M矛lsean 脵bhlan Ghranaidh

1 cupa flùr plein
¼ punnd blonag
¼ spàin-tì salann
¾ spàin-tì pùdair-bèiceireachd
1 spàin-tì siùcar mìn
50g cnòthan pistachio
½ punnd ùbhlan
Siùcar mìn
Cuir am flùr ann am bobhla leis a bhlonag, salann, pùdair-bèiceireachd agus siùcar. Geàrr na cnothan pistachio ann am pìosan meanbh agus cuir seo dhan bobhla. Cuir mun cuairt gu math e.
Dòirt ann de bhlàthach 's a tha dhìth airson a h-uile sìon a thoirt ri chèile na taois thiugh. Tha còir gun tig i ri chèile na ball.
Air bòrd le beagan flùir geàrr an treas cuid far a bhuill taoise agus glèidh seo airson mullach a mhìlsean.
Rolaig na taoise ann an cearcall feuch am bi cairteal oirleach de thighead innte.
Air d’ fhaiceall a-nis, tog an taois le crann-fuine is cuir i ann am bonn bobhla mìlsean smùidte a chaidh a shuathadh le beagan ime.
Bheir an rùsg far na h-ùbhlan, bheir a-mach an cuairsgean agus geàrr ann am pìosan meadhanach mòr iad. Tha iad seo a' dol dhan bhobhla air muin na taoise le deagh chrathadh siùcar is caineal orra.
Rolaig am pìos taoise a chaidh a chur an dara taobh na bu traithe dhan aon tighead. 'S e seo mullach a mhìlsean. Suathaich oir na taoise sa bhobhla le uisge agus cuir am mullach air a muin. Brùth sìos i ach an coinnich oirean a mhullaich ris a chòrr dhen taois.
Dèan ceann son a bhobhla le pìos pàipear-bèiceireachd agus pìos foil air muin a chèile. Paisg fillean anns a chòmhdaich - fàgaidh sin rùm a leigeas leis a mhìlsean fàs fhad ‘s a tha e a bruich. Tha an ceann seo (foil is pàipear) ga cheangal air muin a bhobhla le pìos sreang is snaidhm teann innte.
Tha am mìlsean ga bhruich a’ suidhe air truinnsear air tòin pana le uisge goileach fad dà uair a thìde. Cum do shùil air a phana eagal ’s gum bi feum aige air tuilleadh uisge, ma bhios e air tiormachadh.
Nuair a tha an ùine seachad bheir an còmhdach far a bhobhla agus tionndaidh am mìlsean a-mach air truinnsear.
Tha seo air leth le uachdar neo reòiteag.
1 cup flour
¼ lb suet
¼ teaspoon salt
¾ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon sugar
100g finely chopped pistachios
½ lb apples
Caster sugar
Put the flour into a bowl along with the suet, salt, baking powder and sugar. Finely chop the pistachios and mix everything together thoroughly.
Now add as much buttermilk as will make a thick pastry that comes together in a ball.
Turn this out onto a board or worktop dusted with flour and chop off roughly a third (this will later make the lid for the dumpling).
Roll out the larger of the pastry pieces to the thickness of about a quarter of an inch. With the help of your rolling pin lower this into a greased steamed pudding bowl.
Peel and remove the core of the apples and then chop them roughly. Now fill the bowl lined with pastry with the apples and a generous sprinkling of sugar and cinnamon.
Roll out the remaining pastry to the same thickness as before. Dampen the edge of the pastry in the bowl with some water and cover with the pastry lid, pressing down to seal the edges.
Place a piece of greaseproof paper on top of a piece of foil and put a long fold in the middle along the length of both. Then wrap these over the top of the pudding bowl securing in place with a piece of string tied tightly in a knot.
Sit a plate in the bottom of a pan with boiling water upon which the pudding will rest. Let the pudding steam for two hours keeping an eye on it and topping up the water if it dries out.
Once the cooking time has passed carefully remove the covering lid and turn onto a plate.
This is delicious served with cream or ice cream.