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Alright now, deep breath - this is a...

Chris Evans | 12:47 UK time, Monday, 29 June 2009

... big week - indeed this is a massive week. For this is the week of The Children In Need Drive Time Dine and Disco with added Fabulous Ferrari Tour, down to Chewton Glen in The New Forest.

I was up this morning fuelling the cars and getting them started in case any odd jobs needed doing to them before Friday morning. This was just as well as a few bits proceeded to fall off - they always do, plus it was a great excuse for an early morning run. They really are such beautiful cars both to drive and look at.

Here's where we're going - hopefully.

The route goes A30 - A303 up to Stonehenge for between 9 and 10 o'clock and then half an hour off for a bacon sarnie and a cup of char at The Haynes National Motor Museum, Sparkford near Yeovil on the 359. This would be a good place to see the cars - but we do have to keep moving - although you could stick around as it's a cool place to hang anyway.

We then head to Salisbury via Wilton before diving down towards Ringwood on the A31 and then in to The New Forest and Chewton Glen itself.

Had a couple of cars at the national Ferrari concours this weekend and managed to pick up a pot for a second place. Here's a pic...


Great days people - great days.

CLP 2009.



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  • Comment number 1.

    First. Nice one

  • Comment number 2.

    Ah, Christophe, that sounds SOOOOOOO exciting!!! I'll give you a wave along the way (though it'll be from Brighton so I doubt you'll see me)

    take plenty of water and have a great time

  • Comment number 3.

    ...meant to say, give us a bib next time you're flying over our way!

  • Comment number 4.

    What fun you and the drivetime luuuuuky (rich) peoples will have!

    I will wave from Bristol!


  • Comment number 5.

    CLP - Who says it doesn't matter if you win a prize or not. Your face says that winning is FAB!

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Aaww CLP, sounds blimmin great, hope the weather holds.

    Well done on the prize, glad to see you've got your hat on in this heat.

    Take note bazza!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Is too hot for my tiny brainette...have just noticed 'pot' in your hand...having read the word 'pot' and thinking potato.



  • Comment number 8.

    Slainte Christoff. Nice cap.

    And here's hoping you have the matching cool dude shades for the handsome Noah. I'm sure you do but if not, get him some Baby Banz like I got for the spectacularly ginger gorgeous great-nephew Zak, future Chippendale and road-sweeper of the year. They have a stretchy strap round the back of the head so said mini-Adonis can keep them on.

    DTDAD sounds like a blast, am in a bit of a mad jealous rage. It was at Ferndown golf club, not so far away, that the GBF Damian and myself chanced upon the Red Arrows in the bar. Not sure who was more excited, actually, me or Damian.

    The best bit was when Red 3 volounteered to take our photo with the rest of the team, using an idiot-proof camera. There we were, all grinnin' cheesily, goosin' each other, etc., when the said Red 3 looked puzzled and stared at the camera, nonplussed.

    "Ah Jaysus," boomed Damian. "Which one did yous say you were flyin'?"


    Ah me lost youth. All 12 of 'em.


  • Comment number 9.

    Haze - did you think they were handing out King Edwards as prizes?
    Credit crunch maybe, but things ain't that desp, are they?
    C x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi back now.......catch up time

  • Comment number 11.

    Congratulations on your pot, Chris!

    I'll give a wave too, but you'll not be able to see me from Manchester!! It's the tought that counts though!

    JG x

  • Comment number 12.

    thought, even...doh!

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon Each,

    Phew what a scorcher! Not complaining though, cause it will be winter before we know it.

    Firstly - All the best Bondy for today, bit late but crossing everything for you.

    Nice hat Chris and well done on the pot. I'll give you a wave from Kent and I hope all those involved have a smashing time.

    I don't get cars really, I appreciate a nice one but I don't understand what all the fuss is about. I shall be purchasing a new one this year, have no idea what to get or what's good or not. As long as it gets me from A to B then that's all I need.

    What's going on with the moderating - as has been said, someone is taking the pee!

    Have a good afternoon


  • Comment number 14.

    Chris mate....what fun....nice pot!!!

    Have heard about Ferrari reliability, or lack of...still, they are fab motors none the less.

    Penny, yeah, cheers for the hat comment..!

    See Roger F is not havin' in easy in his first set??


    PS Great to hear JW this morning!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris,

    Congratulations on second place - Lovely picture of you. Good luck for your Fabulous Ferrari Tour on Friday - It sounds great fun!!!

    While you have your camera out, could we please have a picture of Beth!

    Love Constantly,

  • Comment number 16.

    We've got the sunshine woo hoo - Beez, Pen, it took a while to get here from you, a few detours I think, but it's here. Well, more or less...

    And jeepers, what have you lot been doing and saying?? Or has the sun gone to the moderators' heads, do we think?

    CLP, congrats on the cup, you look chuffed to bits, bless you. Hope DTD&D is much fun.

    Buongiorno tutti!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris,Well done on second place, your looking good , love the hat.Sounds very exciting, might see you on the way,
    Have fun . love to all.xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon CLP!

    I'd love to have been at the Drivetime Dine and Disco bash this weekend, but sadly, regrettably, on Sunday I shall be AT WEMBLEY WATCHING TAKE THAT!!!!!!!


    Will dance round my handbag in your honour on the hallowed turf!

    And hey - you look divine in that piccy chief!

    Love and stuff

    Deevski on-topic
    x x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    AF....don't look at me....as Bart Simpson says...it wasn't me..xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Crumpers, I have no idea...either that or Maris Piper...

    ...and Clodagh...have you ever caught the programme on telly called 'How do they do that?'? Possibly one of THE most tedious dull boring (you get the picture) programmes on the telly...BUT, where I'm akshully going with this IS...me and the Badger have renamed it 'This is probably the type of job you'll end up doing if you don't pass any exams at school'. If you see it, you'll get my drift...

    work exp bod gone somewhere else temporarily, so I'm orft to lunch

    Chezza, Dexter, do you reckon Miguel is gonna geddit..????????

  • Comment number 21.

    Aw CLP bless! You do look pleased - well done on winning the cup and good luck with the Dine and Disco tour. Nice hat.

    Ali - Flower - yup - someone taking the p methinks too.

    Beezer xx
    aka Lenny the Lion

  • Comment number 22.

    Christoff - thanks for the invitation to come and look at your cars - really wish I could but I think we are busy and its a bit far - but thanks for thinking of us and taking on my suggestion - really chuffed that you read my spoutings!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 23.

    #20 - Haze .... we have about 8 weeks' worth of Dexter's to catch up on ..... missing him like maddage!!

    But at least The Mabius is back in our lives on a Wednesday night!

    Long live The Mabius!

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    omg - we have a new window cleaner - I swear he is the spittin image of Elvis!!! Think he'd notice if I took a pic !?

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    How annoying! Just checked Friday's blog and realised my song got played to open the show. I was stuck at the checkout in Tesco at 5 pm but wasn't too concerned as didn't think it likely it would be picked because of MJ.
    Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it and maybe I'll get lucky again in another 100 years (this was my first ever request!)


  • Comment number 26.

    HL - call me borning, but I love How do they make/do that? I was babysitting for friends on Friday night and they came home to find me watching how Swiss Army Knives were made...haha. Well it was gone midnight and usually telly is a bit dubious at that time of night - Ahem - not that I would know of course :)


  • Comment number 27.

    following on from 24 - his accent - sexy - French !!! about 6ft 3 -4 - between wives omg omg

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Pictures, Beez, pictures!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    HES MINE Bring him to Brum Beez!!!!!!


    Pee ess Lady Di - listen again on i-player!

  • Comment number 30.

    BTW Beez - how do get to the point in a conversation with a new window cleaner to know his between wives!!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    pee ess - that will be £5.50 missus and by the way I dont have a missus at the moment.......

  • Comment number 32.

    Ah Debs, it's all about the birds and the Beez...

  • Comment number 33.

    Good point Debs.....how did that pop up in conversation.....?? Bonjour....comment allez vouz etc etc??

  • Comment number 34.

    waaaagh camera battery dead !!! taken one on my phone omg he is at least a foot taller than me.. swooon..............sank you for ze glass of vwater omg omg...
    Debs - #30 folk tell me things !!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Beez, get another glass of water............................and chuck over yourself!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Heavens - if this lot don't get moderated !!! Good idea Pen - just off to stand in front of the air conditioning unit!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Wo their Beez....calm down..

  • Comment number 38.

    If that was me, I'd be on the norty step 4 sure by now.....not fair!

  • Comment number 39.

    Our window cleaner here at work bears a passing resemblance to Iggy Pop, kinda oldish looking with long blond hair, and wears THE tightest denim shorts in the summer months. Not quite a saddle-esque as The Iggy One tho.

    I need an ice bath. Now.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    TB - I agree - remiss of me, I did say I was going to keep an eye on things....

    Beez - norty step now! (I'm there from facebook so it'll be narce to have a bit of company!)


  • Comment number 41.

    Bazzles - come join me on the norty step. Room aplenty!


  • Comment number 42.

    to clarify ..

    thats An Ice Bath


    A nice bath

    Thank you!

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Blog went t**ts up just then, anyone else?

    Now back to normal. Reckon summits afoot!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Whoops too many *!!

  • Comment number 45.

    howdy all!

    I'm presuming all this talk about ice and cold water is in relation to the heat that you southern softies are now complaining about ;-) This weekend (at RHAS) we have had warm but overcast (Fri) Annoying drizzle (Sat) and then to top it off Fog (Sun). At least the queues at the Highland Show weren't as big as they would have been had the weather been what the forecasters had promised!

    Today is pleasant here a few clouds, a light breeze and the sun is out probably about 18 degrees.


  • Comment number 46.


    Is it hot outside then? Mighty warm in this ere office!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi dook, add 10 degrees to that darn sarf!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    OK on the norty step - sorry !!! v v sorry- wont do it again!!
    Deev you shouldn't have mentioned the shorts !! Nice jeans Francis (who smokes) had. Wot !!? he needed a cool off in my office!!!

    Beez xx

    pee ess - just had a call from someone in your neck of woods Dook - well close - I think - she is melting !!!

  • Comment number 49.

    AliB...I'd NEver call you borning, or boring for that matter!!! The whole premise is really interesting, although the bloke who narrates it sounds like he's nearly nodding off half the time...and although I turtley slated it boring-wise, I did enjoy the one about the bridge. But that might have been called Giant Structures or similar. (mainly Badger preferred viewing)

    Just don't get me started on the Deadliest Catch. I thought this was going to be about hunting REALLY BIG FISH. Turns out to be a load of men on a boat, in orange suits, on a boat, catching crabs. Give me Robson and / or Jerome with a pike any time.

    Work exp bod has got an alarm going off on his pc now, so better don hard hat and marigolds and go and see what he's done...

    Now, Mythbusters...dif ball game completely.

    Chez, PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE watch it!!!!!!! (Dexter I mean)

  • Comment number 50.

    Greetings Ter CLP And ALL Of The Blog,

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - Nice photo..... shame though about the Ferrari parade on Fridee.... can't go az am working!!!!!!!!!

    Plus why did yer pick Fridee..... worst dee of the week for traffic problems!!!!!!!
    But a know it's gotta be Fridee for The Drivetime Disco on Saturdee!!!!!!!!

    Beautiful weather terdee.... and even more beautiful my Bingo tip of 'ow ter keep cool!!!!!!!!!
    Me tip iz drive a 40tonne supermarket truck with a frozen goods on!!!!!!!
    Yes all, minus 27 in the back of me truck..... beautiful everytime a 'ave ter go inter the back ter unload at each supermarket!!!!!!!!!
    Plus.... ave bought a 6 pack of strawberry cornettos.... and a can eat one atta time throughout the dee and keep the rest from melting by...... leaving them in the back of me aych gee vee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally...... still very sad about Jacko!!!!!!!!!!
    Such a nice, good person who did so much for children's charity and ripped apart by unproven allegations!!!!!!!!!!
    I personally prefer ter focus on the positives in people instead of wanting ter beleive the negatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I personally think Micheal Jackson waz someone who was basically too nice for alot of the nasty people that are in this world!!!!!!!!!!!
    Probally why 'e waz taken advantage of by so many cling-ons!!!!!!

    Very similar ter Elvis really the way 'is live sadly went wrong to an early death!!!!!!!
    It's a shame the way we treat these people so badly when they are alive, yet soon as they die...... they seem ter go up in status!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mind you if you read the british tabloids at the moment..... they make me want to be sick..... the rubbish that they write.... even when someone 'as died!!!!!!!
    I blame the tabloids for alot of the doom mongering they spread about this wonderful country!!!!!!!!!
    Not 'ealthy ter read the papers every dee in my opinion.... that's why a don't buy them very often!!!!!!!!
    And when a do..... a feel like either emergrating or nearly topping mesen!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally on Jacko..... At least all of 'is brilliant music iz being played everywhere!!!!!!!!
    AWESOME TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Only problem.... a can't beleive it.... the only DAMN Jacko tune ave noot 'eard played iz my favourite.... Dirty Diana.... MEGA TUNE but totally forgotten about!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    on a boat, somewhere cold...scuse me. not on a boat on a boat.

    That would be three men on a boat.

  • Comment number 52.

    #50 - WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!! The age at which Micheal Jackson passed away!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Bezz ,I could do with a window cleaner ,can you send him down .
    Tell him he wont need his ladder only ground floor to do ,but still a lot of windows . he! he!

  • Comment number 54.

    Haze....MYTHBUSTERS......can't get my kids to stop watching it....must say, quite like it too...those guys are bonkers....

  • Comment number 55.

    BEEZ , see what you made me do , can't even spell my name properly all that talk about 6 3 or 4 foot french men

    Bids .xxxxx

  • Comment number 56.

    PS A waz just thinking about the tune Dirty Diana..... love the brilliant sound effects of the backing singers accopanied by the awesome sllow wrock guitar riff..... really great feeling ter this tune.... and the song about cling-ons....

    In fact a think this iz one of the guitar sounds that made me get really, really interested in the electric guitar from an early age..... (going to a Meatloaf concert iz what finally made me take up the electric guitar) Anyway.... errrr remember this tune when a waz about 10 ter early teens..... really 'it me the guitar riff...... MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 57.

    Oh Dear - the Wrath of and all that!!!

    You know isolated thunder storms were forecast? Well there is one HERE - chucking it down Big Time on my nice clean windows!!! Just have to get him back I guess - I'll pass on to you Bids !!

    Beezer xxx

    Blimey - monsoon stuff !!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Tis real Costa Blanca here at the mo...

  • Comment number 59.

    Beez, Calm down.

    You probably caused the thunderstorm with the hot air rising.

    Please dont send it my way.


  • Comment number 60.

    Beez - I wonder if the breeze we are getting is making it feel a bit cooler. We are a tad in the foot hills with a slight valley heading seaward. I would imagine down in the proper Valley/Strath it would be a wee bitty close! Home is the other side of the hill on the other side of the proper valley facing the sea - so probably a right pea souper there (damned NE Haar!)

    I'm desperately hoping that beginning of next week is going to be cold as we are driving daan to Norfolk to pick up 1500 day old ducklings and bringing them back up the road! ....... Oh the joy 8+ hrs of 1500 baby ducklings.......


  • Comment number 61.

    Thunder - that's what I thought !!! ooops!!
    No-where near you it's right overhead here !!!! Yikes !!!!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Dook - Gairloch.

    Oooeer - power surges/dips now - be under the desk in a minute !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Beez - I'm half way between Aberdeen and Dundee! And have just had reported from boss's wife that it is 21 degrees outside.

    Sorry to say but i'm glad I'm not near you at the moment as i am scared sh*tless of thunderstorms - for no apparent reason - I just always have been.


  • Comment number 64.

    Have had a reply from the Blog Moderators, and have posted it on the CLP bloggers page on FB (on the wall).

    x x xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Moderators ready!!!

    Gladiators ready!!


  • Comment number 66.

    Dook, I'm sure if there is gonna be a thunderstorm, the wee dooks will be laying HOOOGE eggs...or maybe not...in the meantime, please ensure you have adequate supplies of Gin (or similar) under your desk in case of prolonged precipitation and lightnininging...

    Bids, I was quite liking Brix...quite a too kule for skule name...

    of to the beach for a swim now hoorah

  • Comment number 67.

    Dooks dear - dont you already have about twenty gizillion dooks already????


    Beez - you still alive????

  • Comment number 68.

    We hope you and all the lucky bidders have a fantastic time Chris.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 69.

    Me again......

    CLP THe theme of yer show..... talkin of winning things......

    A once goot best in class for making a glass sculpture!!!!!!!
    Yes a waz best in class for me glass!!!!!!!

    A goot awarded with a glass trophy...... only problem a drooopped it..... it smashed...... a wazza broken man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi chris like the hat sir have a great time on Friday love to be there 4 bacon sandwhich & of course the lovely cars love to Tash and Noah best wishes Stewart

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening each

    Chris, sounds like a great plan. Hope it all goes well.


  • Comment number 72.

    Evening all from hot and muggy Essex.

    Nice pic CLP by the way.

    Am totally out of the loop on here now, have no idea what has been going on......any chance of a quick update?

    Off to water some thirsty plants, back in a bit.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 73.




  • Comment number 74.

    Not you as well Debs!!!! Daughter is obsessed and certain that Andy Murray is going to win.

    Debs: hope you're well.


  • Comment number 75.

    sCUSE me - toilet breaks, call the trainer, get a number of line replays??????????

    this is not real man tennis!

    bring back borg, connor and the Mac!


  • Comment number 76.

    OK - who cares what the result is EWAN is in the crowd - I'm watching!

  • Comment number 77.

    Wish that I could get into the tennis, but I just don't get the game at all.

    Ho hum.

    Just flicking between here and fb at the mo, trying to sort out whether or not I'm able to see Take That on Sunday. I feel a bit axious about it......must be brave and go for it!

    Debbie x

    ps: Hi Annie x

  • Comment number 78.

    Debs, go for it. Deev etc... will be there to meet you.

    Have a great time.


  • Comment number 79.

    I think I might Annie, I just might!

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Debbie, Long time no see.
    How are you keeping? Hey! you must really try and go on Sunday ,
    Deevs going . Wouldn't you feel great if you did ,And Im sure you must like them to have tickets.
    My daughters are going on Wednesday. Go girl ,go girl and
    you can tell all .

    Bridge xxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Evening Christoff!

    Sounds like a fabulous day out, and we'll look forward to the photos! Hope you all take plenty drinks with you, given we are supposed to be having a heatwave! Some parts of Scotland were hitting 30 degrees Celcius plus today!! Go figure! I still remember the drought of '74 ... or was it '75? In our wee Scottish west coast village, we had no water in our taps, filled our cisterns up with the dwindling burn water and had water tankers round daily. Yet everyone shows such surprise when we get weather like that today, girning about 'global warming' and the such! Don't get me wrong, I advocate that we do need to be more responsible with how we use our planet's resources, but there's 'nowt new under the sun' as the Good Book says ... well, words to that effect!

    Anyhoo - have a fabulous time - don't overheat - take plenty photos and ENJOY!

    Have to get the wee lass out of the bath and check on sleeping baby lass, but hopefully catch up with you gorgeous bloggers later!



  • Comment number 82.

    Debbie ,as you can see every one here is well and ticking over just the same . WE do miss you and often wonder how you're doing .
    I suppose if your busy it's hard to get back into the groove.

    what have you been up to lately , that's if you want to tell ?

    Bridge xxxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Bridget, I'm doing ok thanks. Totally exhausted today, tough day of therapy but at least getting moneys worth lol!

    I do want to go. So I'll sort myself out.

    Huggles back to you too Susan.

    LM is jumping about upstairs, must go and get him back to bed!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 84.

    Evening all,

    I'm feelng a bit out of the loop as I:

    ... haven't had time to watch one minute of tennis so far, despite a major crush on Roger Federer

    .... know nothing about Ferraris and cannot pretend to be remotely interested

    ....am feeling distinctly jaded after 2 "pre-wedding" nights out over the weekend - I just can't take the pace, it's official

    ....am faced with a whole queue of end of term/wedding deadlines and dates

    Anyhow, I hope everyone is well and happy and coping with the heat - I think we should have "Sun-days" like we now have "Snow days" and abandon everything when the thermometer hits anything above 28 degrees. It's impossible to work and we are all in need of a good dose of Vitamin D.


    A x

  • Comment number 85.

    Bridget, I'll be back later.

    When Mr Debbie goes to bed and I'm huddled up with pj's and a tub of ben and jerry's ice cream :-)


  • Comment number 86.

    Hi to Debbie, Bridget, Annie and Susan - long time no see Suze!

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening Boleyngirl. Nice to see Susan back on the blog.


  • Comment number 88.

    PS: Haven't had much sun up here in Northland today. Sat in Anstruther eating fish and chips looking out at the mist on the water. It was really hot but sun didn't appear till we got home!

    Tennis? Haven't a scooby what it's all about.


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Annie. Had a great time up in Sunderland at the weekend, they sure know how to party. How are you enjoying your retirement, and why in the world did you get moderated last night??

    A x

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening everyone ,
    Melting in Manchester today.

    Deev, thanks for taking the time to email about the mods .

    Boley , promised myself loads of tennis, but hardly seen a match yet. Murray struggling a bit tonight.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    Mc xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Boleyngirl , Not long now eh!. Are you getting nervous or are you too busy to think about it yet . Deep breathing I,ve been told helps ,but make sure you don't hold your breath ,

    IF I don,t get the chance to say or miss you , all the very best and hope all goes well , and be very ,very Happy.
    Bridge xxxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Hya MC. Am just grabbing an unscheduled ten minutes catching up on t'blog since Thursday!

    A x

  • Comment number 93.

    MC: Don't think he's going to win.

    Boleyngirl: Haven't a clue why I got moderated, have had no email from the blog police. Methinks a little nasty gremlin is having fun!

    Don't know much about Sunderland, but if it's anything like Newcastle, you're right, they really know how to have a good time.


  • Comment number 94.

    Hi Annie , How were the fish and chips ?

    Hi MC , Lets hope it will be a tad cooler so that we can sleep a little better .

    It's very muggy on the south coast , not had any storms or rain yet ,but could deff do with some .

    Bridge xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Annie,

    mmmm i think Andy would struggle against RF, looking how tonights game is going. Mind you , its nice to see lots of rallys and its not a walkover.

    I agree about the Gremlin too.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Thanks for that Bridge. The funny thing is, it's not the wedding that's making me twitchy, just everything else! Work is just manic and I just can't seem to muster the necessary enthusiasm. Add to that two teenage daughters...

    It should go well, we are so excited and as we are still seriously in love after 8 years of cohabitation then I don't see anything changing.

    Thanks again Bridge,

    A x

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Bridge,

    Yes, its hard to sleep when its this close.Clouded over here, so maybe the storms are heading our way. Hung washing out at 6.30pm tonight and all dry in an hour - fab !!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Right lasses, the sofa is calling my name and the video is chanting "Come and watch tonight's Coronation St, come, come...."

    Nanight all.

    A x

  • Comment number 99.

    Night Boleyn ,

    Hope things fall into place for you .
    All the best

    MC xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Bridget, the fish & chips were yummy.

    Boleyngirl: your wedding will be lovely. Just enjoy it and store up the memories.



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