Carsaig again
Posted: Tuesday, 16 October 2007 |
Love the shot from inside the cave! Did you get very wet? And the columnar basalt - nature's architecture, indeed. Thanks again MM for great pics.
Jill from EK
Jill; I actually managed to stay dry - was able to sneak in at the side of the spray - although the pic does show a droplet on the lens! Poor camera - got dropped on the ground at Edinburgh Zoo, had to remove the "eyelids" on the lens to get it to work. Also had a teapot dropped ion the LCD screen - got a big crack in it. Now it gets wet.!! Still works though, as you can see - good old Finepix!
MM from Tob
My husband was carrying his camera in the case and accidentally pressed the On button (without knowing). When he came to take the camera out later, the lens had moved out but not straight, so that the telescopy bits were jammed at an angle. He managed to force them back straight again. However, we don't go in for teapot throwing here so that's one hazard avoided!
Jill from EK
Gosh! And there was me complaining about a few blobs on's never been teapotted!
Flying Cat from Teapotting - an Olympic sport
Methinks this needs a bit of further elucidation lest there be weird images of flying teapots that Bertrand Russell would have been proud of.... Actually the truth is so prosaic and ordinary: Teapot was temporarily seated on top of toaster to make a bit more room in the kitchen (honest, it gets that bad at times). Camera (face down) sat beside toaster. Due to the hi-jinks of either a) my 2 year old b) my 4 year old or c) my wife, teapot took a dive from toaster and assaulted the camera. However, Finepix takes it in its stride and emerges, still capable of taking a photie or two! Treat them mean, keep them keen......
MM from Zone of the killer teapots
I notice that you are nowhere in the frame for the teapot incident. You were in another room at the time? Just as well it wasn't one of those big metal ones as used for mass catering. Even Finepix would have had a problem with one of them...not to mention the tea inside it...and the leaves...
Jill from EK
It's very brave to include the spouse in the list of suspects indulging in high jinx...
Flying Cat from an admiring glance
The picture from behind the waterfall is great. Thought crossed my mind, how long do you think that waterfall has been there for - 1000s of years?
steven milloy from KILMARNOCK
Hi! Mountain Man, I just love your blog page, I was born and brought up on Mull and left when i got married (stupid me hu!) but i visit your page and i get so home sick you wouldn't believe but you show me pictures of things i never seen as a child, things you really don't look at or appriciate as a child because it's on your door step i suppose! so thank you for sharing your trips and adventures with us all they are really beautiful as is the whole island as i remember it.
Ruth Cameron from West Lothian
Ruth, thanks for the comments and I know exactly what you mean. I am not from Mull (although I am married to someone who is!) - I was brought up in the shadow of the Ochil Hills. Yet there are places there that I have never been to, that people have occasionally asked me about! I was always heading off to the Highland hills and places like that. One of the things about Mull is that it has such a convoluted coastline that there is a huge amount of territory to explore. And in different types of weather at different times of the year, it can all look so different! Glad you enjoy the blog. Bye for now
James (MM) from Tob