Their crews sprang into action and, with great difficulty and resourcefulness, managed to fix a towline...
A stronger hint was the two page schedule of rates of pay for an officer serving with various branches of...
We left the station outside Kenley Aerodrome and arrived at Liverpool dock yard not knowing where we were...
Consequently at about 4.30 p.m. Battalion Headquarters move3 up to Point 640 and 鈥淐鈥 Company...
Whilst clearing up, I emptied everything into one dish and Johnny was bent down washing the plates in a...
We finally met up with John Howard at the bridge and at about 0300 hrs the Germans started their counter...
Lieutenant Murdoch, our signals officer, who had travelled down from battalion H.Q. at Reykjaskoli to...
Seeing England everywhere The deeper we travelled into France, the more I saw England. One of the fellows...
During the five years of war many letters home have reached the Nottingham Journal office from Nottingham...
It was German Officers beer!.. When it left Danzig, it was full of German civilians, Navy Ratings and some...
This did not sound at all good I knew that I had my work cut out to get the Battalion ready, but...
My dad was advised that the safest place for an air raid shelter in our garden at Beaconsfield Road in...
Ossie's friend Cyril Wroe met him because he had been in the dramatic society before the war They had...
That's how we landed on Gold beach when most of our Acre's were already off the beach and on their...
A destroyer was loading men at the end of the Mole, Randolph and I managed to climb down a rope ladder...
His devoted Mum and his lifelong hero his own Dad, to his Brother Arthur and of course his elder Brother...
That's how we landed on Gold beach when most of our Acre's were already off the beach and on their...
The action we were about to take part in was a big one, because the Reichswald Forest was the last major...
Each convoy was led by an officer and the meal lorry by a corporal... In his capacity as the War Office...
All went well until, as Minna wrote: 'He entered upon an indignant accusation against the...
At this point the 1st Army was not yet an army in the full sense of the word, comprising as it did...