
Management Organisation

This topic describes the way that safety management is organised in the 大象传媒. It should be read in conjunction with the information on individual responsibilities.

Updated: 21 March 2024


In general, safety management responsibility cascades through the organisation's management structure though specific tasks may be delegated.

大象传媒 Board

The Board is the sovereign body within the 大象传媒 and is the guardian of the licence fee revenue. The main roles and duties of the Board, of relevance to H&S management, include:

  • Setting the overall strategic direction of the 大象传媒 including its priorities;
  • Assessing the performance of the Executive Committee in delivering the 大象传媒鈥檚 services and activities, and holding the Executive Committee to account for its performance;
  • Where appropriate, conducting investigations into any activity of the 大象传媒 which it has grounds to suspect does not comply with requirements. 


  • Has overall management responsibility for H&S at the 大象传媒
  • Sets out the overall intent of the 大象传媒 through the Safety Policy statement
  • Appoints an Executive Director to lead on H&S
  • Seeks assurance that key risks bought to their attention are properly addressed
  • Takes assurance about on-going management of H&S through the Executive Committee

Executive Committee

The 大象传媒 Executive committee is the executive body of the 大象传媒 and is responsible for managing the 大象传媒 and its day-to-day operations across the organisation, although certain of its functions are delegated to sub-committees. The Committee comprises of executive directors from within the 大象传媒. It is chaired by the Director General. 

In relation to H&S the Executive Committee is accountable for

  • Ensuring compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements placed upon the 大象传媒 (except to the extent that they relate to the affairs of the Board);
  • Accountable to the Board for its own safety performance and the safety performance of the 大象传媒 and its subsidiaries;
  • Ensuring that the Corporation has access to appropriate and adequate sources of competent H&S advice;
  • Ensuring the establishment of effective Organisation and Arrangements for H&S management;
  • Communicating, promoting and championing H&S issues as appropriate;
  • Ensuring that the 大象传媒鈥檚 commercial arm carries out business in a way that is compatible with the Charter, Agreement, general law and the highest standards of financial management and control, including risk management;
  • It may delegate any function to other Boards and Committees including the OpsCo;
  • It monitors performance through a 1/4ly report sponsored by the Executive Director with responsibility for leading on H&S.

Executive Director with Responsibility for Health and Safety

The Chief Operating Officer leads for health and safety on behalf of the Executive Committee. The named director is responsible for:

  • Keeping the Executive Committee informed of, and alert to, significant health and safety issues and initiatives that affect the Corporation;
  • Advising the Executive Committee on any problems with access to appropriate and adequate sources of competent H&S advice;
  • Providing a quarterly safety performance report to the Executive including information on:
  • Work-related ill-health statistics and trends
  • Review of significant accidents and incidents
  • Review of key risks and H&S issues
  • Sponsoring the annual review of health and safety performance as presented in the Annual Report
  • Chairing or appointing the chair of the Corporate Consultative Committee for Health, Safety & Welfare, the strategic consultative body with the Unions.
  • Chairing or appointing the chair of the 大象传媒 Safety Committee

大象传媒 Operations Committee

The purpose of the 大象传媒 Operations Committee supports the Executive Committee in monitoring and assessing operational risks and to deliver against the strategic direction of Executive Board. H&S is part of the management function of the Operations Committee but it clearly has a wider focus management function. It is responsible for the H&S functions that the Executive Committee is accountable for. The Executive Director leading for H&S is the Chair of the Operations Committee.

大象传媒 Audit & Risk Committee

The core purpose of the Committee is to review and maintain oversight of the 大象传媒's corporate risks particularly with respect to financial reporting, internal control and risk management. It receives a report on progress against audit recommendations, including those relating to Health and Safety.

大象传媒 Safety Committee (BSC)

BSC has been established under the delegated authority of the Executive Committee with the purpose of developing and managing the 大象传媒鈥檚 Occupational H&S Risk policies and strategy. It is the focal point for health and safety management compliance, and issues raised through each of the Divisions鈥 Management Board Meetings and Safety Committees. 大象传媒 Safety Committee is chaired by the Head of Safety (SSR) and its membership comprises of Senior Managers from within the Divisions. BSC meets quarterly. Its role is to :

  • Ensure that there is a co-ordinated approach across Divisions.
  • Approve strategy for compliance with health, safety and environmental legislative and other requirements
  • Approve policies and guidelines
  • Set objectives, standards and targets to improve health and safety and environmental risk management
  • Approve and monitor progress of the strategic action plan
  • Review significant failures and monitor remedial actions
  • Review independent audit reports and endorse actions.
  • Taking information back to the divisions as necessary

Consultation and Communication

The Corporate Consultative Committee for Health, Safety and Welfare (CCCHSW)

The CCCHSW is established for the purpose of consultation at national level to plan, implement and monitor health, safety and welfare arrangements. The CCCHSW members include safety representatives from the recognised trade unions, and members of the 大象传媒 Safety Committee and other managers as needed. The CCCHSW is not a statutory H&S committee as it has a wider remit. It is chaired by the Head of Safety (SSR)

Union Safety representatives have a role in representing all staff not just Union Members. The role of the committee is to:

  • Promote co-operation on matters of health, safety and welfare of 大象传媒 staff.
  • To have a strategic forum for consultation on HS&W matters
  • To allow an exchange of information on health, safety and welfare arrangements
  • To allow discussion on the implementation of initiatives and the review of performance

Managers should involve safety reps in the investigation of accidents, in risk assessment, safety inspections and any forums, including divisional safety committees.

Communication of Safety Information

Safety information is communicated in a wide variety of ways recognising that our staff may be working anywhere in the world. For example: 

  • Safety Hub 鈥 completed risk assessments can be viewed by anyone with a 大象传媒 IT account;
  • Accident reports are shared with relevant people automatically. Safety representatives can view every accident report on Safety Hub;
  • Health & Safety Information Pages (this website) available via the internet without access control and selected information via 鈥渁pps鈥 to registered mobile devices provides Safety Guidance and Policy;
  • Through divisional Safety Committees;
  • Team meetings and through routine communication between staff and line managers or the managers responsible for a particular activity;
  • Training 鈥 face to face and online.

Group and Divisional Boards

The 大象传媒 is divided into a number of 鈥済roups鈥 and 鈥渄ivisions鈥. The sizes, names, and numbers of groups and divisions change periodically. The terms should be interpreted as meaning 鈥渕ajor organisational units of the 大象传媒鈥. They are each headed by a management boards but have a key role in H&S to:

  • Establish Group and Divisional Organisation & Arrangements for effectively managing health and safety including establishing
    appropriate H&S Committees;
  • Establish communication and consultation arrangements with staff, including where appropriate, local union safety committees /representatives;
  • Maintain a divisional risk register listing all significant health & safety risks and controls and a single point of responsibility for each;
  • Set Group and Divisional H&S targets and objectives aligned to corporate objectives;
  • Monitor the progress of Group and Divisional safety action plans;
  • Nominate individuals with specific safety duties;
  • Nominate a senior leader/Director as the accountable representative on the 大象传媒 Safety Committee;
  • Monitor general H&S performance through quarterly reports.

Divisional Safety Committees

Divisional arrangements should allow for the establishment of a Divisional H&S committee to act as a focal point for H&S. A template terms of reference for this committee is available in the section of this page.

Divisional safety committees have a key role to

  • Develop H&S Action Plans to meet divisional objectives;
  • Monitor the production and regular review of risk assessments;
  • Develop a programme of active monitoring (visits, checks and inspections);
  • Establish divisional lead(s) for accident and incident investigation. Review and ensure findings from significant investigations is discussed.

Subsidiary Organisations

  • 大象传媒 Studios and 大象传媒 Studioworks are subsidiary companies and are separate employers insofar as UK H&S legislation applies.
  • 大象传媒 Studios has its own H&S Policy. 大象传媒 Studioworks operates within the 大象传媒 H&S Policy.
  • 大象传媒 Studios has chosen to adopt the 大象传媒鈥檚 systems and standards for managing safety and health and may be considered to be a 鈥渄ivision鈥. Other companies completely or partially owned by the 大象传媒 have their own policies and arrangements. Governance will differ depending on the constitution of each organisation but the Executive Board can expect to retain some responsibility for the safety performance of subsidiaries.

Strategic Service Partners/Providers

The 大象传媒 has a number of strategic outsourced contracts

  • Facilities Management
  • Distribution
  • Information Technology
  • Licence Fee Collection
  • Part of HR function including Occupational Health Provision
  • Play-out

These organisations are responsible for their own H&S management and in some cases manage risks on behalf of the 大象传媒. They are subject to a variety of contract and monitoring requirements.

More from SSR

  • Your platform to record accidents, risk assessments, assurance monitoring and inspections
  • Safety Equipment Stores

    Just one number to call: 020 3614 5155
  • 大象传媒 Safety Guidelines

    An A-Z of 大象传媒's Health and Safety Guidelines
  • Safety Advice Line: 0370 411 0464 Email: safety@bbc.co.uk

About this site

This site describes what the 大象传媒 does in relation to managing its health, safety and security risks and is intended for those who work directly for the 大象传媒.

It is not intended to provide instruction or guidance on how third parties should manage their risks. The 大象传媒 cannot be held liable for how this information is interpreted or used by third parties, nor provide any assurance that adopting it would provide any measure of legal compliance. More information

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