An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
Back up to: An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Am Bus Rocach/The Wrinkly Bus
26/26 Dave has to keep an eye on Gran while the rest of the Spuds pay a visit to the doctor.
Pluic air Plèana/Spuds on a Plane
25/26 Dave’s first ever plane journey doesn’t quite go to plan.
Am Fear Leum/Flea Man
24/26 Dave and Fuzzypeg the dog get dirty playing at the local dump.
Cuirm-chiùil nan Rodan/Rat Pack
23/26 Tha Pòl airson na drumaichean ionnsachadh. Dave wants to learn to play the drums.
Droch Aimsir/Spud-ageddon
22/26 Tha na Pluic coma mun lorg carboin aca. The Spuds don’t care about their carbon footprint.
Roilig an Roile/Bog Roll Roll
21/26 It’s the biggest sporting event in Grimsby – the annual bog roll roll.
An Còta/Coat
20/26 Dave needs a new coat and luckily Gran knows of one going spare. (R)
Coimpiutair Crostabad Computer
19/26 George finds a computer called Val in a skip. Only trouble is, Val has a mind of her own. (R)
Teaghlach Iomlaid/Exchange
18/26 Fed up with the Spuds, Dave demands to go on a ‘foreign exchange’. (R)
Geamhradh Trà th/Freeze a Jolly Spud Fellow
17/26 Tha a’ ghrian a’ sgoltadh nan creagan sa bhaile. Summer rears its hot head in Grimsby. (R)
Air Chall/Get Lost
16/26 George wins tickets to Notalott House, the local stately home.
Granaidh Choimheach/Were-Gran
15/26 Tha Granaidh feumach air fiaclan ùra. Gran needs new teeth.
14/26 George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine.
A’ Sìor Fhàs Nas Miosa/Growing Pains
13/26 Tha sìol air a thoirt do Phòl airson fhà s. Dave is given a bulb to grow.
A’ Cladhach/Dig
12/26 When Betty insists Dave finds a hobby, he takes up treasure hunting.
Là Spòrs/Sports Day
11/26 Dave is determined to win this year’s sports day, finally making Betty’s dreams come true.
10/26 Anna is practising for the school cycling test.
9/26 Tha caraid shònraichte aig Pòl. Dave gets a girlfriend.
8/26 If Dave had two wishes it would be for Fuzzypeg to smell fresher, and for Gran to be nicer
Ann am Priobadh/Blinking 'Eck
7/26 Tha Beileag ag iarraidh dealbh shnog de Phòl agus Anna. Betty wants a photo of Dave & Anna
Droil is Dòrainneach/Bored Silly
6/26 Gran accidentally wins a board game as a bingo prize.
5/26 Betty takes the Spuds on a cultural day out.
Cho Saor ris a’ Ghaoith/Born Free
4/26 George takes Dave camping - what could go wrong?
Cho Còir ri Muc-mhara/A Whaley Good Time
3/26 Fuzzypeg the dog eats the Spuds’ fish supper.
2/26 Dave rescues an endangered donkey from the docks.
Cailean Crosgag/A Starfish Called Gareth
1/26 The Spuds take the camper van on holiday and end up at the bottom of the sea.