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Patrick Guetti

Bass from USA - 31 years old

Patrick Guetti

I’m a native of New Jersey, and received a Bachelor of Music degree in Musical Theatre and Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from The Catholic University of America.

I was a 2014 grand prize winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, received a 2014 Sarah Tucker Grant from the Richard Tucker Foundation, and gained first prize in the Gerda Lissner competition in 2015.

Highlights of previous seasons include my debut with the Glyndebourne Festival as the Nightwatchman (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg), Police Inspector (Der Rosenkavalier) with Lyric Opera of Chicago, Sparafucile (Rigoletto) with Wolf Trap Opera, and Sciarrone (Tosca) with the LA Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl.

I returned to Lyric Opera of Chicago in the 2018/19 season as Fafner (Siegfried). I also appeared at Opera Philadelphia as Snug (A Midsummer Night’s Dream).

The 2019 – 2020 season sees my European debut as I join the ensemble at Deutsche Oper Berlin, performing Osmin (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia), the King (Aida), Tom (Un ballo in maschera), and the Mayor (La forza del destino).

I try to take care of myself through physical training (especially using Kettlebell weights) and eating healthily. I have passions for sparkling water and coffee. My pathway to opera and song began in musical theatre and that’s never far from my heart.

Patrick Guetti

Bas, 31 oed, UDA

Brodor o New Jersey ydw i, ac enillais radd Baglor mewn Cerddoriaeth ym maes Theatr Gerddorol a gradd Meistr mewn Cerddoriaeth ym maes Perfformiad Lleisiol ym Mhrifysgol Gatholig America.

Enillais brif wobr Clyweliadau Cyngor Cenedlaethol y Metropolitan Opera yn 2014, derbyniais Grant Sarah Tucker 2014 gan Sefydliad Richard Tucker, ac enillais y wobr gyntaf yng nghystadleuaeth Gerda Lissner 2015.

Mae uchafbwyntiau’r tymhorau a fu yn cynnwys fy ymddangosiad cyntaf gyda G诺yl Glyndebourne fel y Gwyliwr Nos (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg), Arolygydd yr Heddlu (Der Rosenkavalier) gyda Lyric Opera Chicago, Sparafucile (Rigoletto) gyda’r Wolf Trap Opera, a Sciarrone (Tosca) gyda’r LA Philharmonic yn yr Hollywood Bowl.

Dychwelais at Lyric Opera Chicago yn ystod tymor 2018/19 fel Fafner (Siegfried). Ymddangosais gydag Opera Philadelphia hefyd fel Snug (A Midsummer Night’s Dream).

Yn ystod tymor 2019 - 2020, byddaf yn ymddangos yn Ewrop am y tro cyntaf pan fyddaf yn ymuno â’r ensemble yn Deutsche Oper Berlin, yn perfformio Osmin (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia), y Brenin (Aida), Tom (Un ballo in maschera), a’r Maer (La forza del destino).

Byddaf yn ceisio gofalu amdanaf fi fy hun drwy wneud ymarfer corff (unrhyw beth sy’n defnyddio Kettlebells yn enwedig) a bwyta’n dda. Rydw i wrth fy modd gyda d诺r pefriog a choffi. Y byd theatr gerddorol oedd man cychwyn fy llwybr tuag at opera a chanu – ac mae hynny'n agos iawn at fy nghalon o hyd.

Patrick Guetti (bass) from USA ROUND 2 2019

Patrick Guetti performs "Bottom鈥檚 dream" from A Midsummer Night鈥檚 Dream by Britten


Main Prize Concert
La calunnia Il barbiere di Siviglia Rossini
Wer bist du, K眉hner Knabe Siegfried Wagner
Bottom鈥檚 dream A Midsummer Night鈥檚 Dream Britten
Un ignoto tre lune or saranno I masnadieri Verdi
Main Prize Final Concert
Wer bust di K眉hner Knabe Siegfried Wagner
Il lacerato Spirito Simon Boccanegra Verdi
Solche hergelaufne Laffen Die Entf眉hrung aus dem Serail Mozart
I bought me a cat Old American Songs Copland
Song Prize Recital 1
Verrat Op 105 No 5 Brahms
Der Tod und das M盲dchen D531 Schubert
Der Atlas 厂肠丑飞补苍别苍驳别蝉盲苍驳 Schubert
Der Schiffer D536 Schubert
The Tale of the Oyster Cole Porter