Health matters
Alpes-Maritimes, 22nd of January
I am not too big, although I seem to be growing in fits and starts. One day I am no bigger, and the next I need to buy a new bra! Last week I had to have a blood test for Downs Syndrome. The doctor's secretary phoned me to tell me there was a high probability. With her speaking French very quickly over the phone, and me having to learn some new pregnancy terms I got very upset. Luckily I understood enough to explain that le laboratoire, the lab, should have tested le sang, the blood, against the egg donor's age of 25. "Of course," she said, "so you did." So back they went to the lab.
I asked a French friend to phone la clinique, the practice, to make sure that all was understood properly, and they told her all was ok – what a relief! This is why I want to go home, so that I am understood, and that in itself will make things a lot less scary.I'm not going out as much socially now as I want to avoid catching une maladie, an illness. There is a lot of la grippe, flu, around, and I do not want to catch something that will give me l'asthme, asthma.
Sell and go
We are tied
here until the house is sold. It has been on the market for a month now. This weekend sees the start of many 'properties
abroad' exhibitions around the UK, which we hope will help. Once we have a buyer Ashley will go back to the UK to
house-hunt. I do feel a bit trapped now; just waiting for things to happen is very different to what I am used to. But
je me détends, I relax, and make the most of it; soon I won't have a minute to
Communication problems
Back in the UK, it will be great to pick up the phone knowing I will be able to understand the person on the other end. I also have difficulties in dealing with the post. At times I have to sit down for an hour with the dictionary just to find out what a letter is saying. I have had to fill out lots of forms for ma Sécurité Sociale, my health cover, over here, which has been very difficult at times. But we will get there in the end!
Sent by: Janie
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