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15 October 2014
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Archive List > Childhood and Evacuation

Stories categorised in 'Childhood and Evacuation'. These stories may contain references to other themes.

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Panic on the First Day

At the start of WW2 I was twelve, and just about to start my second year at Plaistow Secondary School in...

Billeted Servicemen

So we saw out the war at our house, but when Dad died of leukaemia in 1941, it was just Mum and...

Early Recollections

Later on, we moved to a basement flat in Roberts St behind Euston Station and during the air raids the rest...

Childhood Memories of D-Day

He turned his wireless up to full volume to enable the school to hear John Snagg announce that our troops...

Photo Gallery
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Photos that were contributed with stories in this category.

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A Roving Potter

During one raid one night, I took shelter with my mum and brother under Silvertown Bridge. Councilmen came...

My Evacuee

My daughter saw the evacuees arrive at the station, she was about 10 years old... I used to make clothes...

Sheffield Bombing

Their house looked over Sheffield and we watched the whole of the bombing. I can remember swimming in a...

Surprise for the Pigs

As a child during the war I lived with my Grandparents at Kings Dyke,we kept two pigs one for home use, one...

Doodlebugs over Middlesex

The unusual sounds it made were brought back to me when I saw the film Operation Crossbow.I remeber the...

Evacuation - from Newcastle

Either I didn't listen too well, or the explanations were too vague, but to my horror and total...

Chesil Beach Vehicle Park

As D Day approached Weymouth was filled with American Troops and a large area alongside the road between...

WW2 A Day on the Beach at Whitley Bay 1940

It was during the August school holidays in the summer of 1940,it seemed to be quite good weather from...

Cheshire Childhood War Memories

Occasionally I accompanyed my father to spot the German bombers overhead on their way to bomb Liverpool. I...

A Glamorous Auntie

One day we were all taken to have our gas masks fitted and tested but I had no idea at the time...

My First Childhood Memory and Saltaire Village

I was born in April 1940 and my mother, father and grandparents lived in a 2-up/2-down cottage on Jane...

Evacuees from Bethnal Green to Caldicoteicon for Story with photo

In September 1940 the bus arrived in our village of Upper Caldicote in Bedfordshire with evactuees from the...

Billy Gibbs the Cat Ate Our Dinner by "Joy"

She had found Billy Gibbs making a rapid exit through the open window with a large piece of liver hanging...

My Experiences as an Evacuee

We went to a small village in South Wales and it was quite difficult to mix with other people in the...


My nan at Chelmsford used to grow a lot of vegetables and fruit and also kept rabbits to eatMy grandad at...

A Bomb falls on Reading

In Feb 1943 a lone plane offloaded its bombs on to Broad Street in Reading, destroying Grassteads Store,...

Going Back

I meet Jim again three months after that and found out that all his family was killed in the bombed air...

War experiences

We had a ggod nosh up of jacket potatoes, mams rice pudding and some cocoa... My brother was in the Royal...

My Most Embarassing Moment: Bristol Blitz

They usually happened as we all were sitting to our evening meal-the main meal of the day-and in many cases...

The Evacuee: A Poem

THE EVACUEE by Arthur E. King....


The first salvage collected earned you the rank of 'Private' and then progression through the ranks...

Remembering D-Day: Sweets from the Americans

Behind our house on what had been a large country estate, called Cadewell Estate, a large American army...

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