He flew with 144 Squadron from North Luffenham aerodrome. If you couldn't see the runway or the...
I am in another hut from the one I slept in the first night and it has no wireless. Did you hear...
On June 6th 1987 the anniversary of 'D' Day, I drove the restored motorcycle back to the Broadwell...
After the pick-up time was delayed by bad weather, a bird arrived at her loft in East Grinsted at 16.30hrs...
And one day a recruiting officer arrived at Colern in a Fairey Fulmar. Armaments - 8 machine guns, 4 in...
He managed to escape prior to be handed over to the Gestapo and made his way via Yugoslavia to Beirut where...
Which leads me to the Swingate Swingtet, which I was part of, and we played old time, waltzes, tango, rumba...
On the 23 August 1944, I was part of No 7 ARC on attachment to No 22 Aircrew Holding Unit, RAF Kirkham....
The local population kept well away from the prisoners but I noticed a young girl asking for chocolate....
Other large naval ships The Battleship The Prince of Wales, two Battle Cruisers, The Ark Royal and 9...
Fifty Russians with two Guards, then a mere two British Tommys with eight Guards each armed with a rifle...
Our Radio Operator was replying to a challange from our own guns when an American operator cut into the...
I believe that Mr Richardson told me that the son had visited Spain in the war and had met up with German...
Over long lines of communications from the Chindwin River in Northern Burma the Japanese sent in three...
Fifty Russians with two Guards, then a mere two British Tommys with eight Guards each armed with a rifle...
Keeping the Radar functioning in Malta, gave the British valuable strategic information on the movements of...
On the 4th February, 1945, we arrived at Malag & Milag Nord, about twelve miles East of Bremen, having...
My mother told methat after inspecting the new station my father was to leave in an RAF Wellington bomber...
As soon as we were in place, along with as many other airmen as could be gathered together at very short...
It was 800 miles from Gibraltar to Malta and too far for fully armed Spitfires to fly, so 40 Spitfires had...
Mrs Winifred Pepper talking to a UCN Community Volunteer in Kettering, Northamptonshire. I remember pushing...
My story concerns one of my elder brothers, Michael Potier a flight lieutenant in bomber command RAF....