Blue Peter steps into the 80s with Simon, Peter and Sarah.
Simon Groom Farmer's boy, superstar DJ and master of Goldie. More >
Peter Duncan Action man with culinary skills and boyish good looks. More >
Sarah Greene The youngest presenter and mistress of the deep. More >

After the departure of Peter Purves and John Noakes Blue Peter struggled to find a winning team. Both Christopher Wenner and Tina Heath stayed with the programme for a relatively short period of time. What was needed was a combination of presenters that the audience could relate to, and that would take the programme into the 80s.
Luckily, the stable hand of Simon Groom was already a regular fixture. Joining Simon was actor Peter Duncan, who despite having his hand bitten off in the film Flash Gordon, soon established himself as the show's action man in the John Noakes mould. Finally, Sarah Greene gave up acting to become the then youngest presenter, and a new dream team was born.
These were the days of Goldie and puppies, Sarah diving to the wreck of the Mary Rose, Simon and Peter as the ugly sisters and a marathon run - all proving that you couldn't fail with a winning formula.