In July 1943 whilst a prisoner in Stalag 8b, a friend and I escaped through a short tunnel dug beneath our...
First of all we went in with gliders then paratroops and later when the paratroops were cut off we started...
See also more of Peter Dawbarn's stories: Dawbarn meets the Germans Combat 'It's like riding a...
Squiresgate, Silloth, Limavady, Cranwell, Chivenor, Castle Combe, Ein Shemer, Aden, Socotra, Cairo and...
Pilot, F/O Bradley Navigator, John Edmunds Flight Engineer, F/Sgt Richards Wireless Operator, F/Sgt Jock...
Maps of Italian - occupied territory were pre-war or otherwise inadequate; they flew by following railway...
I went into the RAF as a wireless operator and fortunately the only real danger I experienced was when I...
My father had no job at that time so he joined Wilsons bakery and drove an electric bakers van around...
In 1945 Nordhausen was a very small town in the Harz Mountains of Germany. The Nazis had set up a...
When my brother was home on leave, during the height of the war I well remember him saying that the pilots...
Joseph Francis Patrick John McKenna Pilot Officer, 76 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Died 24...
Washing, shaving and showering was to be done in sea water, with bloody awful soap. As your arse is hot,...
I was standing on the road outside Earls Colne Grammar School,waiting for the quarter to four school bus to...
Eric was stationed at Lydda Palestine which was a transport command R.A.F. station, used for transporting...
It was there I befriended Bill Reid,VC, who asked me to write his story, and encouraged me to continue...
He joined the RAF just before the real war started, and was chosen to be a wireless operator... At the time...
There were two wireless ops on the crew, one was the wireless op the other front gunner - I was front...
The requirement was basically for skilled technical personnel, mainly from fighter command, who would be...
In late 1941,recruiting began for Britain's newly forming Airborne Divisions,my Dad saw this as his...
For the memorial, the Parish Council made contact with the families of all the members of the crew and we...
Sgt Brian Hunter, a fellow wop/ag, was doing some cursing as he had left his flying boots back at his...
I joined up just after my 18th birthday and ater the initial 8 week square bashing was sent on a 6 month...