Rachel's Blast Diary You are in: North Yorkshire > Blast > Blast Arts 2007  Meet Rachel Wade, this year's Blast! Arts reporter for North Yorkshire. Find out who she is and what she'll be doing.  York-based photographer Suzy Witts takes pics of bands at gigs - Take a look...  Catch up with The Officers after they lay siege to Beached Festival  This was it, the week I'd been waiting for! The Beached Festival in Scarborough.  Rachel gets to grips with this website and hair.  'It was my first day in the office today, and I think I was having way too much fun'  'I'm not usually an outdoors festival girl, but live music is worth it everytime.'  'The first and only time I've been happy to hear my alarm ring at 04:30' You are in: North Yorkshire > Blast > Blast Arts 2007 |