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Chris Evans | 16:41 UK time, Friday, 28 March 2008

How exciting is this ? In a week that almost saw the end of this particular blog due to the revelation of a giant rock and roll crab, long story, it seems now the exact opposite is about to happen....

Read on faithful blog fans. Yous is special, special enough for the following to have been organised.

"Spam spam spam* spam**

The Chris Evans' Drivetime show was one of a handful of ´óÏó´«Ã½ programmes to get a blog as part of a trial into how blogs could be used at the ´óÏó´«Ã½. During trials, it's pretty much inevitable that we run into gremlins. Finding and fixing the problems these little critters throw up is how we go about developing robust services for the website.

The biggest problem we've had to overcome has been defending ourselves from spam attacks. Like email addresses and email software, most blog software (not just the ´óÏó´«Ã½) gets bombarded with huge amounts of spam and junk comments. These spam messages sometimes overwhelm and clog up the system, causing many of the errors that you have had to deal with and reported to us.

What are we doing about it? Well, in April, you'll see some changes. Firstly, you'll have to log in. I know. logging in takes a moment more of your time. But we have to stand together to beat the spammers - and the best way to do that is to lock them out and give out keys only to our listeners and website users.

Thanks for your patience and loyalty. Don't let's give in to the spammers.

* The Merriem Webster online dictionary defines spams as "unsolicited usually commercial e-mail sent to a large number of addresses" and says it comes from the famous Monty Python sketch where the characters repeatedly chant the word 'spam' until it drowns out everything else being said.

** Spam email is not to be confused with SPAM - luncheon meat in the tin. According to the official SPAM website, a man named Ken won $100 in a competition to name the canned delicacy and it's generally thought that it stands for Spiced Ham' - but the website doesn't endorse this view, preferring to say that that 'SPAM means SPAM. For real'."

So there, though having said all that, I am now off for a week.

BYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !





  1. At 05:20 PM on 28 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Great idea - fed up with being 502d
    I had to change my email address half a dozen times because of the junk I just did NOT want thank you!

    Debbie how did it go? Feeling better?

    Biggles Mum

  2. At 05:35 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Cathmel: You did it. Well done.

    Debbie: have you gone and done it yet?

    Anne x

  3. At 05:51 PM on 28 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Great idea. I've had to change my email address loads of times to get rid of the junk being offered!!

    Off to Portugal then CLP?

    How did you get on Debbie?

    Biggles Mum

  4. At 06:00 PM on 28 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Woooooooooooooo, woooooooooooooo close one CLP nearly losing the blog!!!!!!!!

    I knew Jem Stone, aka ´óÏó´«Ã½ blog meister, 'as been well on the case.... 'e's a very nice man indeed ter keep the blog up 'n runnin' good.
    PS Whatta coincidence as I writted about this subject earlier on this afternoon - sometimes I wonder if I am, without realising it, tuned inter the otherside, abit like Mystic Meg but without the 'eavy make up - know what am sayin'!!!!

    Also I don't see 'ow they could consider geetin' rid of your blog... i've looked at the other's & their nothin' compared ter this blog CLP..... nothin' - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    As for the spam - yes am gettin' attacked continually that's why ave got 83 anti virus programmes all running at once on me computer!!!!

    Oh well everyone, ave a most agreeable weekend in all areas.

    I'm off ter open a tin of Spam ter put with me salad that am just preparing. I'm still on the Ukrainian preperation diet ere yer see!!


    PS Cathmel - Congates on your tune being the chosen one!!!!!!!

  5. At 06:44 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Gaby wrote:


    Have no fear. We will stand firm against the spammers.

    Logging-in is but the work of a moment - and so worth the effort : )

    Hope you are doing nice things next week.



    ps I used to love Spam - probably still do, just haven't had it for years.

  6. At 07:09 PM on 28 Mar 2008, M wrote:

    off for the week? How lovely! Drivetime won't be the same.
    Great show tonight, choices being played are rocking"!
    Spam an irratating waste of time, hope the login works, mind, spammers are persistant critters....
    Have purused this weeks blogs, some interesting topics raised, but i'm toooooo big bambood to have my penniesworth right now !
    Have a great weekend all and stay safe.

    M x

  7. At 07:18 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I'VE DONE IT!!

    I posted before I left work but got 502d.

    He was cool about it and I was gobsmacked! It turns out that he is quite old fashioned and agrees with mum being at home, doing the school run etc. He said no hard feelings and we will talk more about on Monday. Phew!

    Now I know that Mr Debbie will, every now and then, make a comment about me not working (it's only until September!) but being at home with my little boy makes it all worth it.

    I said to Little Man that mummy wouldn't have to go to work soon and he said 'that means I can stay with you?' I have definately done the right thing.

    So yes, thank you, I feel much better. I struggled today, and survived!

    Thank you supporting me, and long live the blog! I love you guys.

    Have a good weekend
    Debbie x x

  8. At 07:37 PM on 28 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Wot - no birthday cake??

    Lady P

  9. At 07:54 PM on 28 Mar 2008, lazykev wrote:

    a big pat on the back for.......debbie...clp for sorting the web 502 thingy.....the beeeb for sorting the blog stuff...and everyone else for making it through to friday....with or without a drink..

  10. At 09:28 PM on 28 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Thanks CLP I am made up to have my song choice picked to kick off ARF!!!!! Yogurt mix or not I am absolutley completly over the moon..........................

    I am very happy to log into THE blog (a club I am proud to belong to)

    Have a great weekend everyone

    Thanks bingo & anne G - I feel like something really special has happened maybe it's a good omen

    x x x

  11. At 11:17 PM on 28 Mar 2008, wrote:

    oh no.

    Off Again? You are turning into Tel Wogan!

    I haven't been here for days, because TPTB have been banning me. I don't even get 502 error messages any more. I just tick over for up to 30 minutes and nothing happens. Is well depressing.

    I missed the show as well tonight! I left work kinda sharp and was listening to my audio book. O M G I love this - I can compute and read... I can knit and read - and tonight, I multitasked extreme.....IRoned, Listened to my book and watched the TV all at the same time. Okay - I missed most what was happening in my book, and I couldn't hear what was happening on the TV, but heavens.... I was in heaven, multi-tasking.

    Have a nice hol Christoph. I'm on holiday the week after so it might be a couple of weeks before we get back together.

    Don't miss me to much, and think about me on Sunday as I plod along the Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond.


  12. At 12:51 AM on 29 Mar 2008, James Luff wrote:

    I don't understand, we have to log in to read the blog, or just if we want to make a comment? I don't see how logging in will work with RSS readers, I don't come to the site to read the blog. I use Google Reader, but that can't log me in.

  13. At 09:47 AM on 29 Mar 2008, mwk wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Have a great holiday, will miss you xx

    Thank goodness the blog will be sorted, I blogged the other day, the first time in a while I know but since then I have either got 502d or it just hangs for ages and then nothing happens!

    Debbie - Well done, I think you have definately done the right think, he sounded a real Mr nasty.
    Anytime Mr Debbie passes a negative comment just hug your son and remember he is the reason your doing it. Don't let anyone spoilt the quality time with your son. xx

    Cathmel well done for kicking off ARF! It's quite exciting waiting to hear who its going to be.

    I had to have a day off yesterday, my nephew discovered I had a leak in my petrol tank turned out my tank was split and I needed a new one aarrgghh! A garage quoted me £420......well thanks but no thanks! However a huge thank you to my nephew who helped me find a recondition one and a mate who is a mechanic and will fit it for me, so it's only going to cost me £80 including fitting, what a result!

    DWNB - good luck for your charity walk on Sunday, hope the sun shines for you! xx

    Keith - Thinking of you, sending you love and hugs xx

    Have a good weekend all xx

    Old firm game today......good job I'm having my hair done and the sparkly bits touched up after the footy - think I will gain a few watching it! lol

    Take care
    Mary xx

  14. At 03:07 PM on 29 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Well done Debbie! Atta gal!!! Have you got to work a month's notice? It'll soon pass, I'm sure.

    And log i to blog ... no prob. Bring it on.

    Gunners away to Bolton today - it's bound to end in tears.

    treated myself to a really nice goth/hippie chic top in town today - hurrah for plastic!

    Now gonna watch Despo Housewives. Mr Diva on the allotment getting blown about in the wind. I opted to stay home and make the curry for tonight's dinner.

    Congrats cathmel too!

    Until next week ...

    CtD x x

    PS: How many posts are we gonna squeeze in before CLP's return on Monday week?

    PPS: MfR - we had some GnR stuff too. And a bit of STP. Almost got my hearing back now!

  15. At 07:11 PM on 29 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    CtD: Given the way the blog is behaving, I'll go for 100 posts.

    Anyone know where Missy is?

    Anne x

  16. At 07:47 PM on 29 Mar 2008, Red wrote:

    Good for you Debbie....x

  17. At 07:12 PM on 30 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Changed my mind. 20 posts if we're lucky.

    Anne x

  18. At 07:16 PM on 30 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Well done Debbie. It was a brave move & you wont regret it. I negotiated work hours to enable me to take my girls to school, pick them up and be with them during the hols. Perfect balanced life.

    Come on guys lets get to a 100 posts!!

    x x x x

  19. At 08:23 AM on 31 Mar 2008, Quueg wrote:

    Just get some effective anti spam software people its not difficult! Creating complexity by forcing logins isnt goint to make spam go away! One of the points of blogging is accessibility which you are now going to make more difficult. Will I be bothered creating yet another login with yet another password to remember? Not sure that I will.

    Great show Chris, you make radio worth listening too.

  20. At 09:32 AM on 31 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    Morning all

    Anyone know who's standing on for CLP?


    Congratulations - I hope you have a wonderful summer. However, sorry to be a bit of a downer, please work on your passivity. "Mr Nasty" may not have been nasty at all but just more aggressive, or maybe even more assertive than yourself and that's what you found/find intimidating. I hope you have a chance over the summer to develop some self confidence and inner strength. Time to stand proud and be happy, girl!

    I also believe that mothers should be at home with their children - weird as I am an ardent feminist, but there you go...

    jen ewan

  21. At 09:35 AM on 31 Mar 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hello all, good weekends? Mr P and I spent Friday and Saturday on the sofa and then enoyed 2008's official first beer garden day yesterday - hurrah!

    Congrats to Cathmel and Debbie, by the way.
    Does anyone know who is talking over Drivetime this week? I hope it's not Pete Mitchell - I cannot stand him. Stuart Maconie?? Please!! By the way, I have just started reading Maconie's book - it's very funny.

    Rosie x

  22. At 11:13 AM on 31 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good morning all

    Thanks guys, feel much more relaxed today but I just need to find out how much notice the boss wants me to work. I have been here almost a year to the day so I thought maybe 4 weeks? He said he with give the situation some thought over the weekend.

    Rosie, Simon Mayo is sitting in for CLP this week by the way.

    Did anyone see the Friday Night Project last week and does anyone else think that David 'ten inch' Tennant is lovely?

    Debbie x x

  23. At 11:25 AM on 31 Mar 2008, Red wrote:

    I think it's Simon Mayo.... sitting in this week.

    I like Mr Maconie too.....never mind.

    X R

  24. At 01:15 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Hiya fellow bloggers and lurkers,

    CathMel - congrats on achieving the first ARF record.

    Debbie - congrats on giving notice, I think it was a good decision.

    CLP - thank you to your Blogists - I won't mind logging on to comment.

    Great news that the blog will continue. I vote that by the end of this week the blog will have 88 entries.

    The weekend wasn't too bad and the sun came out Sunday afternoon so my riding lesson was great instead of being damp waiting to go into the arena - I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson.

    I finally managed to get my wireless thingy working and now don't get cramp sitting on a beanbag between cupboard and sofa - what luxury.

    Roll on ARF


  25. At 02:01 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Sarah wrote:

    Never blogged before but always try to read when I get a minute, so thought I'd say Hi, and help get the posts to over the 100!

    Well done Debbie, hope it works out for the best, you'll have a fab summer I have no doubt.

  26. At 02:14 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I have left work! He told me that I might as well finish today so here I am at home unemployed!

    Mr Debbie isn't happy as that is one month more that I'm not working and another month without a wage. So I have just got told off. I have a funny feeling this may not work.

    Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the sunshine.

    Debbie x

  27. At 02:16 PM on 31 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Debbie, statutory minimum notice if worked over one month and under two years is just one week but depends on your contract if you had one.

    Hope all OK and no-one was near the plane crash?

    Wonder if Mayo will be blogging?

    Biggles Mum xx

  28. At 02:17 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Red wrote:

    I don't mind logging on to comment....if it stops

    being 502 'd, why not..?

    Lets make it 101...... its only Monday and we

    already on 27/8.

    X R

    oops ..sorry forgot to sign it ..

  29. At 03:25 PM on 31 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Said ta very much for my blog and it's nowhere to be seen? We will not reach 100 if it keeps saying thanks and then not showing or if Mayo blogs in CLP's place!

    Debbie, statutory minimum notice is one week if you have worked over one month and under two years for Mr Nasty. All depends on whether you had a contract, in which case, that takes over.

    Biggles Mum xx

  30. At 04:18 PM on 31 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Wooo!!! Debbie my 2 o clock blog appeared with my 3 oclock blog and yours also!

    Did you get your weeks notice money/holiday pay due - check www.direct.gov.uk (employment section) to make sure you got all entitled to then just enjoy your time off!! If Mr Debbie not happy, tell him you can get job seekers allowance after 26 weeks (I think)!! or tell him you are thinking of doing a paper round!

    Biggles Mum xx

  31. At 04:22 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi Debbie

    Check your employment terms and conditions for termination - you could be entitled to money - if he has got it wrong - did you have a HR person or dept ?


  32. At 04:23 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Sorry Blog police forgot to say that the new series of Desperate Housewives has me rehooked already....
    Roll on episode 3.

    What with the Apprentice - my week's viewing has just gone up by one programme.

    Off now - at least I've added to the blog total


  33. At 04:46 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Anonymous wrote:

    Hi Debbie,

    Well done!! Don't worry about Mr Debbie, I'm sure he'll come round in the end, maybe you should cook him his favourite dinner tonight and he might start thinking you being home isn't such a bad thing. I'm not for or against mums staying at home, but I do think if you want to and you can you should, it's only for a few months and think of the tan you'll get!!

    Em xx

  34. At 04:57 PM on 31 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    My names iz Bingo Star, not many people know that!

    I too wrote out a beautiful blog earlier, full of passion, 'umour, jokes, pleasantries, Simon Mayo complilmenterateraries, complimentataries, complimenteries, comple....mente..... errrrrrr will compliments do?
    And 'igh emotion & it too 'as failed ter show......

    As a result I am feeling VERY..... complicated in an emotional way!


  35. At 05:26 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    I think he should pay you in lieu of notice, together with any holiday pay accrued thus far.

    Well done you!

    if Mr Debbie does complain, you can just reiterate that you hope to raise beautiful happy well balanced offspring as opposed to obnoxious spoilt nasty critters!

    I think Drivetime should play "Enjoy Yourself" by The Specials just for you!

    Big hugs all round.

    CtD x x x x

  36. At 05:50 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Now then Now then one and all

    I have tried to post but to no avail so far.... I think a log in would be the answer.

    Anyway I would like to send a Birthday greeting to Mr Chris and as it's April Fools day I hope this may be appropriate. It was taken on one of my caravan holidays.

    toodle oo pp

  37. At 06:01 PM on 31 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Well I reckon I could get the posts to 100 on my own today!

    I never signed a contract and I was the only person there doing everything in the office. I have been paid up to today and that's it. Luckily my childminder will accept payment up to the end of this week and not for the whole of April as she should have done.

    I will look into the jobseeker allowance thanks.

    Mr Debbie is now really ok about it. We'll be fine. I make hand made cards for a hobby so I'd better get selling some I suppose! And the odd car boot sale will help. Have I been really selfish here?

    Can't believe that for the first time since I was 16 I'm unemployed how wierd!!

    Debbie x x

  38. At 08:12 PM on 31 Mar 2008, gingembre wrote:

    well done debs, hope it all goes well. Mr debbie will love it really, you greeting him at the door every evening, home cooked fayre on the table, tehe

    hope you're all well, my op is now only 2 weeks away - woohoo


  39. At 09:35 PM on 31 Mar 2008, j wrote:


    Nope - want to change my mind (I'm a lady, I'm allowed) - see earlier text.

    If Mr Nasty is signing you off immediately then he's a scum and is Mr Nasty... He has to pay you a month's salary (if you paid monthly - and a week if paid weekly) severence pay. Stand by your guns, hinny, don't let him bully you into this. Good luck and have a wonderful summer.

    PLEASE - make this the start of something amazing and stand up to him. What do you have to lose? Nothing, if all comes to naught you are leaving at the end of the week, but if you hint to him about taking professional advice, ie Citizen's Advice Bureau, he will panic and crumble - then think how good you'll feel. Also, if you've not signed a contract, that's illegal but FROM HIS SIDE NOT YOURS!!!! You go girl, girl power an' all that.

    Good luck and lots of love from all of us...
    jen ewan

  40. At 09:59 PM on 31 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Hi All

    Just a quick contribution to bump up the numbers.
    Last time I blogged I was off to Brum - I left it still standing honest!!
    This week off to Chester - overnighter. Haven't got a thing to wear! Time to dust of the velcro rollers (clodagh) or follow prof plums example and go with nature.


    Have been watching your drama unfold with bated breath. Really glad it's a happy ending.

    Bit disappointed not to get any birthday cake off've CLP. Never mind - watching my waistline in case I do have to resort to the profs naturist ways. Where's a nice frock when you need one.

    TTFN all


  41. At 10:00 PM on 31 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:


    Can anyone tell me how tall Michael Buble is?


  42. At 11:39 PM on 31 Mar 2008, anon wrote:

    Google it LadyP...google it...!


  43. At 07:00 AM on 01 Apr 2008, Gaby wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris


  44. At 07:26 AM on 01 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Debbie - you must have rights! please don't take this lying down take advise from the CAB or online on the governement employment website - B's mum has posted the link.

    Happy B'day CLP.

    Have lots of funny things to tell you all but no time now!!

    Have a great day x x x

  45. At 08:39 AM on 01 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter ALL

    ere ratS ogniB, sorry wrong way arooound, Bingo Star ere.

    Whatta a coincidence!!!!!!!!! Can I just wish both Chris Evans aka CLP & Simon mayo both a 'VERY, VERY 'APPY & PLEASING BIRTHDEE IN ALL AREAS"!!!!!!!!!!


  46. At 09:37 AM on 01 Apr 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    hello all . .

  47. At 09:51 AM on 01 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Happy Birthday CLP! Nice and sunny here - and warm!! hope it is where you are.

    Biggles Mum xx

  48. At 09:51 AM on 01 Apr 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hello all, just a quickie to say happy birthday to CLP, pinch and a punch, white rabbits and all that superstitious stuff...

    Debbie - keep fighting, girl x

    Rosie x

  49. At 10:37 AM on 01 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris Lambie Pie x

    Pen-blwydd Hapus i chi Chris x

    X R

  50. At 11:11 AM on 01 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Well well well, long time no type.

    Its nice to see the blog still going strong and there are still some familiar names up there.

    Having recently required plenty of spare time I hope to frequent the blog more , ermm, frequently. Its just typical that CLP is orf on his hols as I do so.

    oh well,

    til later,

    MW, a!

  51. At 11:23 AM on 01 Apr 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Happy Birthday CLP x

    Thanks for advice. I have to wait until 9th April for appointment at CAB. I thought I had finished with fighting and feel down that I may have to get in touch with this man again if that makes any sense.

    Debbie x x

  52. At 12:22 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Good morning everyone - congrats the blog entries are now at 51.

    My part of the south coast is bright and breezy with the sun out.

    Keep your chin up Debbie and write to your ex boss and let him know that you have an appointment with the cab - always keep a copy and always put this type of thing in written correspondence - they are unable to wriggle off the line then.

    Good Luck to Gingembre on your forthcoming op.


  53. At 12:41 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Sue wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris!

  54. At 01:12 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    Hello Dan :) ...

    X R

  55. At 01:15 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Gone twelve and no April Fools one and all

    My last entry did not make much sense as it should have carried a you tube link to a man singing his heart out outside his caravan. The song appropiate for today. "What kind of fool am I".

    Lady P. We naturists meet once a month for speed dating with a difference if you are interested.

    Toodle oo pp

  56. At 02:39 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Sue wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris!

  57. At 06:15 PM on 01 Apr 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Happy, happy birthday Christoffe, wherever you are, from wherever I am..which happens to be beautiful County Kerry, Rose of Tralee country, wherein as the Togmeister says, the Roses have to not only be Lovely Girls (as in Father Ted) but prove their Irishness by playing The Star-Spangled Banner on a circular saw.

    And I've just had the best offer of me life which I am delighted to share with yous; a little old farmer with one tooth in his head has just told me he'd trade his horse in for me. And he's had said horse for 23 years since he rescued it from an unscrupulous knacker from Ballinasloe. Hurrah!!! I'm obviously rather a catch.

    Now then Debbie. I'm not sure about your pursuing your Rights, morally undisputed though they are....I think you've made an important step here and you should just move on and be strong in your resolve for the future. Don't look back and don't be bitter. It will poison your optimism. Remember, nothing is ever as bad as the fear of it.

    And Mister Debbie, god bless him, will only be mad at you if you're negative and unhappy. So show him it's the right thing by seizing this opportunity to move onwards and upwards with both hands, and for now enjoy your time with your boys. All 3 of em. Well done sweetheart, and I wish you well.

    Right I'd best be off before me lovesick farmer returns. Ere I bet it's that horse shampoo that's done it. Attracted him like the Bisto Kid. Hahaha bloody bless him.


  58. At 08:42 PM on 01 Apr 2008, big (ish) bump wrote:

    Hey folks hows everyone? A cracking idea Christy, if you only knew the pearls of wisdom youve missed out on due to me being 502'd!!! Actually thinkin about it maybe not.
    Spent a long weekend in Caaaaadif, the mammy was over visitin the scary sister, It was the first time theyve met their little grandaughter/niece, (shes 5 months old today)
    Needless to say I hardly saw her all weekend!
    The wee man had a great time as we were in Dr Who land! He kept looking out the window just in case........... I love Cardiff its a great city and the people are so friendly, I love the way every one says "cheers drive" when the get off the bus!! Its been a bit of an anti climax today, I miss me ma.........
    Have a great week off Chris. xxx

  59. At 08:51 PM on 01 Apr 2008, big (ish) bump wrote:

    Debbie, theres nothing selfish with wanting to look after you son! Thats one of the most unselfish things you couls ever do and your Mr Debbie is lucky to have you! Im due back in four weeks and its making me feel sick!!! Im currently looking for night work (I get by on very little sleep, a bit hyper y,see) so I dont have to leave her and I love to drop and pick up wee man from school, as I live in a small village and Ive never learned how to drive that not much of a possibility.............

  60. At 09:00 PM on 01 Apr 2008, mwk wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris xxxxxx

    Mary xx

  61. At 11:42 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Annie P wrote:

    Hi all

    Happy birthday CLP for yesterday.

    Recently left Scotland and moved to Sydney so my morning routine is all out of sync as there's no blog to read with my brekkies!!! I'll just need to check out your weather instead:-).

    Only Wednesday and we're over 60 entries, I'm guessing 104 by Monday.


  62. At 11:52 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Ruth Marlee wrote:

    Wow Christobell - I LOVE your show! I'm even inspired to let you know a BIG secret - this next weekend I'm going to visit my son in AUSTARLIA! This trip is all my Christmas and birthday presents wrapped into one - little 'ol ME is going to make the BIG trip! I KNOW he's looking forward to seeing me - 'cause he's bought a top of the range, suppa doopa life jacket so he can tow me behind his boat on a rubber ring - and I'm determined not to be scared! He moved out there nearly two years ago - and I've missed him SO much - so if you could play Ottis Reading - "With These Arms" for all the Mums out there - then I'll enjoy a REAL Mutha Moment. By the time your programme will be on air, I'll either be driving home in my little-bit-boring-but-cheap- Clio, or having a wax-and-a-chat to get rid of the bits of me I don't like in preparation for my Big Trip; in which case can you play Summer of '69 - cause that would be beltin' for my other sons and my fab husband 'Dave!

    Loadsa love to all the crew - Ruth

  63. At 11:53 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Ruth Marlee wrote:

    Wow Christobell - I LOVE your show! I'm even inspired to let you know a BIG secret - this next weekend I'm going to visit my son in AUSTARLIA! This trip is all my Christmas and birthday presents wrapped into one - little 'ol ME is going to make the BIG trip! I KNOW he's looking forward to seeing me - 'cause he's bought a top of the range, suppa doopa life jacket so he can tow me behind his boat on a rubber ring - and I'm determined not to be scared! He moved out there nearly two years ago - and I've missed him SO much - so if you could play Ottis Reading - "With These Arms" for all the Mums out there - then I'll enjoy a REAL Mutha Moment. By the time your programme will be on air, I'll either be driving home in my little-bit-boring-but-cheap- Clio, or having a wax-and-a-chat to get rid of the bits of me I don't like in preparation for my Big Trip; in which case can you play Summer of '69 - cause that would be beltin' for my other sons and my fab husband 'Dave!

    Loadsa love to all the crew - Ruth

  64. At 12:35 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Elm wrote:


    Well done Debbie - just make sure you get your money that you deserve but I fully salute you in wnating to take time to look after your kid, and I'm sure when all the washing is done, home cooked meal every night and the fact the weekly shopping can get done now Mr Debbie will see the results.

    My fella took a week of last week and he did wonders with the house, now if only I could afford to keeop him there all week - and we don't even have kids yet.

    anyway hi to every one

    ps - meal in May - what happened - did anyone book anything?

    Elm X

  65. At 12:42 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Is the blog broken again - it looks like the marie celeste?

    I got 502 errored yesterday.

    A big hello to everyone out there - wasn't the BMW ad and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Penguins great April Fools jokes.

    Does anyone have any other AF day jokes - our local newspaper got people thinking about deckchair training packs as per EU regulations.

    Simon are you doing the first record ARF chosen by the members of the Blog this week?


  66. At 02:57 PM on 02 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Tis a bit quiet isn't it on the blog - is it broken?

    I took ages to break a habit of expressing my sarcasm to matters with two words and what have they done to me - put the Monkeee back on the adds and what does he say? Oh Joy!

    Missed all the 1st April fools yesterday - bit busy running office again as one of the old ones has been taken to hospital so off hubby went to take the other to and fro. What is it with parking at hospitals these days? They build the hospital 19 floors high so why not a multi floor car park!
    Used up all his gas and half petrol! Oh Joy!

    Dog sulked cos he wasn't taken as usual - thinks the cars are his actually - didn't eat anything, started chewing his paws and was sick on the rug before I could get to the door. Oh Joy!!

    Managed to get to my hairdresser to get the old roots done this morning so himself had to man the phones - mountain and molehill come to mind. Why can't I go grey all over - save a fortune - hairdresser tells me if I didn't do me roots I would look like a badger cos there is not enough grey yet! Oh Joy!!!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  67. At 03:05 PM on 02 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Tis a bit quiet isn't it on the blog - is it broken?

    I took ages to break a habit of expressing my sarcasm to matters with two words and what have they done to me - put the Monkeee back on the adds and what does he say? Oh Joy!

    Missed all the 1st April fools yesterday - bit busy running office again as one of the old ones has been taken to hospital so off hubby went to take the other to and fro. A mere 200 mile round trip! What is it with parking at hospitals these days? They build the hospital 19 floors high so why not a multi floor car park!
    Used up all his gas and half petrol! Oh Joy!

    Dog sulked cos he wasn't taken as usual - thinks the cars are his actually - didn't eat anything, started chewing his paws and was sick on the rug before I could get to the door. Oh Joy!!

    Managed to get to my hairdresser to get the old roots done this morning so himself had to man the phones - mountain and molehill come to mind. Why can't I go grey all over - save a fortune - hairdresser tells me if I didn't do me roots I would look like a badger cos there is not enough grey yet! Oh Joy!!!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  68. At 04:34 PM on 02 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Right this is my 4th time trying to post on here!
    So here goes.

    Firstly I am so sorry for not being on here for ages. I have no excuse I just can't seem to get into a routine recently. So from now on I'm gonna try and get on here every morning to say hello and read comments. When I'm at the fella's I will try to get on here when I check my emails at the libary.

    I've just sent a few of you a message on facebook to let you know the situation.

    Anyway not much has been going on recently apart from going to see the fella and lowestoft. I've put some pics on my blog of the area in lowestoft he lives. The only problem we have at the moment are the neighbours. On sunday I was there and could not sleep till 1am as the people living above us and next door all decided to have late night arguments!! So there I was in the living room reading whilst the fella slept through peacfully! How come men can do that?!

    Anyway we are going for a little lunch date tomorrow as a treat then i'm staying there tomorrow so touch wood it will be a better night!

    I have my fingers crossed that this gets on the blog! Will catch up with you tomorrow, love as always, Missy xxx

  69. At 07:16 PM on 02 Apr 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Hi All

    At time of writing we were up to 68.
    We can do well better than a 100. By the time the music meister gets back we could be hovering around the 200 mark!!

    Anon - googled for ages and finally tracked down the info. For all the Michael Buble fans out there he is meant to be 6'. Also for all the ladies I finally found this interesting nugget on a site called hunkymalecelebs, now saved to my favourites........ for research purposes only of course!!

    Prof ...Naturist speed dating sounds like heaven or hell dependent on fast each is moving. In my case could probably do with it being extremely fast so's you get the blurry vision.
    Also I believe it's due to snow again this weekend. Is this just a warm weather thing you do? If its really chilly can I get away with me flesh coloured thermals!! (Didn't really want to get you all exited at the thought of thermals but I had to ask) Can you bring your own heater - and where do the guys keep their wallet, keys etc? My imagination is now running completely wild...not even asleep and dreaming either!!


    ACAS are the people who would be the people to give you free and confidential advice
    www.acas.org.uk if you want to look into it more.

    Chester was disapointing but Manchester and Coventry beckon next week, so you may want to plan your speedy exit now!!

    Keep posting all


  70. At 07:22 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    The Penguins were really funny werent they ?

    Its Thursday tommorrow and we are on 60 some

    thing .... so ... we need to up the anty ..?

    to make 100 by Friday...

    X R

  71. At 07:54 PM on 02 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Welcome home M W, a & missy!

    I am having a shockingly bad week. I wont bore with the details but it is a combination of the water tank in the roof leaking water throughout the house and a lot of small minded people in my work area! I am off for 2 weeks from Saturday and can't wait! I'm going to my mobile home in the new forest and I don't care if snow is forecast I want no need to get away!!

    Funny things my kids have done this week: eldest aged 10 asked me which fish a sardine came from???????? Do they get an education?????? Trying to remember somehting my youngest did uuumm eeerrr I know there is something but it's gone out of my head!

    Hope your all ok keep in touch here and on facebook

    C x x x x

  72. At 08:13 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Red, whats the craic??

    DtM x

  73. At 10:18 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Clodagh: well done you. Got a mention, you lucky girl!!!

    Anne x

    PS: Think we'll get over 100?

  74. At 11:13 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Cathmel: Have a wonderful 2 weeks. Your mobile home looks gorgeous.

    Our little 5 yr old said to me last week (when I was leaving and had of course to have a kiss bye bye) "the lips aren't listening, but the foot is" as he stuck his big toe in my face. Where do they get it from?

    Missy: Good to have you back.

    Anne x

  75. At 06:48 AM on 03 Apr 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Mornin' All

    Thirsty Thursday kicks off with number 75!

    Have a good day wherever you are and whatever you do.


  76. At 09:00 AM on 03 Apr 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Surely we can reach 100 when the ARF requests come flooding in. Is that still happening with Mayo at the helm? (I hope so because I have a REEEEEEEALLY good one).

    Clodagh - loved your gobsmackers!

    DtM - how's it going with the girl you were dating?

    Rosie x

  77. At 09:35 AM on 03 Apr 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Morning all. Thirsty Thursday already ... where is the week going?

    Been really silly busy at work this week (which is a g ood thing!) but haven't had a chance to blog. All's well in Diva land and looking forward to the weekend, even tho they've hinted at a snow shower or two ....

    Mr Diva is going away for a stag do tomorrow, back Sunday. So I've got the weekend to myself - hurrah!! I like it when that happens every now and again.

    Also got Friday afternoon off - I need to buy a hat for a wedding and can't face big towns on Saturday's - way too many people.

    missy - you have my sympathy about noisy neighbours. Until recently both houses either side of us were rental properties. One side was a woman and her child but she seemed to attract a succession of abusive men which resulted in lots of disturbing (in more ways than one) late night arguments, broken windows etc. AND on the other side was a family of Polish people. They were lovely but so LOUD!! We got invited round to theirs one night and I've never drunk so much vodka or been so ill in my life.

    Now both sides' neighbours have changed and we hear nothing from either house. It's made such a difference.

    Cathmel - enjoy your hols!

    Right, best do some work. Back later. Honest. I'm putting some thought into my ARF request for this week, and will post later today.

    Love yoooooooooos!

    CtD x x

    PS: MfR - did you read about Scott leaving VR? Looks like we got in there just in time!

  78. At 09:55 AM on 03 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere.

    Been tryin' ter blog for 2 damn days, maybe the blog gremlins are 'aving a last BIG flutter before the new blog system..... systemisies!

    "APRIL FOOL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My April Fool joke was saying it's Simon Mayo's birthdee aswell as CLP's!!!!!

    Not funny? Oh well at least I tryed. Ere's another joke ere now.....

    I went to my dentist for some nasha work,

    Me dentist used their brand new drill, but during me treatment it stopped working.......

    Apparently it's got 'teething' problems!!!!!!


  79. At 10:47 AM on 03 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    me again.

    Quick while the blog iz workin' i'll try & say the other things ave been tryin' ter say!

    Did yer 'ear Simon Mayo mention it waz Jono Saunders birthdee the day before CLP's.... whatta coincidence!!!!!
    Now we know why there is so much rapport between JS & CLP!!!!!

    Jono Saunders - Can I wish you a 'BELATED 'APPY BIRTHDEE" or is this my birthdee April Fool joke turned around the other way & ave fallen victim ter the joke????

    Debbie - Glad yuv left the job that yuv been unhappy in. I've been in similar unhappy jobs & believe me it's the best thing I ever did!!!!
    I 'ope you can look forward to better occupational 'appenings - know hat am sayin'!!!!

    Clodagh - Missed yer mention!

    Cathmel - 'ave a nice 'olidee!!!!!


  80. At 11:00 AM on 03 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Chery you diva- Glad we are not the only ones! going back there tonight to give it another go.

    The fella and I are off for a walk soon. God knows where! Apparently he went to this place last summer and wants to go back there. We shall see if we can ever find it! Oh what fun! hehe! At least the sun us shinning here so should be pretty,will try to take some photos!

    I have to admit, I am missing Christophe. It seems like hes always on holiday the lucky thing, oh to be in tenerife at the mo! My happy place! xx

    Right better have a rest then go for this walk! Hope there are lots of places to sit down! Love Missy xx

  81. At 11:01 AM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Just to add to my wonderful Wednesday, not sure what time other half would be back from hospital so decided to raid the freezer for a couple of my (real) butcher's extremely useful cottage pies. Defrosted them in microwave but as I was taking one out it slipped and hit the deck with the contents bouncing up like a mushroom cloud and landing back half in the pot and half on the floor. Dare I say it - Oh Joy!
    Opened a bottle of wine and a packet of Quavers!

    Only up to 78 and it's Thursday!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  82. At 11:18 AM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Did I say wonderful Wednesday - I meant Tuesday! Had chicken in white wine sauce last night which managed to stay in the pot!

    This should make about 81 82?

    Biggles Mum xxx

  83. At 12:19 PM on 03 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere again,

    Still tryin' ter get too 100 posts on the blog??@?

    If this 'elps ave got a few spare posts in me back garden, left over from when I did me fence.....


  84. At 01:05 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Elm wrote:

    had ratatuioui....ratauitie....ratatat..tomatoes and stuff and jacket potato last night for dinner - very nice but took so long to make that i was not full because i sbacked to keep me going, of well.

    Also watched a very pointless show in tescos about knifes to get a free one - the things we do for freebies!

    my ARF request would be Friday I'm in live by the cure, beacuse its great. A song that was played last night about 6:30 ish by some new group sounded just like the cure and it reminded me how much I like them.

    glad to hear you still about missy

    Elm x

  85. At 01:42 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    elm - I asked for The Cure last week for my ARF song - that very same track too!

    Mr Simon Mayo, if you are reading this (you should be!!) I think you're doing a splendid job covering for Mr CLP BUT my one complaint is about woman's Minute this week .....

    .... I'm feeling a bit excluded from the question "I still love my children ..." because I don't have any children. So, in recognition of the fact that you have excluded me and (I should imagine) many other fellow bloggers, pelase please can you play ....

    The Cure - Friday I'm In Love

    as the first some on ARF as per Elm's request and mine of last week. As previously blogged....

    Friday - yes!
    In love - yes!
    Fab song - yes!

    STILL on cloud 9 from Wembley on 20th March.

    Oh - and Robert Smith reminds me of a tim Burton cartoon.

    Cheers hun!

    CtD x x x x

    PS: I'm coming to find you if it takes me all night

  86. At 02:05 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Hello fellow bloggers and lurkers,

    This is just a quick note to help with the numbers.

    For ARF first song could I have Eloise by The Damned.

    This weekend sees the annual migration of visitors to my part of the south coast and I have two arriving on Saturday one of which for a week - so I went out today and went to a well known store and bought a lovely summer double duvet for £5 yes ladies £5. The 13.5 tog double would have been £9. So I also splashed out on 2 new anti allergy pillows at £3 each - bargain and a new soft lavendar in a pot for the garden.

    Feeling really good now.

    Oh yes the store begins with a W and ends with an N


  87. At 02:17 PM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Just watched the weather forecast for the weekend and its back to snow!

    Poor old CLP - went off when it was freezing, missed the warm bit and will return in time to freeze his bits off again.

    Been trying to think of a weather related ARF dhuuuh?! Any ideas?

    Biggles Mum xxx

  88. At 02:19 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    Did anyone catch that guy on Jeremy Vine. He is making his clothes out of dead animal skins that have to be soaked in urine. Thank heavens I was not driving or I may have crashed me car again.

    Jeremy Vine should carry a health warning.

    Toodle oo pp

    PS Lady P our man members carry one of those martupial pouches for car keys and that little black book.

  89. At 02:34 PM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Cheryl t D. Me too - despite my name - no kiddy winkies, just B the dog.

    Biggles Mum xxx

  90. At 02:43 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Moley wrote:

    Chris, I've always been told SPAM stood for specially produced american meat - urban myth then?

    hope you had a good week off

  91. At 03:30 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    B's mum ... I always thought Biggles was an odd name for a child!!! LOL!!!

    Mind you, I'm Sooty's mum - and proud of it! She meeows a lot, is also known as Sooty Four Paws and absolutely rules the roost!

    Are we up to 100 yet?

    CtD x x x x

  92. At 03:36 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hi Rosie Roo

    Seems to be ok, I think - 5th/6th date coming up this wkend . . thanks for asking

    will keep u posted

    Must be normal, was beginning to wonder for a while there . . .

    How u doing??


  93. At 03:48 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Red wrote:


    Just finished a book about your beautiful

    country... was really funny and very descrptive of

    your lovely land... I believe you recommended it

    on the Blog some time ago, called 'Round

    Ireland with a Fridge' hilarious trip around

    Ireland, it makes you feel like doing the whole

    trip and following Tony's footsteps...minus the

    fridge of course.... :)

    Beautiful land , wonderful people... x

    X R

  94. At 04:35 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Hiya I also don't qualify for womens minute as no ankle biters either - just two cats mind you one of them is like a wingy teenager.

    Are we nearly there yet?


  95. At 05:05 PM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Cheryl tD - yes I did (laugh out loud) and as I was supposed to be setting up the accounts for the coming year and not on the blog, had to make an excuse about the bird outside the office window with so much stuff in its mouth it could hardly take off. Sooty would have got her!

    My hairdressers hubby off for a stag week-end - not Torquay is it? How come they get whole week-end these days?

    ARF definitely to be chosen by a kiddie less boy or girl Mr Mayo OK? I will stick with my usual choices of Focus Sylvia or Travelling Wilburys Where were you last night.

    Biggles Mum

  96. At 05:07 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Can't believe it - we're going to do it!!!!

    Anne x

  97. At 05:21 PM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Cheryl tD - yes I did (laugh out loud) and as I was supposed to be setting up the accounts for the coming year and not on the blog, had to make an excuse about the bird outside the office window with so much stuff in its mouth it could hardly take off. Sooty would have got her!

    My hairdressers hubby off for a stag week-end - not Torquay is it? How come they get whole week-end these days?

    ARF definitely to be chosen by a kiddie less boy or girl MR MAYO - OK? so far Cheryl the Diva, Phoenix & me!!
    I will stick with my usual choices of Focus Sylvia or Travelling Wilburys Where were you last night.

    although - - my ipod has been getting a bending lately from the following
    Ill be your baby tonight UB40 & Robert Palmer
    Hot stuff Donna Summer
    She works hard for the Money (see above)
    You can leave your hat on Joe Cocker
    I'm so excited - Pointer Sisters
    and various Gibson Brothers (taking me back to being free again after Mr No Brain).

    Biggles Mum xxx Yay - could be 95?

  98. At 05:34 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Candles wrote:

    Now did it go or didn't it?? As I'm predominantly a lurker, I'm not yet totally up on 502's, but here we go again.... just in case....

    Debbie - do you have a website for your handmade cards? Would love to see them!

    I miss CLP. The replacements are OK, but he's special and exudes such joie de vivre!!!


  99. At 05:57 PM on 03 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Cheryl tD - yes I did (laugh out loud) and as I was supposed to be setting up the accounts for the coming year and not on the blog, (I was also answering the phone - girlie see - 3 things at once) had to make an excuse about the bird outside the office window with so much stuff in its mouth it could hardly take off. Sooty would have got her!

    My hairdressers hubby off for a stag week-end - not Torquay is it? How come they get whole week-end these days?

    ARF definitely to be chosen by a kiddie less boy or girl MR MAYO - OK? so far Cheryl the Diva, Phoenix & me!!

    I will stick with my usual choices of Focus Sylvia or Travelling Wilburys Where were you last night.

    although - - my ipod has been getting a bending lately from the following:-

    Ill be your baby tonight UB40 & Robert Palmer
    Hot stuff Donna Summer or
    She works hard for the Money (see above)
    You can leave your hat on Joe Cocker
    I'm so excited - Pointer Sisters
    and various Gibson Brothers (taking me back to being free again after Mr No Brain).

    Biggles Mum xxx

    Could be 96 but I've jut been 502'd

  100. At 06:12 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Hallo again

    Red: Have just browsed Amazon and ordered the Ireland/fridge book on your recommendation. Of course I had to get another couple of books and a Bonnie Raite album. Bums.

    Is this 98?

    Anne x

  101. At 06:13 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh dear one and all

    It's all become pussy cats and mummy mummy on here what's going on?

  102. At 06:20 PM on 03 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ninety Nine!!!!!!!

  103. At 06:42 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    We must be nearly there eh?

    Prof - the guy on the Jeremy Vine show was a bit

    stomach churing wasn't he ...surprising how many

    people rang in and agreed with him...saying they

    ate road kill...ugh..!!


  104. At 08:10 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Me again

    Prof: stop being a sour plum - you know you don't mean it.

    Just got my tickets for the Alabama 3 in Newcastle in 3 weeks time and am really looking forward to seeing all my pals - lots of us are going.

    I know they're not Velvet Revolver but I like them because I'm the oldest person on the blog, I think. Perhaps I should be the Blog Granny. You'd like me to be your Granny - I'd let you eat lots of chocolate.

    Anne x

  105. At 09:28 PM on 03 Apr 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Hi Y'all

    Don't stop now -keep postin' and lets see how far we can get!


    Two things -

    Road kill - have you not thought that you "male members" could have a nice fox fur lined pouch to put your bits in. I wouldn't recommend hedgehog though.

    Thermals - yeah or nay? If I'm not allowed thermals will the undress code still allow me diamonds, I don't go anywhere without me diamonds!! (Girls best friend, you know).

    Heard Simon say he gets to chose the first record for ARF - so not evn going to suggest anything by our boy Michael Buble again.

    4 more sleeps till the boy CLP back and extremely welcome he will be. The show just isn't the same is it folks?

    Of to rummage and see whats edible for tea and see if I can get it to a plate intact. Maybe I'll have some spam if I can get in the tin.

    Cheery bye all


  106. At 10:53 PM on 03 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    Hazel love - are you out there ....commiserations


    Last Torchwood tomorrow... no more delic. John

    Barrowman & co...now..there is nothing decent to

    watch on telly...

    X R

  107. At 09:23 AM on 04 Apr 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    And we're over 100 blog posts!!!!

    B's mum - Torquay, no. They're off to the great big wonderful metropolis of ..... Guildford! So for me it's W@itr0se on the way home for some nice things, a long hot soak in a very hot bath with a glass of wine whilst listening to ARF the double Corrie with no "man moaning" !!

    Tomorrow it's new nails, new hair (colour and cut), then over to a dress hire place to see what they can do for me for the wedding in 3 weeks time. I don't do "posh" clothes (think of me as more middle aged goth/hippie chic).

    I love Mr Diva to bits but do enjoy the occasional weekend on my own.

    Anyhooo, best get on as I've got this afternoon off (hat shopping!!) and have come in early so I can get away early.

    Mr Mayo, once again in case you missed it, my ARF choice is:-

    Friday I'm In Love by The Cure


    CtD x x x x x

  108. At 09:56 AM on 04 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Is the blog working Terdee? The're a few things I just wanted ter talk to myself about......

  109. At 11:09 AM on 04 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    OOO er is that right? Mr M is choosing the first ARF? Excuse us!! Wont bother then!

    CtD Had a "thing" about hats about 10 years ago - got loads - are wide brims back in yet? Not worn some yet as neices/nephews decided to "live together" so no weddings as yet! and Shoes - about half way to Imelda wotsername I would say!

    Don't worry Prof Plum soon be back to normal.

    Anne G - I think I may just be a bit older? Don't go to concerts any more cos they are too loud!!!

    Good week-end all

    Biggles Mum xxx

  110. At 12:07 PM on 04 Apr 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere again,

    Mayo Man - Firstly i'd just like ter say what a great job you've done filling in for The CLP. Great music played all week as always like on your regular 'Album Chart Show'!!!!!

    PS If the ARF 'BIG' opener iz being choosen from ere then 'ow about errrrr...... Radio Play Radio & their tune My Attendance Is Bad But My Intentions Are Good or Kenny & Rude Boy Rob & their tune called Mayo or The Shins & Saint Simon..... all most pleasing ter the ears, most pleasing!!!!!

    Or just simply Simple Minds & Glittering Prize!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!


  111. At 01:39 PM on 04 Apr 2008, Elm wrote:

    Anne G - will you be my grannie?

    I am actually short of a grandad now having lost the last one earlier this year and I miss have a grandad, there is no-one to tease me anymore

    But on a lighter note - going to Thorpe park tomorrow - please ask for a bit of sun

    Elm x

  112. At 02:11 PM on 04 Apr 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all.

    Lady P and Red

    Going back to road kill. Sadly cats are road kill. Does that guy eat them too I wonder. They would make a fabulous little fur stole though, don't you think?

    Not so sure about about flesh coloured thermels Lady P, could be too hot too handle.

    Now then, I have decided that it's time to kill off Prof Plum. To put him back in his box of Cleudo where he belongs.

    B's Mum One could argue .... Whats normal?

    Bingo Great choice man Simple minds.

    So it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him.

    What next the old boot out of Monopoly perhaps....

    Toodle oo pp

  113. At 02:47 PM on 04 Apr 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all.

    Lady P and Red

    Going back to road kill. Sadly cats are road kill. Does that guy eat them too I wonder. They would make a fabulous little fur stole though, don't you think?

    Not so sure about about flesh coloured thermels Lady P, could be too hot too handle.

    Now then, I have decided that it's time to kill off Prof Plum. To put him back in his box of Cleudo where he belongs.

    B's Mum One could argue .... Whats normal?

    Bingo Great choice man Simple minds.

    So it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him.

    What next the old boot out of Monopoly perhaps....

    Toodle oo pp

  114. At 04:14 PM on 04 Apr 2008, wrote:

    I'm back and I managed to get THE most divine, gawjus hat from a famous department store beginning with D. At it was only 25 squids.

    Mr Diva now en route to being a co-stag. Hope they have fun!

    Elm - enjoy Thorpe Park. I've not been there for years. But be warned - "they" have forecast snow showers for East Anglia tomorrow, although not sure about the Surrey area.

    Righteo .... I'm off to model my new hat again ... and again .... and again .... I might even sleep in it it's soooooooooooo luverly!

    Have grand weekends one and all - and finger's crossed for ARF and the opening song.

    CtD x x x x

  115. At 07:32 PM on 04 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Where'd it go? What happened?

    I was just telling Elm the rules for Granny babysitting and its gone!! And chocolate was involved.

    Anne x

  116. At 09:40 AM on 06 Apr 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Anne G and Rosie.

    I missed me own gobsmackers! Over here in Ireland, see..can't tune me knobs in to t' Light Programme.

    And I can't remember what they were either, d'oh.

    Anyway Tanksa Million, hurrah!

    By the way. I've finally embarked on me new diploma course over here in beautiful County Wexford; one of the better and less ridiculous decisions I've ever made in the catalogue of disasters that has been my eventful life, hahaha.. therefore if anybody's thinking of taking a short relaxing break, get yourself over here pronto. It's gorgeous and you'll be made welcome like nowhere else on earth. And leave your watch at home.

    Over and out, folks. Take care,


  117. At 06:03 AM on 07 Apr 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Welcome to Monday one and all and welcome back Chris.
    Another year older ..........another year wiser? It doesn't always work that way does it?

    Have a good week all.
    Watch out Manchester, here I come!


  118. At 08:57 AM on 07 Apr 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hope you had a good weekend everyone. We did. I treated Mr P to dinner at a little Italian restaurant in a village not far from ours. He's in Edinburgh all this week so I thought he deserved spoiling.

    Looking forward to the return of CLP.

    Clodagh - your gobsmackers were Morrissey and The Proclaimers, I think, but I can't remember which songs you picked.

    Did anyone get lucky on the National? Mr P backed the winner and I chose Slim Pickings, who came 4th (although I backed him to win - d'oh!)

    Rosie x

  119. At 09:52 AM on 07 Apr 2008, Liz wrote:

    Great recommendation Alambique. the food, wine and service was excellent.
    By the way, had you donated a pair of your glasses to the owner

    Liz x

  120. At 10:27 AM on 07 Apr 2008, Red wrote:

    Welcome back Lambie Pie....

    you ve been sssssoooo missed.....

    The week has been out of kilter ....

    Did we reach 120....?

    X R

  121. At 10:51 AM on 07 Apr 2008, Doctor Beaker wrote:

    Morning one and all

    I see the headlines today concern the murder of a hedgehog. This individual got five years for throwing this little critter at somebody causing actually bodily harm. The hedgehog died at the scene. It's all too much I am in tears .

    I hope Chris had a great time in Benidorm and looking forward to the show.

  122. At 06:56 PM on 15 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Your comments on yesterdays show about using Disabled toilets was tasteless and disgraceful. You are completely out of your depth on Radio 2. Isnt there a kids station that could utilise your limited talents?
    Sniggering about disability reminds me of that Prat Glen Hoddles comments, lets hope the same happens to you. The Sack!
    Although I doubt whether these comments would worry you as YOU SOUND to me LIKE A BUNGALOW BROADCASTER - Nothing upstairs

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