I remember how the milkman would always stop at the local pub for a quick pint before he completed his...
A lot of my friends had brothers and fathers landing in France. I remember they had some oranges in one of...
Much to my amazement the lorry driver threw me under the truck, the plane then machine gunned the road, and...
Also in June 1940 Mr Caspar organised an outing to Plymouth by coach. It was very wet when we arrived in...
Holidaying with my aunts, uncles and cousins on Margate beach the day 'war broke out' was...
Actually, I suppose I ought to mention his name, my mate then was a Mr Ted Le Gallez, I've heard that...
On September 3rd 1939, at the age of 12, I was evacuated from London to some family friends who lived in a...
To this day I can see my mother standing, silhouetted in the moonlit kitchen doorway; planes droning...
When we got back we found that Dennis's parents had come down to Falmouth to see how he was and they...
We had an Anderson shelter in the garden, my father and a friend put it in, but it flooded... There was a...
It was at this time there was an appeal from the Prime Minister's wife, Mrs Clementine Churchill, for...
Very few people had air raid shelters, my uncle Bob Hart, who was badly disfigured while in the Suffolk...
The siren went in the early evening and Dorothy's Mum, Dad and sister ran up to the Grangefield area....
The planes were coming over Herm, and they were making noises, but it was machine gun noises, and she said...
Now on a distant airfield some German bombers stood, Loaded up with bombs of death, which Germans think are...
Happily, there was no significant use of illegal drugs or binge drinking, girls were regarded by gentlemen...
An incendiary bomb fell and set fire to the roof of the school and damaged the church. Mum remembered the...
Daphne lived on a farm in Brenchley during the war. She has a lot of family history in Brenchley, herself,...
I remember on one occasion the door of the shelter was blown off and also our kitchen door and we were...
There were four of us — my mother who, having fallen in the blackout and smashed her fibia and tibia,...
As a child, during the 1960' and 70's, I would spend a few weeks every summer staying with my...
My dad worked in Liverpool; he was a slater, repairing bomb damage. I got a letter from a British airman...