I remember distinctly how pretty the colour of the aircraft was, the adults were saying it was a Dornier....
In late May of 1944 I was living in Cobham, Surrey near the Portsmouth Road....
I was thirteen years old when War broke out and if the sirens sounded during our lesson time, we had to...
When I was about 11 my mate and I bunked off school and went to Rialto Cinema to see Errol Flynn in...
I was evacuated to Dunoon from Glasgow when I was 13 years old....
Margaret had 3 children during the war Wendy, Harry and Lyn... Margaret claims it was very hard living in...
I was 9 years old when the war started, we lived in Spring Gardens Stockport. In 1943 I saw a large convoy...
I was playing indoors wearing an Australian Bush Ranger hat which a neighbour had given me....
It was a shock to see the shops that had been bombed out and the dummies hanging out of the windows looking...
In 1940 I was evacuated from London with my brother, his two friends and their two sisters. The next lady...
In September 1940, we lived in Lawton Crescent, Hucknall... They were Semi-detached, our house and the...
I remember the bombing of Nottingham, if we looked out of the attic windows we could see the glow in the...
On Tuesday October 3rd 1940 I was playing with my brother outside our house when our neighbour Mrs...
Which is on the boundary of London so bombing was local... Sometimes when my dad was a bus driver in the of...
We had to walk in crocodile down to the Sports Ground and then on to Lovers’ Lane where we sheltered...
I lived in the very small and remote village of Rosslare on the extreme South East edge of Ireland, fifty...
I was about 20 yrs old living in Newcastle, as I remember well I was the first one to see bombs drop...
In August 1944 I was evacuated to 5 Westpark Yeovil in Sommerset. I stayed in a large house with five other...
On one day we were cycling along the road in Earls Colne when all of a sudden I could see a B26...
At this time I worked as a delivery boy age 13 ,as was allowed during the war , for a Baker's Company...
My mum would have been wondering where I was and then when we were on West Avenue we all saw a soldier...
One night my Dad brought me out of the shelter to see the sky which was red all over due to the...