I was posted to Palestine with Maintenance 120 MU unit and stationed 10 miles from Tel Aviv at Acca. I was...
Recollections of the battle of Britain by LAC Clarke No. 901301 234-squadron, RAF station Middle Wallop. I...
Whilst I was with Transport Command, 51 Squadron flying between UK and Singapore we landed at Castel Benito...
With no German aircraft in the sky and the Americans from Northern France getting to the German border, we...
My friend Ivor Luscombe and I were collecting food for our pet rabbits near the coast above the Devon...
Bill Younger, my father, was attached as a navigator to 19 Squadron of the SAAF, flying Beaufighters on...
On taking off I felt the aircraft did not have the correct flying attitude and only by sliding the hood...
The Stirling Castle was also a Union Castle Line ship, like the Durban Castle on which I had arrived in...
Many swapped yarns about their exploits but the main thread of the conversation was, "Stick to the...
During the week's after the Normandy Invasion I was with our ATC Squadron on a week's camp at RAF...
My brother Pat was in the Navy as a Chief Petty Officer... Doll, Ida and Marjorie worked in the NAAFE,...
There are two classes in Egypt, the very rich and the very poor, the middle class is practically non...
My Nan Irene Clark some times went to visit him when she had the chance, one time she went to visit him...
Part of RAF Coastal Command operated from the Shetland Islands, using Catalinas to patrol the northern sea...
Mum, known as Fanny, or Faigele was 55 Annie , the oldest daughter, was 31 Lou, the oldest son, was 30...
We started our trips on Sterlings and then went to Feltwell to finish on Lancesters; but Wireless Operator...
This was followed by Elementary Flying Training School at Desford, Leicestershire learning to fly Tiger...
I was 12 year's old and remember the speech by Neville Chamberlain Mum and Dad were upset they kept the...
After seven hours flying on a bombing mission, being shot at from the ground or the air, what did you want...
We had to find a new 'hidey hole'. I recall one memorable character at Detling, George Wooton a...
All our reunions were held at the Offords Clooney and Offords Darcy, just outside Huntingdon... On the...
To assist takeoff and landing it is an advantage for the aircraft to head straight into the wind to achieve...