My interest in the website is that I served throughout WW2 in this country and the Far East and would like to make any contribution which might be useful or interesting.
A brief history is: I joined the Territorial Army in 1937, more or less on leaving school, in a local RE Searchlight Company. After a couple of fortnightly camps, I was mobilised for the Munich crisis. This was followed by, I think, 2 more mobilisations (must check), the last of which was the final one before the war.
I was transferred to the RA, as were all Searchlight units, in 1940. I then served in various capacities throughout the Battle of Britain and the Blitz on London in various parts of Kent.
After various courses, I was then posted abroad, to the Far East.
This was followed by a transfer, from the day of it's formation, to REME. Next followed a transfer to the Indian Army. I then served for the rest of the war in Assam and the re-conquest of Burma.
Finally, I sailed from Rangoon in the troopship Derbyshire (Bibby Line) for eventual demobilisation in Essex.