I had further duties to perform as orderly and guard sergeant but in the atmosphere of springtime in Egypt...
28/4/45: Went to hospital at 08.00 hrs and took seven bottle of spirit; I got 40 French cigarettes for...
Part 4: Then came the attack for the Rhine and we took ammo of all sorts up to the 15th Scottish Division...
As time wore on and neither side showed any sign of surrendering the village, the infantry officer,...
After a few weeks of these duties at Mildenhall we were all moved to do further guard duties at an internee...
The train from Evreux went as far as Le Mans, where there was a long wait for a train to St Nazaire,...
Most of France, Belgium and Holland were all clear, but at Dunkirk and one or two other places there were...
The plan was to have a tin attached to a loop of wire and dangle this contraption over the embers with a...
On May 23rd we all moved off in the morning, through Trieste and up into the hills not very far from the...
Our next move was to Chagford, a lovely little village in Devon, on the edge of Dartmoor... There was no...
Then we all strolled over to see an ENSA show with mainly Italian actors and actresses and later in the...
Stratford was a pleasant place to be stationed, with a cinema, several decent pubs and of course the...
Eventually however Glasgow was reached, across to Central Station and down via Caledonian to East Kilbride....
Dedicated to Kelda Harrison LAWRENCE'S WAR MEMOIRS: PART 3 Now I must tell you about my dog Pluto... We...
I cannot remember all the casualties our Signal section suffered at Anzio, but would just mention the three...
Some of the lads were sent around the village looking for telephones which they then had to break as the...
The summer was warm and sunny and each morning around breakfast time a huge fleet of enemy aircraft,...
Even the Germans were humane enough to grant him double food rations, such as they were, but unfortunately...
I awoke to find that I had been posted battery orderly sergeant which in the circumstances was a fairly...
Earlier in the year huge floods in Bengal's Damodar Valley put coal mines out of action and interrupted...
We had our food in a tent, which would only hold a 100 and as there was 300 in camp we had...
If the Jerry saw the Union Jack on the water tower, I think he'd have had a lot to say, but the...