Paul Ashbury
Paul falls straight to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow but snores very loudly and it’s driving his partner Clare to distraction.
Fact title | Fact data |
Age |
Occupation |
Lorry Driver
Sleep disorder |
Extreme snorer
But Paul also wakes up feeling exhausted and is tetchy during the day. He catches up on sleep after work by napping on the sofa, in the bath and has even been known to fall asleep on the floor.
He says he’s been feeling like this for the past 15 years but has been in denial and only recently admitted he had a problem when Clare played him a recording of his snoring. More worryingly Paul is a delivery driver and often feels tired behind the wheel – he has to have the window open so the fresh air can keep him awake. He’s worried he may one day fall asleep at the wheel and kill someone.
Jason and Kirstie discovered Paul had potentially fatal Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and could stop breathing for up to 25 seconds at a time. He was banned from driving whilst they dealt with the problem but using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine they’ve given him back a good night’s sleep.
To be honest I feel like I have a new lease of lifePaul
His sleep is still monitored to ensure he’s safe to drive but since the treatment’s started he’s lost over half a stone, has more energy and is now training to be an HGV driver. As he says ‘to be honest I feel like I have a new lease of life’.