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Living in...

Chris Evans | 13:58 UK time, Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Berkshire this week is mad what with Royal Ascot going on and all. I knew it was going to be busy but this is ricky-dicky-doodles, all very exciting though.

It's like Vietnam with all the helicopter traffic going overhead, and I've just counted the seventh Rolls Royce Phantom going past our window. Recession! Nobody told these guys.

In other news Mrs. Evans picked up her new car today, the latest in a long line of trusty Landys - so she is dead happy.

I spent the morning with the Walker family - a family from Newcastle who I met when they took pity on me in France last year.

My car had broken down and they took me in for the afternoon whilst I waited for the man. I asked how I could pay them back, and their honest reply was that their little lad Josh was car mad, so he's down today; and him and his dad have taken the 599 out for a blast, smiles wider than The Tune.


Brilliant! They're coming to the show this afternoon too... hopefully...if I ever see them again that is.

A big hello also to mum Carmen and young Eve, who are currently hitting the shops in Windsor.

Right now that the brownie points have been earned, I'm just trying to figure out where to spend them.

CLP 2009 X.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Am I first?


  • Comment number 2.


  • Comment number 3.

    Ohhh, lovely!

    CLP, please feel free to break down near my house next time, I'll willing make you a cup of tea if I get to drive the 599 in return!

    JG x

  • Comment number 4.

    Awww CLP, you are so lovely, letting that wee lad and his dad loose on your boy-toys!

    The world would be a much better place if there were more CLP's in it!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    STOP PRESS !!!!!!!!




    x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    6th....damn you all.....!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon CLP,

    What a lovely man you are. You're a very nice man, a very very nice man. What cool dudes they look, casually leaning against your car.

    I am getting a new car this summer, not sure what to pruchase yet, but it won't be anywhere near your budget!! As long as it gets me from A to B safely, that's all I care about.

    Happy Hump Day


  • Comment number 8.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    sorry for absence recently but I have a good excuse and it's called tiscali (thank god other providers available).
    Absolutely useless (IMHO), but we're back online - for the time being.

    I remember the France incident, what a way to repay. Drive thro Norfolk anytime bigcheese

    Weight loss, well I lost nearly 2 stone in the lead up to my 40th but seem to have crept up half a stone since. Got 2 weddings to attend this summer and a 10k run to do so I have targets to aim for in order to trim back down again I guess???

    Went to see Madness at the weekend, wasn't really that bothered about going but boy they were brilliant. Got very drunk and took me nearly 3 hours to get home (I live under 3 miles from the venue!!!)

    Work has been crazy, to be honest I'm a bit juiced off with it all at the mo as I've had a few too many griefy jobs to attend.

    Lovin' my days off this week.

    enough about me....what you all been upto???

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 9.

    Awww Christophe you truly are a fabbie gent!

    If there were more people sharing the love out there a bit more I'm sure there would be less crime on the street and more happy smiley faces out there. You put a smile on my face most days.. as I'm sure you do the other bloggers too.

    Is it me or did Summer dissapear overnight?

    & the bump

  • Comment number 10.

    PS. Gingembre- 2 stone! Well done you! If you can do it once you can do it again!

  • Comment number 11.

    Niiiiiiice wheeeeels CLP...the yellow one I mean..although the Ferrari ain't bad.


  • Comment number 12.

    Never heard how it went at the gym..........

    I am not sure what a 599 is but it looks a nice car, but what a nice way to say thank you for being a good samaritan, well done!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    PS CLP........good man for having them on the show.....didn't know these Supercars broke down.....that said...my late Dad had a roller, brand new in 1989 when I got hitched...he planned it through his self employed career...so when he retired, the big day came....was the worst thing he ever bought...his 635CSI beamer was the nuts.....much better vehicle.

    hey ho...


  • Comment number 14.

    What a great thing to do Chris, that little boy must be so made up - you really are a lovely man.

    I don't know what the temperature is here today Lyndy but its cold in this ere office.

    Hope your toothache is easing a bit Crumpy, that is one of the worst pains ever - I feel for you.

    Well done Keith, Bagpuss ,MwK and everybody else who has lost a lot of weight - CLP didn't mention his after gym weight did he!!

    Ali - still on your own in the office ?- it can make it a long day can't it.

    MaW from yesterday - I've done the family tree and found relations all over the place - its good to do. I made it into an album for Mum for Christmas, she was thrilled.

    Debs 2 - enjoy TT again tonight you lucky lady!!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Greetings Ter The CLP Boy And 100% Of CLP's Blog Friends Blogging.....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - A like the phrase 'ricky-dicky-doodles'!!!! Been tryin ter think of a few new ones mesen lately!!!!!
    But i'll keep 'em ter mesen for know, sorry now!!!!!!
    But what a do like more iz yer photo of yer 'fabulous' car!!!!!
    A notice yer wreet it's a 599????? A thought yer 'ad a F430?????
    Am confused know, sorry now!!!!
    Also like the Lamborghini Gallardo next ter yer 599/ 430!!!!!!!!
    Which brings me te rthe question a can't answer.... if a 'ad the money would a prefer a Ferrari or a Lamborghini???????
    Just can't answer this question!!!!!!
    Yep the Lambo 'as a monster of a 5litre V12 which growls deep.... but the Ferrari 'as the crisp growl and passion of Italy.... mind so does the Lambo!!!!!!
    Soz can't answer which i'd like the most..... put it this way..... if a waz in CLP's shoes.... i'd buy both!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Ave 'eard yer 1 FAB Ferrari when Marky Mark warmed up it up outside R2 and all a can say... WHATTA NOISE!!!!!!!!!! RAW!!!!!!! A road legal racing car of V8 grunt!!!!! A take it it 'as the sports exhausts added.... sounded like it by the noise!!!!!!

    Wreet onter the 'Bingo Star Thought Of The Dee'..........

    LadyGaGa in 'er recent tune..... Pokerface.... she iz singing about 'she ain't bluffin' with 'er muffin'..... an interesting set of lyrics, most thought provoking... but what a need ter now, sorry know, iz..... iz 'er muffin a McD's and if so...... iz it chocolate chip or blueberry!!!!!!!! Chocolate chip being my favourite!!!!!!

    GOURANGA Ter U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chris,

    Lucky Mrs. E - glad she is happy with her Landy!

    What a great way to say thank you. Don't know what a 599 is either, anyway I'm sure the boys were happy and Windsor is a nice little place to shop for the girls. You have a heart of gold, Chris. Oh yes, and you are a very, very, nice, nice man.

    Lyndy - Chris puts a smile on my face every day, that is why I love him so much.

    Love to everyone,

  • Comment number 17.

    Chris you are surely one on lifes good guys. You have a HUGE heart and you truly wear it on your sleeve!

    In this life there are ALWAYS good people, but you don't always get to meet them.

    My motto is be kind to others as you would wish for yourself and I'm convinced it works.

    Being polite and kind is for nowt, share it with others.

    Not a happy bunny today, far far far too wet to go horsing around the countryside tonight, just too slippy and I don't fancy a spell in the hospital!


  • Comment number 18.

    #15 yet again..... Reminds me of Lincoln!!!!!

    Don't know why!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    PS Another blog photo.... says aloot!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.


    Great blog today! What a lucky family, they must be so pleased that your car broke down that day!

    Not into cars at all, but I do "get it". Had a wee spin in my boss's sports car last week, with the top down - I felt like a complete idiot, but smug at the same time!

    Tash: hope you are loving your new car!

    Gingembre: we have missed you! Sorry to hear work is difficult at the moment - thanks for what you are doing.

    Hi to everyone else - hope you are all ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 21.


    Ditto, what they all said.....what bloody nice chap!


  • Comment number 22.

    Bingobongo bonkers.....aint buffin with your muffin indeed....you Poker face LOL

    To the norty step Bingoere


  • Comment number 23.

    Ahhh it's all to much stress for me on the muffins Tango Bazza lad!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Forgoot ter say VERY nice of you ter let the Walker dudes ave a go of yer Ferrari!!!!!!!!!

    Soz adidn't notice them in the photo....... being a car buff.... too busy looooking at the cars!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 24.

    Bingo: I did mean to say to you re: Lady GaGa - my husband was driving our daughter somewhere recently and she was playing the Lady GaGa CD in the car. Apparently it is X-rated stuff! MrS said it was "a bit of an education"!!

    And Chris, one of our directors was at Royal Ascot yesterday - said it was brilliant. As you say, these guys have not heard of the recession!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.


    lovely idea

    you may have seen (or maybe not) that i once suggested you let bloggers come and look at your car collection in exchange for donations to chairty - I for one would be happy to see your cars and meet you and cough up for a charity!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 26.

    CLP you are a true gent and i bet the family cant be any happier that you have paid them back with this great gesture
    Will be good to hear them on the show tonight

    Hope the good lady enjoys here new wheels

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello all you gorgeous bloggeroonies!

    Sorry for absence in recent weeks - just oh so busy at work et al. However, have been lurking on the side lines when time has allowed. Had a lorra lorra laffs at your expense on a few days of late. Thanks chaps and chepesses! X

    Weather - Summer just given way to rain. Still could be interesting over the weekend when Jensen does his stuff. GP madness is about to descend our corner of Norfamps.

    Lambie - ditto all previous comments. So love you and the sun shine you spread.

    Countdown to holybobs - 12 days to go - Northern Cyprus here we come! Some may remember mum had horrid surgery a couple of months ago and we can't wait to get there.

    Anyone know of a nice place to stay (cheap) in Watton, Thetford area. Has to be cheap as it's for the weekend after hols!

    Steffi xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon CLP et al

    Bit late clocking on, been out and about including the dentist, actually no, hygenist to be exact. Hate the scraping its like chalk on the blackboard but boy do the old gnashers feel great now.

    Crumps, hope the toothache is easing.

    Well CLP, what can I say that hasn't already been said. You are one hell of a STAR and a down to earth bloke to boot.

    Well done to all the guys and gals who've lost and are still losing weight.

    Hello to everyone else, haven't had chance to read today's postings on previous blog.

    Pen xx

    Dry and bright here but v v windy. x

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm back. Had a couple of hours kip, back to the nosey nosey grindstone.



  • Comment number 30.

    Hey Ads

    Hope you feel refreshed. Did you have any nice dreams?

  • Comment number 31.


    No Comment



  • Comment number 32.

    That comment requires a comment or else we'll know you did!

    steffi x

  • Comment number 33.

    Is it me or is it hot today?


  • Comment number 34.

    Deevs- must be you... it's brass monkeys here!

  • Comment number 35.

    Deevs...hot here I must say....probably hot where Ads is, wot with his norty dreaming goin on?????!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Damn Hot! (Robbin Williams voice required)

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 37.


    try these...

    westbrooke barns
    fairway view apartment
    old thorn barns, hethel
    waylett, watton


  • Comment number 38.

    really, really hot in Deevs world at the mo.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    steffi cont...

    if not, there are loads of B&B's in and around that area.

    It's all lovely over here though.


  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks Ginge - what a star!
    Steffi x

  • Comment number 41.

    Deevs, hope you got nothing nasty brewing, either that or you're older than you say! lol

    Baz, no guessing what's on the menu at Penny's Palace tonight!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 42.

    What a nice blog from Mr Evans today!

    It's really stuffy in our office - can't wait to get out today....

    Have you got your blur tickets yet Deevs?

    ...oh and can anyone give me advice on how to get rid of woodlice - I seem to have an infestation on my decking...


  • Comment number 43.


  • Comment number 44.


    WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ave just 'eard The Wrightie play Divine Comedy and their 'it 'National Express'!!!!!!!!!!
    And am on the National Express on the M1 'eading for London.... wreet now, sorry now!!!!!!!

    FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only problem unlike az in the song.... nobody offered me a cuppa tea!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    blanche - no blur tix yet. mr deev get home at half four and i'm waiting for him to call me. if no tix or card from the postman (signed for) i'm going to ring the ticket agency today.


    don't need the stress!!!!!


    Deevs x x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    ChrissieS - Let's noot lower the tone of CLP's blog with filth...... The GaGa iz talkin' about McD's sponge cakes when she mentions muffins!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mind you calories in those muffins..... probally more riskay ter eat a McD's muffin!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Everyone,

    Just had to take my daughter to the station. She has gone home. Mum is better now that the tablets have kicked in. Back to the doctor tomorrow.

    Super bp - What a good idea about us bloggers seeing Chris' cars. Do you think Chris ever reads the blog????? It really does take a lot of time, but it's always enjoyable!


  • Comment number 48.

    Actually.... that last sentence, it sounds OUTRAGEOUSLY rude.... didn't mean it that way!!!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Ticket agents - they take your money as soon as you order, sometime 6 months in advance and then charge you postage when they've had your money all that time! Grrrrrr what's that all about then? Cheek or what?

    Deev - hope you get them soon love. Stress could be why your feeling a tad hot and humid?

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 50.

    I think you are a very special man clp!

    I agree re: Ascot - we have cancelled our clinic in Heatherwood Hospital (in ascot) on Friday as neither myself, the consultant or the patients could get in or out!!!


  • Comment number 51.


    Its hot in Liverpool, but luckily we have a computer room where I can escape to, its nice and cold and no one knows you are in there.

    hope you get the tickets soon.


  • Comment number 52.

    Cheers everyone - if all else fails I'll just go to Sarfend on Sunday and become a Damon stalker. I'm sure you'll all bail me out when they issue the injunction ... !!

    Aww Nickster, that sounds great. Used to have one of those where I used to work but sadly now stuck all on my little ownesome in an orange room. Windows open but no breeze. All spotlights too - about 9million watts beaming down on me!

    Very hot indeedy!

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    Spot on, Baz

    Pen x

  • Comment number 54.

    I'm going Greek tonight. Making a moussaka and a Greek salad, with tziki and bread.

    Got the cooking mojo within me this week!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Bingo...you mad dog!!!! How VERY rude of you indeed.....unintentional ay?????

  • Comment number 56.

    I'm goin Italiano - Tricolour salad (toms, avocado and Mozzarella), Spag Bol and Panacotte all washed down with a cheeky Chianti.


    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi Chris.What a lovely thing to do , i bet that lad had a lovely time,Your such a sweetheart, please break down outside my house next time.Great show, love it.xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Deevski and Pen.....sounds like good cookin' tonight then!!!!

    Not sure what Mrs t has lined up....Wednesdays is normally quick and easy, jacket with salad and some kinda chicken....still good...olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil etc etc...

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Steffi,

    Tricolour salad is my favorite, it's great if you use fresh basil - Oh that wonderful smell, reminds me of a holiday I once went on in Portugal. Chianti is great too, but don't over do it!!!

    I must go and listen to Chris, he'll be on soon!

  • Comment number 60.

    Fresh Basil it is Maddie. Enjoy the memory..

    Off to get int he car to join you and others with Christophe.


    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Bingo: filth, me?! Not in a million years! But it is fair to say, there is something just a tiny wee bit rude about the word "muffin"!!

    C x

    P.S. Who are you meeting up with in London? (ahem!)

  • Comment number 62.

    Deev, those TT tickets, do you know which day they're for?

    BTW, Ticketmaster sent me an email to say my TT tickets had been despatched, and included the Special Delivery tracking number on it, which was quite impressive, I thought.

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.


    They are for next Friday, 26th June, pitch standing in Manchester.

    Deevs x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks Deev, I'll ask people around here, as it's only up the road...

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    thanks - appreciate that!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 66.


    I would love to go to the TT concert but I would have to get out of Glastonbury Festival so not a chance! ;-))

    the NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 67.

    You're off to Glasto??! Fan-tas-tic!!!! Never been but it always looks amazing!

    Deevs xx

  • Comment number 68.

    I went in 95, when Oasis and Pulp headlined, t'was great, came home looking like lord knows what, and with the flu LOL! Never again though!!

    Just had a "I DO NOT BELIEVE IT" moment, mad dog has just tried to pee up my leg whilst I was in the garden with him!! Luckily, I got out the way in time...yuck!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.


    any sign of your tickets?


  • Comment number 70.


    Sorry, but I simply don't get the car thing. To me they are just another piece of domestic equipment, just like a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner.

    I consider my car to be just a tool to get me where I want to go, not a status symbol or extension of my personality.

    With the amount of traffic that is on the roads nowadays you are still stuck in the same jams regardless of what car you are driving.

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening ladies

    I have a card from the sorting office to go sign for something ...... so hopefully, just after 9am in the morn, I shall have my Blur tix. You will be the first to know, via this ere blog!

    Fingers crossed!

    Watching Hugh Fearnley Wittingstall on Ch4 - he is wonderful but I have to say that slug fritters and slug satay is an ask too far!

    Deevs x x

  • Comment number 72.


    You are an absolute gem - that wee boy will keep the wonderful memories of today with him for a lifetime!

    Beesmum thanks for your lovely msg and thanks to all for your kind comments on my weightloss.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Mary

    Great to see you back blogging!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Thanks Cheryl xx Wish I could blog more, I really miss being a part of it all.

    Also wish I could take your TT tickets but I am away at the weekend - I'm sure your friend won't have any problem selling them on.

    Mary xx

    AnnieG - hope all went well with your move and you are settled into your new home xx

    Bondy - hope you are doing okay xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Wow - blog's quiet tonight! Not been able to post but have kept up.
    CLP so sorry about Tash's scrape - I would be gutted and you sounded(?) so so sympathetic! Just tin & rubber? - my OH would've given me such a bad time even if it wasn't my fault! I loved your sympathy!!

  • Comment number 76.

    BTW - Darling husband (DH?) just ordered a new car - how topical!

  • Comment number 77.

    I had a bit of a fracas in my yoof with another car after work one eve ......

    OK, I drove into an off-duty policeman who happened to be driving a Golf GTI, and all because I was leaning over to turn the cassette up so I could hear Paradise City better!

    I drove into his rear offside as he was turning into the road I was exiting. The crunch of metal and glass and seeing my little Mini 850 crumpled destroyed me.

    When i got home form work, I rang my boss, in tears, to say I wouldn't be in the following morning as I'd had a car crash (ever the drama queen!!). He asked if I was alright - yes. He then went on to say it's only a bit of glass and metal - they can be replaced. See you in the morning.

    He was one of the best bosses I ever had!!


    Deevs x x

  • Comment number 78.

    Oh Deevski!
    The only accident that might have been down to me (still not sure!) but we'd had to have our luvly doggy put to sleep and had very emotional evenings. I (apparently) drove into the back of a car waiting to turn right (still after loads of years not convinced it was my fault but ........)

  • Comment number 79.

    oh! No-one around it seems. 'Til tomorrow then........

  • Comment number 80.

    Evening bloggers and bloggettes.

    How lovely Chris - you are a sweetie but then of course so are the Walker family for coming to your rescue. Bless.

    Sorry to hear about Tash's incident (whilst I was parked on the M6) was about to phone Sally traffic when we started moving again 5 mph !!!

    Been incident free for longer than I can remember until recently then two at once!! Reversed in to Mr B's bumper - I came off worse! (he got big car!) then parked too close to pillar on Brum blog meet - I came off worse!!!! (last car I hasten to add)

    Just off to catch up on blog msgs hope all been happy but quite a few so may zzzzz and continue tomorrow.

    As Matt says love and peace

    Beezer xxxx

    pee ess spotted you Mary when I logged on - stay with us!!

  • Comment number 81.

    Morning all,

    The sun is shinning hip hip hip hooray!


  • Comment number 82.


    What a beautiful morning in sunny sunny brighton too....


  • Comment number 83.

    Morning My Loves,

    The sun is shinning here too, and the birds are singing - What more do you need?!?

    It's my sister's birthday today and Sir Paul McCartney's - so Happy Birthday to both of you!

    Enjoy your day Everyone.

    Love to you all,

  • Comment number 84.

    And the South Suffolk correspondent says .....


    Blue sky, and the sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray! Even mrssootycat is out on the new patio already, catching some rays, although being jet black from tip to tail I'm not sure how we'll notice her suntan ......

    I have had the most amazing nights' sleep. Have been having trouble sleeping just lately so to turn the lights out at 11 and wake up at half six with the alarm was wonderful.

    To clarify: that's waking up with the alarm clock, not The Alarm, 80s rock band who did 68 Guns. My bed ain't that big!!

    Altho on second thoughts ......


    Could be a wild one today, with a visit or two to the norty step, just to see who's hanging out there.


    x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning Deevs,

    So pleased you had a good nights sleep. I'm off to breath in some of this wonderful fresh air, full of the life force!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Morning Bloggsville, Madcatian, Deevs, blanchebrighton

    Hope you are well.

    Coming home tomorrow Yeeehar,

    Deev, what have you got hanging out?



  • Comment number 87.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Glorious sunshine streaming through the window this morning. Love it.

    Went to watch daughter #1 last night perform in her school performance of Hamlet. Obviously she was brilliant but then I did forget to take off my rose tinted, super-biasedfocal glasses!!

    Can't remember the last time I had a really good nights sleep. Huge downside of shift work I guess?

    Love sb's idea of a blog meet at chris' car collection, wonder what he thinks though?
    Oh and I reckon if sb pushes a bit she could even get her wish of a speech from the chief...

    ...or at least something from him to read out on the day???

    have a slendiferous day mon petit fleurs

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 88.

    Morning all,

    I can report that there is indeed glorious sunshine down here in Devon. I am off at 9:30 to play in a charity golf day so lets hope the sun shines for another few hours yet. :-))

    On the local forecast they are expecting one of the best periods of weather for Glastonbury as well, so fingers crossed. Although I did have to laugh at the possibility that Wimbledon may not get to use their 80 million pound new roof...... you couldnt make it up could you!

    Keep smiling

    the NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Keith - enjoy your game of golf in the sunshine.

    Ads - My mind went there too!!!!!XXXX!!!!!

    Definitely smiling,


  • Comment number 90.

    morning all

    thanks ginge for the support - heres hoping!

    Deev - glad you sleep well

    I also slept okay and woke up in a bright and sunny mood - on the way to work the isplod played the songs i wanted to hear and was full of the joys of spring until ........

    people outside work who were illeagally made redundant - yes i feel sorry for them and yes I know they ahve been treated badly but I cannot help the and I was made to feel very gulity for still having the job I have

    So now I just feel pants!

    Car accidents - I wrote of my nippy corsa and was gutted as that was the first nice car i had ever owned and bought it as a well done to myself for passing my degree

    When my tigra was bashed last year and went away to be mended I wasnt that bothered - dispite the fact i love her - after all - people are much more important!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 91.

    Morning all

    What a happy day, sun's shining here too, just!

    Keith, I heard that about Wimbledon too, still if we get a good summer out of it, it's probably worth the price.

    I slept well for once as well, asleep by 11 and woke up at 5.45, a bit too early, but still a good sleep!

    Need to get on, catch you later

    JG x

    PS - anyone watching Occupation? It's a bit tough, but really good

  • Comment number 92.

    Morning fellows bloggers....

    Keith, remember to keep your head down at golf today, nice weather for it!!

    Brighton, much like everywhere is bathed in glorious sunshine today...again...

    Happy Bday Macca!!!!

    Deevs..The Alarm....68 guns will never die...good tune....BUT...correct, norty step coming up if you carry on with that behaviour.

    Ads, you sound a little happy about returning home....have a safe trip.

    Life is good...British GP Sunday, cricket 20-20 final this w/e, Wimbledon round the corner.....have I forgotten something??


  • Comment number 93.

    By the way....notice that in the pic, CLPs number plate has now been blanked out...wonder if someone got ticked off yesterday for not doing it before posting it on the blog???

  • Comment number 94.

    JG- Occupation, ab fab, really good story line and seems very realistic....that sh1t does actually happen..and JamesN is such a good actor....looking forward to the conclusion tonight.


  • Comment number 95.


    the thing is we all know its CLP's car

    and only the police or DVLA can probably track down CLP's address (ginge you out there?)

  • Comment number 96.

    If Deevs is going to the naughty step, Then who am I to mind about being sent there as well.

    I have nice comfy knees, Every one invited to try them. On Second thoughts, Ladys only.

    I love the summer time, Women always look more fabulous then normal in Summer clothes



  • Comment number 97.

    Morning all

    A lovely sunny day here also.

    TB You forgot the British Lions 1st Test in RSA on Saturday.


  • Comment number 98.


    I think it's more down to not advertising it to all and sundry esp. those who like to damage cars through jealousy or dislike for a celeb????

    Good luck Keith with the golf today and for good weather at Glasto.
    As for the Wimbo roof, well I'm sure over the coming years it'll get the use. However 80m to guarantee sunshine for 2 weeks, gotta be worth it????


  • Comment number 99.

    SBP- I was not aware of his car colour or number plate (new he owned at least one Ferarri tho)...am now ofcourse....thought that he was recently buying a YELLOW supercar....am aware he owns more than one.....perhaps that new one was a Lambo'??

  • Comment number 100.


    ..hear hear, lovin' the white linen


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