Sue's Spain diary
Sue from Bristol has written a diary of her move to Spain, where she and her partner bought a country house. Sadly, after one year in Spain her partner Fred died.
June 2008
A lot has changed in Sue's life over the last two years. She now spents half of her time in England and there is even a new man in her life.
June 03 - May 04
The internal doors are still missing, but the first guests from England are arriving. Sue has to entertain them and keep an eye on the work.
Another year on and Sue is still in Spain. She doesn't know about long-term plans, but for the moment she is content with her life.
Sue gets her first taste of flamenco, something she had been looking forward to since moving to Spain.
Having done nothing but spend money up until now, Sue and Fred turn their attention to making some by buying and renting out a flat.
Sue needs some advice on how to maintain the garden and polishes up her Spanish gardening vocabulary.
Sue and Fred join in the main summer festivities in
With sorting out house and garden and entertaining mainly English visitors and fellow ex-pats, there is little progress in learning Spanish.
After having lived in Spain for over a year, Sue writes her last diary entry and reflects on her move. Did her dream come true?
Sue is back after another year with a diary update. Sadly, it was an extremely difficult year for her.
Back in Spain, Sue enjoys the new extension and pool and takes some time to think about what she wants to do and where she wants to live.
Feb 03 - May 03
Sue writes her last diary entry in England, only hours before the computer is disconnected and boxed up for transport.
It's freezing cold, the house is a mess and the lorry from England doesn't arrive for two days. Still Sue is welcoming the changes to her life.
Sue and Fred need a kitchen, a bathroom, electricity, heating - everything really! They throw themselves into the work with great optimism.
It comes as a surprise to Sue that the sun doesn't always shine in Southern Spain. In fact it's rather cold.
The building work moves into the garden and Sue learns new vocabulary whenever she needs it for each new situation. This way it sticks in her mind.
Sue watches
Sue is deeply touched by the Good Friday procession where statues are carried through the town.
Sue visits England and realises that she considers Spain her home now. Meanwhile, the kitchen is almost finished and visitors start rolling in.
Sep 02 - Jan 03
Sue and Fred buy a country house in the South of Spain with no kitchen or electricity. Here they talk about getting ready to leave England.
Sue's house is put on the market. She's having second thoughts, but it's too late for that! Read how she copes.
With just a couple of months to go, find out how Sue prepares for conversations with local builders, electricians and plumbers.
Sue and Fred are exchanging two houses in England for one home in Spain, going from twelve rooms to just four. Time for a boot sale!
Sue and Fred sign the contract and get the keys. Here they spend a rather uncomfortable first night in their new house.
Sue is amazed how many Brits are planing to do the same as her. Among them is an old friend from school who is going to be her neighbour in Spain.
Sue is feeling a bit sad celebrating her last Christmas at home but is looking forward to some new Spanish customs.
Fred is a musician and sees the move to Spain as an opportunity to concentrate on his song writing. Is there space for a studio in the water tank?
With the date of the move approaching fast it's time to say goodbye to friends - and to Sue's cat Tiger who she's had for 15 years.