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Hey hey it's...

Chris Evans | 09:24 UK time, Thursday, 18 June 2009

... Ladies Day at ye olde royal race course round t' corner.

Took the Walkers for a beer last night, and the boys in the pub were already getting far too excited about the forthcoming outpouring of literally thousands of fillies from the trains, mid morning today.

Let me tell you Ascot is probably much smaller than you think. There is a garage, a Budgens, a few pubs and shops and that's about it apart from of course the honking great race course in the middle of it. To think there will be sixty thousand hats and frocks marching and no doubt later staggering around this small thoroughfare is mind boggling.

Tash and I are having to time our vehicular ins and outs with military precision this week to avoid getting stuck in five mile queues of pink limos and party coaches.

If somebody would have told me a few years ago that this would all be going on outside my door, and that I would be more bothered about a little man and his gorgeous mum instead I would have thunk them insane.

CLP 2009



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  • Comment number 1.


    I grew up in another race track town in berks - never been to the races either!

  • Comment number 2.

    2nd Yeay!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP- sounds like a busy w/e in your neck of the woods so to speak.....

    Lock the doors and stay put!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    morning one and all,

    Sounds like you are going to have fun CLP.

    I agree with TB, lock the doors and stay put with the family and then fly to the studio.



  • Comment number 5.

    Gotta say Ascot has never appealed to me...60,000 staggerers being prententious, thinkin' they're something they are not...no fanks!

    There is more than enough 'proper' sport goin' down this w/e to satisfy even the most die hard sport fans IMHO.


    PS Trust the Walkers had fun with you last night....can't imagine they didn't.

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning All,

    Put me sandals on this morning as the sun was out - result is now I have cold feet.................pah!!! Blinking clouds!

    CLP, I agree with Tango, just lock the doors draw the curtains and pretend you're not there, it's the best way!!

    Awful quiet here today.......
    Anyone for tea?


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris: yes, isn't incredible how much your life has changed? It's just wonderful for you, Tash and Noah! Thanks for letting us all be a part of it. xx

    Superbp: please forgive me for using the wrong name for you! Re: the previous blog, that does sound incredible, and I'll definitely check it out when I get to the V&A.

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all,
    I write this sat on Clipstone street at the Cafe round the corner from R2....and I shall be here tomorrow If you want to meet for breakfast SuperBeep?!

    The British Library is Fantastic, and one of the best bits is the latest addition....the roof made of 100's of thousands of differently sized triangular glass panels.
    It is wave shaped and mind blowing.
    It also sits on the main roof on wheels because as it gets hot in the sun it expands and has to move to avoid breaking the panels.

    Perfect day in London for me:
    Breakfast at Kiko's.....check
    Park in SoHo and wander out past all of the interesting people towards Charing cross and out the back to the Hungerford bridges across the Thames.

    Walk down the Southbank to Tower Bridge, then across to the tower before jumping on a boat back.

    Finish the day walking round St James' Park and back up through Whitehall, Trafalger sq and SoHo

    I'll probably think of a million other things now, but that will do for starters!

    Hope you are all Tip Top, and that today is a good 'un



  • Comment number 9.

    CLP, you've most certainly got your priorities in the right order, and yes, who would have thought! Of course you can always come back and live in Surrey, you'd be more than welcome.

    Now, ARF, do I chance my luck again? I'll think about it and come back to you later.

    Hello to all others, blue sky and fluffy clouds here with a promise of more of the same. Can't be bad.

    Penny xx

    Baz PPP was delicious!

  • Comment number 10.

    eb: I would LOVE a cup of tea!

  • Comment number 11.

    Rips - love the idea of breakfast in London with you - we can have our own mini bloggers meet!

  • Comment number 12.

    Wooohoooo another blog meet, go on Rip and SBP....!

    Pen, glad the PPP was good!! I was right about my salada jacket and chick'. Nice tho' but not a touch on Pens Penne Pasta!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Pen...did you get 1st place on last weeks ARF, if so with what..?

  • Comment number 14.

    Cool, I'll post later when back in the office.....

    .....promise to leave the axe at home!!;^P



  • Comment number 15.

    Morning 1 and All, I have my own little ascot to attend to!

    In training for the local riding festivals, will be all titivated up on Sunday, ready to hang on for grim death (really enjoy it once I'm on the move) it's just getting organised that puts me in a tiz. Acutally I scrub up not too bad.

    Chris as always, family comes first, second and everything else in between. I have one en vacance in France and I miss him dreadfully (so does his little brother, though he's not admitted it)

    On a lighter note "anyone any good at cooking the books" got a year end to do and I CANNOT get my head into gear. Have put off for more than a week and I am seriously having to knuckle down today - oh that's AFTER I meet my good friend for coffee.

    Toodle pip


  • Comment number 16.

    BLYipe - let me at them - I love books and preparing stat accounts :-)

  • Comment number 17.

    Its me. Again!

    Blur tickets - in hand! Hurrah!!!!

    Will put some thought into the day in london question - good one!

    And ....

  • Comment number 18.

    BLYipee....Pen and Deevsta are good at cooking if that helps


  • Comment number 19.


    If we're doing romance on Woman's Minute this week, I would like

    Wonderwall - Oasis

    because ....

    I don't believe that anybody
    Feels the way I do about you now

    has gotta be the most romantic line ever written!

    Mr Evans, you are amazing!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    thanks tango!

    will help where I can!


  • Comment number 21.

    Deevs stop creeping up to Monsieur Evans...it won't work!

  • Comment number 22.

    CLP - agree with the team - stay put - in your own little family cocoon.

    Deevs glad your tickets turned up - phewski!

    I am sooooo tired - having done two TT in a row and been sooooo fired up with excitement I have had a 'go to bed time' of 3.30am and 2.30am - if I'm that adrenalined(sp) up just watching what time do the boys go to bed after 'doing'???

    right loads to do, see you all later

    Hi Ads - good to see you back posting


  • Comment number 23.

    Oh and by the way...from last nights show..


  • Comment number 24.

    Bagpuss you would be more than welcome (where'd you live?) I'm nearly bald!!!!

    Keep saying every year "I will be organised next year" eh not happend yet.

    Thanks for the offer.


  • Comment number 25.

    Right I'm back got half an hour before I leave for my flight.

    ARF - Bruce Springstene - Girls in their summer clothes.



  • Comment number 26.

    Can cook most things, but books ain't one of them!!

    Where you been, baz? I did indeed get ARF and might I add it was the second time!

    Big sigh of relief, Deevs!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Bazzlybugs .... I am not creeping in any way, shape or form. Just telling Mr Evans how I feel!

    So there!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 28.

    Sorry Chrissie, I'll make one now, got side-tracked with actual work!

    And a little bit of gossip!!


  • Comment number 29.

    OK Deevski, I beleive you......xx

    So there!!

    Well done Penn.....pub after work had to take priority last friday! Sorry. won't happen again.

    What was your chown?


  • Comment number 30.

    Deevski - great you got your tickets !!! I totally agree with you Mr. Evans is amazing, absolutely amazing!!!!!

    Getting together sounds great.

    This chat room is so wonderful, even my hubby has started to read it.

  • Comment number 31.

    Boys behave yourself now.




  • Comment number 32.


    Rips and SBP sitting in a tree.................!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Ads...fancy stealing my GREAT ARF idea...I hope it rains now...haha..just joshing, after all, a good tune IS a good tune and that one sure is.....assuming you're a bloke I guess??!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Madi - I dunno where I'd be without Mr Evans!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    eb: no problem about the delay with the tea - gossip is far more important!

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Baz, ELO, Rock 'n' Roll is King.

    I've now talked myself out of getting third time lucky this week. So I'll step back! S'only fair

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Shamalamalamalama rock'n'roll is king...cool song...well done for steppin' down this week too....nice touch.


  • Comment number 38.

    morning all! nice and sunny and warm here in Cornwall!

    Penny - meant to say earlier in the week that I really enjoyed your AFR last week - me and my 4 yr old small boy had a fab dance round the kitchen to that!! has to be sung at full volume too, i reckon!!

    so now thinking head on for tomorrow! am working on it even though am supposed to be working!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 39.

    or even your ARF !!! LOL!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Deevs - I know exactly what you mean. I'm off to London now.

    See you guys later.


  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all.
    Poor you Chris - I used to have to travel past racecourse to get to old work place! Nightmare - 10 mile detour sorted it! Batten down the hatches and stay put.

    Are we going all lovey for ARF - in which case just has to be...................

    Amazed - Lonestar

    See yarl inabit

    Beezer xxx :) :)) :)))

  • Comment number 42.

    ok, having managed to get the ELO tune out of my head (!) have come up with my ARF suggestion for this week

    Hot Hot Hot by Arrow

    (have to admit googling who sang it!)

    it is one of my favourite summery songs and you just have to dance to it!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 43.

    CG, Thanks, I knew what you meant!

    Beez, take it you caned the credit card?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 44.


    Love that song by lonestar.

    good choice.


  • Comment number 45.


    China in your hand-T'Pau


  • Comment number 46.


    Did you see Carol Decker on The Supersizers Do The 80s the other night?

    She's aged raaaather well! Foxy lady indeed!

    Although I preferred Heart & Soul .....


  • Comment number 47.

    No Deevski...missed that....Carol really did have a mouth on her didn't she!!??

    Foxy Tango indeed....

    Noooo norty step right at the top being arranged I bet!


  • Comment number 48.


    Ascot - would love to do an Eliza Doolittle and yell out "Caaaarm awn, move your A**E when everyone else was being posh. Probabaly wouldn't have the same effect these days though.

    London - if I had no money I would do a Dickens Walk - we've got a book of them, they take you to places you would never know were there and it's fascinating. Then mooch around Hyde Park, go and make a speech at Speakers Corner, and try and make the guards laugh round Buckingham Palace. I'd also traipse around the National Portrait gallery, I think that's free, and go round the Tate Modern saying "But is it art?"

    ARF - God only knows, The Beach Boys

    A x

  • Comment number 49.

    Meant to say she really had a voice on her!!??

  • Comment number 50.

    boleyn - what would you orate about at Speakers Corner?

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 51.

    A...'wouldn't it be nice' by the BB.

  • Comment number 52.

    Chez, I say this in all modesty - I was told I looked a bit like Carol Decker when I had my long mane way back when!

    And boleynman sometimes calls me his foxy lady!

    A x

  • Comment number 53.

    Chez - I might practise my wedding speech! Or maybe just sing "Black Socks" - that always goes down well with a crowd.

    A x

  • Comment number 54.

    Right, yous lot, someone has to do it, I'm off for a picnic in the park with GD and even more gawjus granddaughter.

    It's a hard life, and no it's not my ARF..................on the other hand!!!!!!!

    Play nicely!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 55.

    A...you are toooo modest!!

  • Comment number 56.


    Roxette- Must have been love!!!!

    Go on Tango....get in there....what a cracker!

  • Comment number 57.

    Right. My day in the capital, money no object .....

    I'd wake up nice and early in a posh hotel somewhere in and around Docklands, then go for a leisurely continental breakfast at a pavement cafe, just watching all the worker-ants scurrying into Canary Wharf, all suited and booted.

    I'd then get the DLR to Greenwich and take a Thames Cruiser down to Westminster Pier, about an hour's journey.

    And as money is no object, I would have my very own pod on the London Eye. Just me, myself and my thoughts to take in the spectacular views of our capital city. Champagne too, naturally!

    I would them meander along the South Bank, watching the street entertainers. A peek in at the Tate Modern (the Turbine Hall takes my breath away every time I visit - it is simply stunning).

    I would have my lunch at Riveria, a lovely restaurant on the banks of the Thames at Gabriels Wharf - the best seafood linguine I have ever tasted in my life.

    Lunch would be followed by a mooch round the little craft shops in Gabriels Wharf. And maybe a glass of something cold and refreshing at the pub nearby - The Grapevine, I think it's called.

    Then I would continue to wander up the South Bank, via Borough Market of course, eventually arriving at Tower Bridge - one of the most spectacular sites in London.

    I would enjoy a High Tea at The Dorchester or The Ritz, before the finale to my day .....

    A visit to The Emirates Stadium. As money is no object, I would naturally be sitting in the Directors Box (after a pre-match light supper and some chilled champange), where my beloved Arsenal Football Club would beat arch rivals Manchester United 5-0 to win the Premiership title, on that very night.

    Oh yes!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    peeeeeeeeeees: apart from the last para (coz that's never gonna happen - the Directors Box bit!), should anyone want to accompany me one day for the above, let me know.

    It's just gotta be done!


  • Comment number 59.

    It's me middle name bazboy. Well, that and "shorta**e".

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    Chez - you lost me at the London Eye bit. Can't stand heights. Am good at carrying coats though.

    A x

  • Comment number 61.

    Deev - well we did the first bit of your London tour before I collapsed and also realised I would miss my train by two hours !!! Not the Eye tho - yuk yuk - heights n me don't mix!!!

    Busy busy busy

    Beezer xxx
    Nick tis good toon aint it - words lovely.

  • Comment number 62.

    Just to say that MsS has now left the building, and indeed is at Glasgow Airport at this very moment!

    She has just called from Duty Free - two bottles of Malibu for 20 quid apparently - I didn't have the heart to say it would probably be cheaper in Spain - I am not interfering in this holiday in any way!

    So, for the first time in 18 years, MrS and I are free: it's a really weird feeling, but a good one! I have a feeling we are really going to enjoy the next two weeks!

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Chrissie - enjoy your time with MrS.

    Beez - my plan was to walk you and AnnieG up to Tower Bridge but you both ran outta puff!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    Cheryl: thanks x

  • Comment number 65.

    i know this is totally unrelated to any previous posts today but i felt i just had to say that i just love raspberries!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Afternoon all,

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy.

    Deev's love your dream day out , count me in anytime . Just love London, try and get there as often as poss. Glad you got your tickets.

    Have booked Afternoon Tea at the Ritz for me and Mr MC , so looking forward to that early August . Was a crimbo pressie from my brother and his girlfriend .

    T'internet not working at home, neither is the next door neighbours . Spent hours on phone last night to BT , but they couldnt sort it out. Hey ho, got that to look forward to again when i get in later.

    Bye for now, possibly until lunch time tomozz .

    MC xx missing my t'internet ;-(((

  • Comment number 67.


    Count me in on your London day out too - sounds great! Did the afternoon tea at The Ritz years ago with the girls, twas great fun.

    Enjoy your 2 weeks Chrissie - your daughter will enjoy hers and be fine.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 68.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 69.

    Chrissie - enjoy your time with MrS, I've got about 16 years before that happens..........I can dream!

    Ooooo Big boss just walked in muttering to himself............never a good sign............and he's gone again, safe for another day!

    I don't know london at all - big cities scare me - so I'll come along if I can deevs - sounds like an education!!


  • Comment number 70.

    Ebbw - it would be an absolute pleasure to show you my favourite side of London.

    And you Darce, and you Boleyn ..... and Beezer if she wears good walking shoes this time!!


    x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    Does anyone remember the 80s board game, Scruples?

    I have a Scruple to put to our very own blogger, super_bagpuss .......


    Let's imagine for a second that you are not marrying the amazingly wonderful mr bp, but you are infact engaged to Damon Albarn.

    Damon is insistent that the first dance at your wedding is Angels by Robbie Williams.

    Bearing in mind you have banned the Robsters back-catalogue from your nuptials, what do you do .... Marry Damon and dance to Angels, or bin him on the grounds of your musical integrity.

    Lots of love

    Deevs x x x

    ps: for the record, I LOVE Angels!! x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Deevski....moonlighting as London City Tour Guide!!!!!! sounds like you'd be v good!

    Who is the nutta who don't like CLP anyway....is this serious?

    Someone fill me in if they can shed any light on this strange post.

    Ta much


  • Comment number 73.


    I am as confused as much as you are about that posting.

    You cant like everyone but you keep your thoughts private and dont put them on a blog.
    What baffles me even more is that whoever it is took the time to register.


  • Comment number 74.

    Deevs - will you walk round holding an umbrella (or prop of your choice) so we don't lose you - or can I hang on to someone's coat tails please - as I said big cities scare me stoopid, think cos I'm so small!!!


  • Comment number 75.


    I cannot imangine a situation where the mucis lover damon would insist on the drival that is angels

    I would agree with him but set up a side line with the live band so they played something that meant something to me and Damon - and he would love me so much he didn't care!

  • Comment number 76.

    Baz - oddbods pop up every now and again. Best thing to do is ignore, ignore ignore. It's been moderated now, by the looks of things.

    And yes, you are quite correct. As a mini-deev (child!) I wanted to be a tour guide in London. My dad was a coach driver and I would spend all the summer holidays on the coach with him, in awe of the Blue Badge guides - so glamourous - who would show the Americans / Japanese etc around London.

    I used to know the entire script of a London tour .... for example, the Monument - did you know it has 311 steps to its viewing platform at the top, and if you were to lay it down it marks the spot in Pudding Lane where the Great Fire started (1666 I think), which helped to eradicate the Plague.

    I did French and German to O Level too.

    Then I decided I wanted to be a music journo, so here I am an Office Manager!

    Life, eh! It's what you make it!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    Good answer Baggy! Remind me never to play Scruples with you!

    Next ....


  • Comment number 78.

    Bloody hell Deevs....that was meant to be a joke......you really could be a decent tour guide....or perhaps...got it....a tour manager...in the music world of course.

    Did get the fact that all ignored the wierdo...

    Nick, my thoughts too....why would you bother????

    Takes all sorts I guess.

    A music journalist no less....sounds like something I wish I had gotten in to...what with my luv of music..all genres..

  • Comment number 79.

    deev - we visit friends in london once or twice a year and she always has an "itinerary" of things for us to do! once we went up the Monument and to the top of St Pauls in the same day!!! (although can't blame that on our friend cos our small girl was doing the Fire of London at school hence Monument!).

    have been introduced to some good places by her though - Greenwich market is still one of the best, as is the Transport museum (if you have a small boy with you!) and that Gourmet burger place in Covent garden!

    I really miss being close enough to visit London for the day or to go to a show easily, but other than that - nah!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Baz - I was so amazed at the likes of Julie Burchill, and Jane Goldman - what a woman! Sadly, my aspirations took a nose-dive when at 18 I met my first "proper" boyfriend, and the rest is history.

    But in hindsight, I would have loved to have done the Tour Guide thing.


  • Comment number 81.

    and i was a tour guide at Heligan gardens for a while, which was really enjoyable! the thing about those sort of tours is that usually people come on them cos they want to know more about the place/city/whatever so they are generally enthusiastic too. and you do learn more than just by walking around by yourself.


  • Comment number 82.

    The morning after the London Blog Meet in April, I took Beezer and AnnieG on the Thames Cruise thing from Greenwich to Westminster. I regailed them with some facts and tales, but then made myself shut-up, coz I didn't want them to throw me overboard!



  • Comment number 83.

    Do you know what I just love about this blog? You go out for your lunch break, and you come back to a post like CG #65! Brilliant!

    Darce: thanks x I am sure you are right, but good grief, it's a worry.

    eb: I promise you, the next 16 years are going to disappear in a flash! Try to savour and enjoy - I didn't do enough of that. x

    Baz and Nick: I'm glad I missed #68. The moderators were on to it very quickly by the look of things, so it may have been one of the nutters that comes on here from time to time. Cheryl is absolutely right - ignore at all costs.

    Superbp: Very clever answer to Cheryl, but sorry, I absolutely love Angels. Poor Robbie, I wish he would meet a nice lassie and get his head straight!

    C xx

  • Comment number 84.

    in the case of Robbie - maybe a nice fella???

  • Comment number 85.

    For Chrissie...

    This may have nothing to do with the above threads but..............................................wait for it...........................................I love Stella

    That's Artois.....of course..LOL

  • Comment number 86.

    baggy - robbie is NOT that way inclined. cut the lad some slack - he's luverly!

    just a cheeky, chirpy chappy from Stoke!

    and on the subject of raspberries - that's the next crop expected on lotty. oodles of the beggers. all to be jammed.

    jam jam jam

    joy joy joy

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Chrissie - glad my raspberries made you smile! the odd random thought is always good isn't it?!?!

    and #84 Sbp - what??!! have i missed something all these years??!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 88.

    you know what Chrissie,

    I didnt even see the blog #65 about liking raspberries.

    maybe its some sort of secret code from cornishgirlie.

    it was muffins yesterday from someone else, am I missing something important.


  • Comment number 89.

    oohh Deev - don't jam them ALL!! have some fresh (thought not fridge cold!) with lashings of clotted cream!! meringues are good with it too!!

    our pick your own place isn't doing it any more due to some stupid health and safety rules which say they should have flat walking surfaces and rails round the dangerous bits of the site - ITS A FARM for goodness sake!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    and nick - no code from me!! not that complicated i'm afraid! was just eating some for lunch and thought i'd share!!


    will work on secret code if you like - involving fruit, bakery products or whatever works!?!


  • Comment number 91.

    all I'm saying is that he is bestie mates with jonothaon wilkes who looks very jonathon rhys myers and we saw as frank n furter in RHS!

    Actually I know nothing - just wanted Robbie to know that whatever he decides it will be okay with me

  • Comment number 92.

    Aww.....I missed the raspberry post! - absolutely love them, they were my only craving during pregnancy - I'm surprised he didn't come out looking like one!!!

    Raspberry jam MMmmmmmMMMmmmm

    but don't forget apple and raspberry crumble.....


  • Comment number 93.

    Afternoon Mr BigNick

    I do a good muffin, me!


  • Comment number 94.

    baggy - i saw mr wilkes in RHS - amazing pins for a fella! was quite jealous!

    i still think russell brand was born to play Frank N Furter in the re-make tho ..... can i be his Magenta???

    Changing the subject - I've got a tub of strawberries on my desk, picked last night off the allotment.


    x x

  • Comment number 95.


    no need for creating secret code for me, but thanks for the offer.


    I best be careful otherwise I will be on the norty step and get this post moderated.

    but I like nothing better than a good muffin.


  • Comment number 96.

    Super bp: you are on fire today! But no, surely, this can't be true of the lovely Robbie. But, of course, in the interest of all that's proper, whatever he decides is ok with me too. Really.

    Baz: clever ..... love it!

    CG: yes, I loved the post about raspberries - it just summed up the brilliance of the blog. I have gone on at length about the meaning of life and all that, when quite honestly, raspberries mean more!

    Nick: so easy to miss some posts, especially when the blog is moving along. Sometimes (well lots of times) there are gems to be found!

    C xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Peanut butter ones are my forte, Mr Nick.



    x x

  • Comment number 98.

    Nick: wind, close, sailing the, to!


  • Comment number 99.


    am having a pants day at work - more bad news and I cannot be bothered to work - so here I am!

    Am off tomorrow so will give someone else the chance!

    Sorry if I'm a blog hog

    OPS- rips promised me breakfast tomorrow and then disappeared? are you there rips and will you wear a carnation?

  • Comment number 100.

    Woss goin on?

    Raspberries? Love eating them, smelling them and especially blowing them. Here's one, bleurrrrrrrgh.

    Actually that doesn't look right. How do you spell what a raspberry sounds like.

    Just veeting me legs.

    A x


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