It was awful really leaving my Mum, but I had my elder brother with me so it wasn't so bad....
I remember the Germans dropping incendiary bombs around Town fields in Audley... At the weekend, me and my...
Someone had given my mother 2 old coats, from the 1920s, they were long from the shoulder, my mother wanted...
At the age of 5 years old I was evacuated in 1940 from Newcastle upon Tyne to Whitehaven. It was confirmed...
I was 9 years old in June 1944 and had been evacuated from Chelsea London in 1940 to escape the bombs.I was...
I was home from school for some minor illness and when the air raid sirens sounded I went down to the...
Once a German fighter plane was diving towards us and I can remember seeing the flames along the wings as...
I worked in a grocer shop, ran out of flour, sugar, salt and rice in around 1943 - boats couldn't...
People think you were alright in the countryside but when the German planes were flying back or being...
The ‘glow’ in the sky had not been Sheffield steel works it had been our school....
At night-time, if the siren went in the early hours, our family went downstaris to the kitchen, where there...
I lived next door to a bakery which I think was called Blamche's in Belmont Road, Hereford where there...
In October 1939 I was about to start at my new school – Derby Grammar School but as the railway line...
My school Princess May, was officially evacuated to Letchworth, in Hertfordshire. The day after I had been...
The Yanks Come to Town by Bernard MC Cormack...
And suddenly we had bursts of light from torpedos that came from a German submarine, and we saw the ships...
My father Lewis was killed along with his two friends on the 2nd or 3rd March 1944 in Station Road,...
Games of cards, down the air-raid shelter and collecting schrapnel, which was pieces of bombs or rockets......
"Have you got any Gum Chum...?" Childhood Memories of Packmoor, Stoke-on-Trent. They seemed to have...
At Meon Road Infants school at the end of the war we were told that a boy from Europe was coming to...
The Hazel Basket...
We went to the nearest school eventually and I remember two classes from Agnes Road junior girls school...