We passed through a village and the French had put out buckets of water and some did give us food, but even...
The way to try and fool the guards was that now, some of the Prisoners-of-War could speak and understand...
At Beaux Aires this was a four cylinder Lister diesel generator, rather than a searchlight lorry. On this...
This insignia can be seen on the arm of a soldier in one of the most widely published photographs of D-Day,...
Suddenly: "Take Post:" The stentorian voice came from the tannoy in front of the guns as Captain...
My Father joined the army in November 1936 aged 18 and was enlisted in the Royal Artillery, based at...
There is no doubt that the Spanish civil war and the bombing of Guernica by the German air force a few...
The thing that puzzled the lad at the time was when the Polish elements were taken prisoner; the German...
The 5th Division landed in and around Syracusa on the east coast with its objective the short northerly...
Brotherstone, Powell and Rumsey Williams, and `young sods' mates, drivers Wheeler, Warhurst and Petty,...
I should imagine there were only about four ships in the harbour of any size, apart from a destroyer, and...
Out of a batch of forty or more applicants at that time from the battalion, just two of us eventually went...
So great was the risk of fire and explosion, that the General in charge of port facilities flew back to...
The Sinking of the Lancastria Stan Scislowski On Monday, June 17, 1940, the Cunard Liner, Lancastria,...
The German aim was for Dietrich's 6th Panzer Army to cross the Maas near Liege and make for Antwerp and...
The landing craft were beaching to the right of the blockhouse and were clearly having trouble with the sea...
He suggested that Stan went along with his brother in law, yet another Smith at Langford Hall, and with Reg...
During one evening in the sergeant's mess, we took part in a long discussion on the various facets of...
No virtually none, we arrived when the Germans had already packed in and there was fighting only some...
She'd been 'naughty' in Brussels and she was well 'advanced' as we moved into Germany...
The main military unit was a Royal Artillery battery of field guns consisting of some of the army's...