

    I'm really glad it's happening, but I don't think the change could have been avoided. Everyone goes their different ways eventually, and sooner or later everything 'comfortable' changes...it just means that you are going different ways.

    I haven't seen the girl that was my bestest friend and bridesmaid (the first time) for about 10 years, or most of the people that came to my first wedding...we've all moved on in different ways to different places.

    It'll never be the same as it was, be thankful that you have good memories, and start enjoying your time meeting other 'best' friends.

    If this gets posted I'll be very surprised, but I hope it helps.

    all with love

  59. At 03:41 PM on 03 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    The friends thing is interesting, isn't it? I have been as thick as thieves (not literally you understand) with some people and then find that after some time, we no longer have very much in common, or our lives have moved on.

    The point is, that friends come and friends go - there's nothing wrong in that. They shouldn't be mourned, but celebrate the fact that for some time, you were close and you were able to help each other when times were bad and share the good times.

    Perhaps it's just time to accept a newer relationship with these people and maybe only see/call them once in a blue moon?

    Time for newer friends I think!!!

    S xx.

  60. At 11:10 PM on 03 May 2007, Sarah wrote:

    Dr T

    I am so sorry to hear your very sad and tragic news. Love across the pond x

  61. At 07:39 PM on 08 May 2007, Janice wrote:

    Where is your restaurant? Is it open for business you never say

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