An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud Series 1 Episodes Available now

Air Chall/Get Lost
16/26 George wins tickets to Notalott House, the local stately home.

14/26 George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine.

A’ Sìor Fhàs Nas Miosa/Growing Pains
13/26 Tha sìol air a thoirt do Phòl airson fhà s. Dave is given a bulb to grow.

A’ Cladhach/Dig
12/26 When Betty insists Dave finds a hobby, he takes up treasure hunting.

Là Spòrs/Sports Day
11/26 Dave is determined to win this year’s sports day, finally making Betty’s dreams come true.

10/26 Anna is practising for the school cycling test.

9/26 Tha caraid shònraichte aig Pòl. Dave gets a girlfriend.