When you've got a big pile of ideas and need to narrow them down so you can focus on a few.
Group the ideas according to how much effort they will require to deliver and by how much impact they have.
- Either gather together the existing ideas or have a brain-storm and make some. Write a name/description of each on a real or virtual small post-it.
- Draw a crosshair graph, nice and large on a real or virtual whiteboard.
- Label the horizontal line "impact" with "low" on one end and "High" on the other. Label the vertical line "Effort" with "High" on one end and "Low" on the other.
- Go through each idea in turn, and as a group decide how much effort is involved and what the impact will be. Place each idea accordingly on the graph.
- If there are still too many ideas to choose from in a cluster then further narrow it down by ranking those ideas on a third dimension (e.g. "originality").
Please note
This method was not concepted at the 大象传媒. If you know the creator please contact the GEL team