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Home time for the boy and his mummy but what's gonna be the soundtrack ?

Chris Evans | 11:32 UK time, Thursday, 12 February 2009

Noah heads home tomorrow to...

...what on the turntable ?

I think he has to have Rubber Soul for at least an hour, I'm thinking a whole play of Out of The Blue, Pet Sounds has got to get a look in, Simon and Garfunkel, Springsteen, Queen of course and maybe a bit of Bach and Mozart. What do you reckon ?

We are relocating as a family to the room without the telly, maybe we'll call it the family room. It has a real log fire and a much cooler vibe.

This really is the most splendid of deals to be involved in.

Tash is coming out tonight for a quick celebration before we head back to the hospital and pack up for the next chapter in: Noah's First Week on Earth.

Love continuously,




P.S. Don't forget to post your pick for the first song on tomorrow's All Request Friday. You know how important it is - it sets the tone for the whole show!


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  • Comment number 1.

    ooh, ooh, am i first today!! amazing after all the posting traffic of the last few days!!

    my ARF - Father and Son - Cat stevens

    The first week is the scariest i reckon cos you are still learning all about that little chap!! but it is a lovely time - make the most of it!


  • Comment number 2.

    what an exciting time for you both,

    luck and love to all

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris that sounds perfect. we recently got our log fire up and running and it's lovely to just sit with some chilled music, nice glass of chilled something else and either a good family chat, good book or the newspaper (family crosswords etc!)

    enjoy enjoy enjoy!


  • Comment number 4.

    G'day Big Chief Lambie Pie

    How fantastic!! That will be the final piece of the little Noah jigsaw and then the family life can well and truly get going!

    Now ... ARF

    Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney/Wings

    .... speshly for the most amazing person I've "met" in a very very long time. You know who you are wonderboy, united!

    Thanks Chris

    Cheryl the Diva
    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    as for music for hometime - my own small boy used to like male singing (i mean like il divo or - dare i say - G4 at the time!). He still likes a bit of violins but usually on pop records - there is one song that he loves, but for the life of me i can't remember the name of it!! will be back later once i have remembered!

    very important to get them into real music early on - otherwise you end up with a relentless loop of "wheels on the bus" and "wind the bobbin up"!!! aarrgghh!!

    oh, and CLP - you will find that it is now very easy to sit in your family room and watch your small boy sleeping - or at least Tash will - my husband would come home and ask if i had had a nice day and i had just been sitting there for ages in contemplation of the baby!! and why not?!! you wait long enough to see them! but don't they seem familiar very quickly?!

    CG - must get on with work now - babies are SO distracting!

  • Comment number 6.

    Surely a spot of Noah and the Whale?

    Congratulations to the Evanses xx

  • Comment number 7.

    How about

    ARF Frog chorus!! by Paul McCartney.

    We all stand together, boom, boom

    H x

  • Comment number 8.

    This always happens, just posted the following on yesterday's blog and Bang! New blog.

    CLP- try the greatest Disney hits, aswell, great to sing along to and he will grow to love the Aristocats tracks!

    Crikey D.M!

    Just trawled through the last few days contributions, in search of relief (easy tiger!) from the mountain of quotes, orders and general nonsense that is filling my days and nights at the moment.

    Is the definition of 'recession' do twice as much work earn half as much money? if so, we are definitely in one.

    How loved the Evans' must feel at the moment, I can't believe how many people have posted wishes...it certainly restores a certain amount of faith in what most people are all about.

    I am joined today by my littlest, who is off of school with Empitigo, nothing wrong really, just very contageous.

    She's really missing her friends, so I'm taking her out to be a lady what lunches.

    Your Holiday, discussion prompts me to ask if anyone knows of any nice villas near a beach, pretty much anywhere, that are for hire in August.
    We were going to try a package holiday but it just doesn't work for us. We always hire a friends villa but fancy somewhere new! Any ideas?

    Deev, out of my 5 sisters only 2 have managed the maternal instinct, the others just have lots more brilliant holidays....Oh Well.
    As far as Paternal instinct goes...mine didn't kick in until about two months had passed.
    It's a bit grim at first.

    Right! Enough of my nonsensical rambling!
    Keep up the good work.


    Ripples xxx

    PS He is a little superstar isn't he (great photo)

  • Comment number 9.

    D'oh, just noticed you're 2 days ahead of me on that one....

    I'll get me coat.....

  • Comment number 10.

    Home already...even MORE excitement...can hardly bear it! Now it starts...

    How about 'Heroes' by Mr Bowie...if you're going for classic, you've gotta have a bit of Dave in there too Christophe!

    I'll request that for my ARF too please.

    I think I came home to a bit of rock 'n' roll...or possibly something by the Band of the Royal Marines and definitely enveloped in my Gran'ma's knitting.

    explains a lot

  • Comment number 11.


    try james villas. got them all over the place and generally very nice.

    Reasonable price too.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 12.

    Ripplymuscles!! LOL M !!

    Ripples - any resposte??

  • Comment number 13.

    Enjoy the drive home! When ever we have left hospital with a new baby in the car my husband drives really really slowly and is incredibly cautious. He said that the first time you drive with a new baby in the car is more scary than the first time you drive solo after passing your test. And welcome home to Noah

  • Comment number 14.

    The little boy is introduced to the big new world and the place that he'll know as "home" how very exciting! I know I was brought up around loads of music, my Dad was a drummer with big bands and jazz groups. I think a bit of ole Blue eyes and maybe some Bert Bacharach... whatever the case he's gonna be taking it all in....

    ARF- Baby it's you - The Sherelles


  • Comment number 15.

    Congratulations to you all. I think you should play 'Walking on Sunshine' as you sound sooooo very happy. As a mummy of a 5 year old and 1 year old - your show has been so emotional and great - there's a lotta love going on. Well done! I think it will be a great Valentines weekend for Mrs Evans.


  • Comment number 16.

    Just wanted to say many congratulations to you and Natasha on the safe arrival of baby Noah. I have been in tears every evening hearing news of your little miracle and was even worse last night when you mentioned your mum's reaction to him.
    A new baby is just the most amazing and beautiful thing so enjoy every moment, the time really does fly by.
    We were lucky enough to have our own true miracle after x7 IVF attempts and a scary pregnancy ending at 28 weeks with a 1lb 13oz poorly boy. He is now six and doing fine, he is funny, handsome and brings so much joy everyday but the time really has flown so treasure him and your time together.
    We love your show and listen every night
    Love to you allx

  • Comment number 17.

    A bit of loud, uplifting opera should do the trick.

    So glad all is well in the Evans household and that Noah's arrived - the stress of waiting was killing me so I can't imagine how you two must have felt!!

    Just enjoy him.

  • Comment number 18.

    Hows about

    ARF -

    Come Alive - Foo Fighters


    Boys Don't Cry - The Cure

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 19.

    coming home from hospital with brand new baby is a wonderful feeling. You will probably find yourself driving very very sensibly indeed. It's nerve-wracking but sooo exciting. When you step in the door, and close it behind you, tis the most magical feeling. I cried lots of happy, overwhelmingly grateful, tears. It's fab. Enjoy. Have a wonderful evening.

    Love, K, I and G. Cardiff.xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    good choice for ARF Lyndy

    Good luck to you all with the move home with the precious one, hope you all settle into a nice homely routine very quickly

    Love to you all

    Tiggs xx

    Debs, if you're there, hope your Mum is ok today ((()))

  • Comment number 21.

    ps. first tune of the homecoming....gotta be something by Elvis. What about 'I Just Can't Help Believing'....x K, I and G xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hey Christoff Baby,
    I always said you were a man of fine taste and judgement.
    Pet sounds is right up there in the top 3 of all time old bean.

    Chezza the Diva , the kinks made a record called Wondeboy dontcha know.

    ARF choice has got Good Vibrations In Homage to Noah , Natasha and the Maestro.

    JTT and A N Other xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Well I never knew that Jovial. I know Tenacious D (Jack Black) did a pastiche called Wonderboy tho.

    Hey! Link ...... The Kinks did Lola, and Lola is my alter-ego!

    Get them yellow feathers out baby!

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Photos are really great. Thank you for sharing them with Joe public. Chris pass on my best wishes to Minnie, hope she has many happy grandma days.
    UP the wire!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Hello All
    ARF has to be Bowies 'Kooks'. Me & Mr Bear used to sing this to our little Bobby when he was a tot...... Seemed sort of appropriate.
    No Photo today Chris?

  • Comment number 26.

    CLP hopefully you'll be playing S&G's Bridge Over... perfect wording.

    But how about this old classic that i've been humming all morning...

    Doddy's Happiness!!! Surely the greatest thing we can all possess! What could be more fitting kiddo!

    Suzie xx

  • Comment number 27.


    Great to hear from you, we are all loving this time, sharing in your, and Tash's happiness.

    That's terrific that Tash is getting out for a wee celebration tonight - she deserves it!

    What an incredible feeling it is taking your new baby home ...... wonderful and terrifying, all at the same time!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.


    ARF -

    I still fancy "You're my little Choochy face" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!!

    I was brought up on Frank Sinatra and Glenn Miller - just lovely, thanks Dad.

    Of course Chris you could always just put a Stephen Fry talking CD on in the car - with that soothing lovely voice Noah will prob kip all the way home!!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Greetings Ter The Christoof, Tash, Noah And Each Blog Operatative.... Operating Ere.....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Good news the baby DJ/ golfer iz 'eading.... 'ome......

    For the ARF..... 'ow about Boney M And Daddy Cool.... or Queen and Father And Son.... or Placebo and Daddy Cool..... or George Micheals and Father Figure..... or Madonna and Mother And Father...... or Cherry Poppin' Daddies and Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut... or Dr 'ook and Daddy's Little Girl.... (WOW.... stop... actually Noah's a boy... scrub this choice) or Motor'ead and Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me or Shout Out Louds and Parents Living Room or Nightmare Of You and My Name Is Trouble or....... sorry can't remember the last one.......
    Actually just ave.... Don 'enly and Boys Of Summer..... even tough it's still winter!!!
    'ope this 'elps the ARF situation CLP!!!


    PS Terdee's 'Bingo Star's Alternative Things Ter Write In The Dirt On The Back Of Yer HGV'.......

    'Left 'anded driver... but driver iz on the right!!!!!'

    GOURANGA 2U!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    oh..i missed his mums reaction...what was it?...and i had the radio on in the kitchen the sitting room and upstairs how could i have missed it? Doh

  • Comment number 31.

    Taking your new baby outside and home for the first time - what an incredible feeling, you never forget it.

    Mwa re where to go - Amalfi coast every time, it is breathtaking. We stayed in Praiano, a quiet place along the coast but the bus stops right outside and takes you all along the coastline. Also hired a car but you need to be brave!! Have a look at Locanda Costa Diva it is beautiful, with views and grounds to die for. The restaurant is good as well.The room at the front with the balcony over the sea is the one I'm going for next!!

    Md xxxx

  • Comment number 32.

    You can spot them, can't you?

    Pratchett fans that is.

    Reddjelibeybi - fab name!

    And I served somebody the other day who had a cat called 'Greebo'


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 33.

    Have a lovely celebration tonight with Natasha and enjoy Noah's homecoming - sounds idyllic!

    Can't make my mind up for ARF so.......

    Special Brew - Bad Manners
    The Look of Love - ABC

    In honour of St Valentines and the love for Noah (and his mummy, daddy and their families) that has been apparent on the blog and has oozed over the airwaves during drivetime over the past couple of days.

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    Aaahhhh, brings back memories of us bringing home our first born from hospital, I felt so protective over her, there were cars whizzing past us on the A3 and I just wanted to slow them all down and make them realise there was a tiny precious baby in this car. That tiny precious baby is now 10!!

    They are tough little cookies and as you said recently CLP, they are hard to break. I wish somebody had told me that with my first, I was a nightmare!

    Very special times ahead for you, Tash,Jade and baby Noah.

  • Comment number 35.

    I agree with the comment about proper music.

    My Dad brought me up on Eric Clapton and Pink Floyd whereas my Mum played lots of Donny Osmond and David Cassidy - unfortunately at the age of about four my favourite song was Achy Breaky Heart and I'd attempt to line dance round the living room even though I had no idea what I was doing!!!!

    Now I love Layla by Eric Clapton and annoy the whole of the worship band when I crack into the guitar solo (played on the bass) as a warm up exercise!

    So I think my ARF would have to be the new John Travolta/Miley Cyrus one from Bolt! I heard it last week and then downloaded it and its been on like repeat alternating with Layla.

  • Comment number 36.

    All request Friday.

    Crazy Horses - The Osmonds

    After Wednesday start of the show, I couldn't think of anything else.

    Oh by the way Congrats.

  • Comment number 37.


    I was going to suggest "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder as he wrote it the day his daughter was born - then again the whole thing of Noah being a boy stuff that idea hehe.

    Maybe we need an amended version!

  • Comment number 38.

    ARF Request

    Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses

  • Comment number 39.

    How exciting to be taking Noah home tomorrow! Shut the front door behind you, and it's just you three for the first time ever! Ooh, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!!

    ARF - how about "Welcome Home" by Peters and Lee?! Too cheesy??

    What about "One Day Like This" by Elbow - as 'it's looking like a beautiful day' or at least it will be tomorrow!

    Have a lovely evening but you'll really miss Noah!!

    jillygoat xx

    PS Debbie - good to see you too x

    Hazel - special hugs xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hallo my little bloggie lovelies..... hallo..... Pandora Panacea here of Panacea Pharmacists plc!

    Mr Christopher Evans, my deary, I was looking at the wonderful blog photograph yesterday, just wonderful!
    Such a face of innocence and helplessness, it makes me feel the urge to chub his little cheek.
    I'm sure you wouldn't mind your little face chubbed Christopher deary.... I was talking about the photograph of you Chrsitopher, at the top of your homepage, deary!!

    Only joking, of course I mean't of the little baby Noah dearies..... sometimes I am so funny.... ha, ha, he, he, ha, ha!

    A wonderful photograph of your little son and such good news he will coming home on Friday, just a marvellous marvel dearies!

    Now Natasha my deary, as I have had three little ones myself, if you need any motherly advice, feel free to ask me anytime deary, just marvellous deary!
    And don't forget at my pharmacy, our rusks and nappy rash cream will be on BOGOF all of the next fortnight my deary!

    Oh and I nearly forgot my dearies, for the 'All Request Friday' song choice, why not Aled Jones And Sir Terry Wogan and Little Drummer Boy... just marvellous!

    Bye bye my bloggie lovelies, bye bye!

  • Comment number 41.

    tins - can i be a pain and ask you to repeat the donation info - i am sure you have posted it over the last couple of days but the deluge of posts means i can't find it!

    would like to make a contribution but not sure where to send it!


    CG x

  • Comment number 42.

    'annie Pants - 'Whatta coincidence' a waz nearly gonna bang in a Stevie Wonder ARF choice amonst me many ARF choices.... The one being 'Master Blaster'... aka what CLP/ Tash will ave on their 'ands if they feed 'im baked beans on toast like am aving for me lunch now!!!!


  • Comment number 43.


    of 200,000 to 1 (!!!!)

    that Master Noah Evan's first words include the phrase:

    "On-line, On-digital and on 88 to 91 FM..."

    Worth a punt?????

    DtM x


    The Ronettes - Baby I love you

  • Comment number 44.

    There can be only one song.
    Kate and Anna McGarrigle, First Born.
    I had 3 girls and then a boy, so like Noah he was my first born son.
    I can never listen to the song without crying.
    With boys, this is just how you feel.
    I am crying just reading, but you wait until you listen.
    Rhona Simms, Sweden
    (but an ex Padgate college gal!) x

    The silver spoon's in the mouth
    Baby clothes are baby-blue
    Nothing's ever handed down
    Everything's brand new
    Newspaper notices heralding that great event
    Daddy's buddies send the flowers
    Mother's friends have baby showers
    Welcoming that Heaven sent
    That first born son is always the one
    The first to be called and the last to come
    He's his mother's favorite, his grandmother's too
    He'll break their hearts and he'll break yours too
    For he's the first to creep and the first to crawl
    The first to walk and the first to fall
    Every bruise is kissed, every cry is heard
    Every doubt's cast out with a soothing word
    'Cause he's that first born son, he's that special one
    No matter what comes next, no matter what comes along
    Be it another boy or a sweet baby girl
    The family's the oyster and he is the pearl
    Some of them make it, some of them don't
    Some of them can't, others won't grow up
    In the bible of old, according to Exodus
    Every first born son of a Jew got axed
    But the one who survived with the help of God's hand
    Led his people to the promised land
    Yes he's that first born son, he's that son of a gun
    Just hates to walk, just loves to run
    He loves to run as fast as he can
    With life held tight in the palm of his hand

  • Comment number 45.

    Cornishgirlie, you're not a pain, the more the merrier!!!!

    It takes about one min and is totally secure. You just need to fill in why you're giving (if you want to fill it in of course - I said it was to celebrate Noah's birth, from a CLP Blogger!) - and your credit/debit card details.

    You'll get an e-mail back confirming. Easy peasy!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    The Chase info is also on the wall on CLP bloggers on FB.

    x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Congratulations Chris & Tash, now the hard work really begins.

    My little girl, Sarah, loved Louis Armstrong's "All the time in the world" and it got her off to sleep no problem.

    Kat x

  • Comment number 48.

    Dan The Man - LOL... Tarrr, am off ter the bookies ter bang em a wad!!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    I have so enjoyed the arrival of your son. Your show-congratulating all mums for the sterling work they do getting those babies out was wonderful.
    As for Noah and his first music -dont forget Carole King, Janis Ian, Carly Simon (and james taylor) and of course Van Morrison/The Chieftains.

  • Comment number 50.

    The best part for Tash will be going home I'm sure.

    There I was talking to myself on the other blog oh well.

    My music choice would be a bit of Mozart.

  • Comment number 51.

    Chris if your considering Mozart it has to be Sonata K448 for two pianos it is this piece which is reasponsible for the 'mozart effect' it is scientifically proven that brain waves are actualy changed whilst listening

    rats can navigate mazes faster people with motor skill problems temporarily gain steady hands and it even subdues epilepsy
    it will certainly get little Noahs attention.

    love love love

  • Comment number 52.

    The first night home with your baby is wonderful but scary...well it was for me anyway.

    My cat was totally fascinated in him, kept sniffing around as though I had brought an alien into the house. Well I suppose to her I had!

    Debbie x x x

    PS: Thanks for nice messages regarding mum on fb. She'll be fine x

  • Comment number 53.

    or a personal favourite as carnqueen sugested carol kings 'you got a friend'

    love n' stuff

  • Comment number 54.

    Never mind all the other stuff make sure the liittle tyke gets to hear plenty of the mighty Led Zeppelin.

    How about starting with Stairway to Heaven as this weeks ARF opener?

    Ps Prof P - still working on some non-gender specific poetry- bet Wordsworth and Keats never had to worry about that sort of thing.

  • Comment number 55.


    Re #11
    Thanks, I'll look them up

    Re #12
    If only! a few years ago maybe...The only muscles I use now are the ones that stop my beer gut, hanging over my belt.


    Ripples xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Golly no Aunty Karen


  • Comment number 57.

    ARF- Paul Weller - Sweet Pea, my sweet pea.

    Ta, ever so

    Little Ripples xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    oh - and the other thought for today - i hope you have checked that the baby seat fits in the back of a ferrari??!!

    we had to change our car once cos we couldn't get the baby seat in without putting the roof down!

    aahh, how things change!!


  • Comment number 59.

    another all time favourite
    Ambulance by blur (dont be put off by the title)

    'born into love is the only way to come into this world' has to be the most relevent line
    and the music is just supreme

  • Comment number 60.

    ARF - I don't know all the words, but i'm listening again to Tuesdays show, it was so good, and what about 'Carry you home' by James Blunt.

    just gonna look at those pics again, he's just so beautiful, i just have to sit and gaze all bleary eyed, and when my kids come home from school and nursery, I'm gonna hug and kiss them too.

    Thanks again Chris for sharing

    ali x

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    ARF: When a child is born


    ARF: Amazing by Seal

    wet, windy and cold here today....... snow this afternoon, but not much......

    Catch up with you later.

  • Comment number 62.

    please please please forget all my other requests and play

    David Bowie - When I live my dream!!!!

    I sing it to my 3 year old all the time and have never heard it on the radio so please please please

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Chris

    It wont really matter what the music is (I know as always it will be fantastic) what matters is that you have the chance to influence, guide and love another human being, who will have the potential to make a difference to the world - like his dad!

    Driving home to your show is a real joy - Thank you

    Teach your son, to appreciate the small things, to help others and to never give up or in

    Love to you all


  • Comment number 64.


    I Only Want To Be With You

    Dustry Springfield



  • Comment number 65.

    ...even Dusty lol


  • Comment number 66.

    Oh Christophe, you have loads of requests for David Bowie!

    But...may I add another suggestion??? For ARF, not for young Noah...although it's all six of one...

    I did allude to it recently...

    So Much Love To Give - Freeloaders

    Not many lyrics, but they say it all!

    M.W.a! You most certainly can. My washing machine has a rincewind cycle

    ps Dan-the-man, stick a fiver on for me til the end of the month? You know I'm good for it!

    Thanks JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    LOL Penny...... we knew what you meant....

  • Comment number 68.


    Baby Driver - Simon & Garfunkel

    Fits with Noah, cars and golf!!!!!!!!


    Off for a lie down!!

  • Comment number 69.

    No one around today or are you all preparing to tonight's Big Show.......

  • Comment number 70.

    Hello Bondy, I'm here!! Just writing out some cheques (not to myself, unfortunately!!) but I'm here!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Really really pleased for you - remember you from Piccadilly days! - ARF & tune for Noah - Groovin with Mr Bloe

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi sparkle, good to hear from you. Hope you are well. If you're writing out checks (american spelling), I'll take one....LOL

  • Comment number 73.

    Ah Christoff at the risk of gettin' on me own nerves here, I'd like to add once again that I think there's only one contender for gorgeous little Noah.

    Beautiful Boy.

    Because as you cross the street, he'll take your hand;

    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

    And this line spells out why I just KNOW you'll be the most fantastic dad, Lambie Pie.

    Because you will guide little Noah through life, accepting and eagerly anticipating whatever he wants to do. Whether that's be a trapeze artist, a barrister or a fork-lift truck driver, you will be there with him all the way. You will teach him to embrace change and to be kind and compassionate to those he takes along with him on his journey through life.

    What is it they say. Be good to those you encounter as you make your way up the ladder of success.

    Because you'll sure as hell meet 'em again on the way back down.

    Those beautiful, extraordinary eyes looking out at us all from yesterday's blog are astonishing pools of wisdom, that much is plain. You and Tash are greatly blessed.

    So if you do choose to play John Lennon, hold him close and pass on the love that comes along with this missive. It's sincere and it's unconditional, as it is with all on here.


  • Comment number 74.

    These oldies are older than Steve Wright today!

  • Comment number 75.

    LOL CtD, except for the Queen song being played right now. Can't go wrong with that.....

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh Clodagh, what a lovely message.

    But I'm not sure I could cope with hearing that on the way home, I can't cope with much more of the sobbing/driving combination!!!

    That being said, I do love that song :-)

    Hiya Bondy - I thought a check was a bill??
    Or is it both? Americans are just so wacky!!!

    Wish I could write out a few cheques/cks for us all - I was a bit too hasty with my spending this month and its AGES to pay day!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    True Bondy, very true!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    Sparkle..... it's both......

  • Comment number 79.

    No Lady Boss around today CtD or has she relented re the radio??

  • Comment number 80.


    Good ain't it?!

    Afternoon James, hope you are well.

    Rips x

  • Comment number 81.

    Fine thanks Rips, how about yourself?

  • Comment number 82.

    Tins, I think a note is a bill, but I guess you'd have to ask a duck.

    Check it out now

    Have just found out that one of my colleagues (who is lovely and only deserves nice things) is pregnant...due mid July...a while to wait, but more wonderful news! Babies seem to be all around atm...I can feel a kitten coming on...

  • Comment number 83.

    Well, here's the thing ......

    I used to have a little tranny radio (a boy radio in a tu-tu) and she didn't like that. I've now rigged up a sub-base set of speakers to my PC and listen thru iPlayer and she's not said a word. Nada. So subsequently R2 is on all day!! Except sometimes JV gets replaced with a CD - lunch with Bowie or Eels or something equally lovely!!

    She's not been at all well this week, and has only come in for mornings. Accounts lady off at 4 today too so I shall be all on my ownesome til half five.

    Yay!! Rick Astley!!! Takes me back to my barmaid dayz!!!


    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    Hazel, slippery road - that's how I ended up with 3 cats!!!

    T x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello to one and all..my first ever blog..never thought i would be a blogger !!! but could`nt resist saying how thrilling this week has been with ickle Noah making his debut into this planet. The warmth that exudes this blog is truly uplifting.

    You are the sunshine of my life...first track tomorrow....wooooow.....bring it on.

    cheerio fellow bloggers.

  • Comment number 86.

    Clodagh - again a what lovely blog from you.

    Agree with your choice of Beautiful Boy but guess Chris will go for something loud and rocking to match his euphoriac mood and to set the tone.

    Hope he chooses Beautiful Boy although whatever he goes for we know its going to be a great start to the weekend he's on such a high!!


  • Comment number 87.

    ARF - How bout playing something for our very own Gingembre who turns 40 tomorrow, bit of Luther maybe?

    Em xx

  • Comment number 88.

    welcome scotsaltire......

  • Comment number 89.

    Scotsaltire - hello! Great choice of ARF!!

    T x

  • Comment number 90.

    James...Would you ask me again next week...I may have some idea then (Aaah, pity poor Ripples).

    What's happening with Obama out there, it's all gone very quiet over here, they seem to have moved on to his delicious wife!

    Chezwah! keep the noise down after four, and No dancing!

    Rips x

  • Comment number 91.


    Tranny radio!

    V.good Deev

    Rips x

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi there

    New to blogging! Congratulations Chris and Tash. Welcome to the world Noah.

    ARF - what about

    New Life by Depeche Mode

  • Comment number 93.

    ARF: Oh Boy! Buddy Holly

    To celebrate his music and the safe arrival of your gorgeous baby Noah.

    Michele xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Hi Janie, welcome to the blog... good song choice...

  • Comment number 95.

    I remember bringing my first baby home, scary but awesome - you have to come to terms with being "the grown up" - mind you, that didn't last long. You get some things right, you get some spectacularly wrong, you laugh, you cry, you shout, you fall asleep in your dinner, but every time you look at your baby you know it's worth it.

    My advice is to savour every minute they are immobile and you can enjoy just sitting cuddling them, because the minute they're off they're off and you'll not sit down again for a long, long time!

    Tins and Lynz - me too with the musical upbringing - Glen Miller big band stuff,, Roger and Hammerstein, Gershwin, Cole Porter, Busby Berkley films, the works, and like you it was all down to my dear departed Dad.

    Off to a poetry recital tonight at 16 year-old's school - her poem (she won't tell me what it's about beforehand - yikes, hope it's not a rant about her haphazard upbringing, imagine the embarassment) has been shortlisted for a prize. The underfloor heating in the warm, dark drama studio always has a very soporific effect on me, so I'd better take a thistle to sit on.

    Good Lord, it's snowing.

    A x

  • Comment number 96.

    When my best friend had her first, she was ocmpletely shell-shocked. Her hubby didn't know how to deal with things either and I had the job of going to their house and making it homely, warm and lovely for when he bought her home from hospital.

    I still remember as if it was yesterday the look on her face as she carried her beautiful baby girl into the house for the first time and all three of us just stood there in tears.

    I felt honoured to be there to share with them. Even more honoured to be God Mother now to that beautiful baby girl, now 7.

    How time flies!

    Chezza x x x
    being serious. for once.

  • Comment number 97.

    Love the tranny radio description Cheryl trust the tu-tu was purple!!

    Great song Michmel very apt.

    Welcome newbies.


  • Comment number 98.

    Lol Boleyngirl, just snorted!! (makes a change from sobbing I suppose!!)

    Hope it all goes really well!!

    Unfortunately as well as Glenn Miller and Sinatra my dad also liked Tijuana Brass and James Last. But no-ones perfect.

    My mum gave me the gift of loving very old black and white films - especially a bit of Fred and Ginger ...

    Heaven, I'm in Heaven ....

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    All Request Friday....

    Barry Manilow - Copacabana

    Just who shot who?


  • Comment number 100.

    michmel, fab idea!

    ...on another note, aren't there some lovely people about lately???

    Plum, Zepp...inspired...

    the weather continues...Christophe...what ever happens...wrap the wee'un up nice and warm...

    preferably in Gran'ma's knitting


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