This was despite having a younger brother in the Merchant Navy throughout the war mostly on Atlantic...
Anyway they finally got it completed and were able to spend one night in it because we were relieved on 16...
After that we were lying along our defences, on my left were two machine guns which kept us from getting to...
He said that there was no food available on the airfield but a 鈥渃how鈥 wagon would be along in a...
Some time later, with the barrage continuing with unabated fury, and as we bumped slowly and laboriously...
I was driving my jeep accompanied by an officer, and we hadn't got 200 yards into the town before the...
There were no officers or N.C.O's in charge of us, fortunately there were a large number of vessels...
The first exploded about 100 yards short of our guns, the second bomb fell right inside the next gun pit to...
We went all the way down the French coast, past Calais 鈥 the Germans were still in Calais 鈥...
58 years ago Anzio was a small fishing port and holiday resort for the Romans, its claim to fame being the...
It is not often recorded in books written by Officers and other ranks of the Allied forces of the reaction...
ON occasion we were stationed on USAAF 8th Army Air Force bases in Essex and Herts, and the difference, in...
TUESDAY 15TH AUGUST 1944 - Job finishes just hanging around, wrote green envelope to Ethel sent 2 photos....
British and Indian troops had defeated a Japanese offensive during the ferocious defence of Kohima, in...
November 12th: The German sergeant-major gave me some bird picture cigarette cards, which I still have. The...
And we had a club just after the war finished and we had a German band, a dance band - four blokes-...
The German infantry must have been thankful for his enthusiasm... Later I learnt that they told him that...
My mother always greeted us with the news of neighbours鈥 sons who had been promoted to corporals,...
The next morning Lucy was back with one of the officers, it appeared her family wanted representatives of...
To the southwest the Japanese and Netaj Subhash Chander Bose's Indian National Army advanced, up the...
I did not see my friend Cecil Lee until about early June and I asked him when did he leave Dunkirk. Earlier...